In publica commoda


Converted Tongues: Articulation, Incorporation, and the Recitation of the Qu'ran in Berlin

Title of the event Converted Tongues: Articulation, Incorporation, and the Recitation of the Qu'ran in Berlin
Series Musikwissenschaftliches Kolloquium: Musik-Macht-Körper
Organizer Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar
Speaker Lisa Brusius
Speaker institution King's College London, Department of Music
Type of event Kolloquium
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Date Start: 04.07.2018, 18:00 Uhr
Ende: 04.07.2018 , 19:30 Uhr
Location Accouchierhaus (Kurze Geismarstraße 1)
Hörsaal R.101
Contact 0551 39-5071
External link
File attachment Poster_SS18.pdf