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Perception of Particulars and General Thought

Title of the event Perception of Particulars and General Thought
Series Vortragsreihe: Philosophische Wintervorträge
Organizer Philosophisches Seminar
Speaker Prof. Dr. Bill Brewer
Speaker institution King's College, London, Department of Philosophy
Type of event Vortrag
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details Early Modern empiricists notoriously struggle to account for general thought in terms of their imagist theory of ideas. Yet many contemporary theories of perception effectively do the reverse and attempt to account for the perceptual presentation of particular worldly things in terms of something very like general thought: the content of perceptual experience. My aim here is to question whether this current orthodoxy concerning perception might be subject to analogous challenges to those facing the historical empiricists’ imagist theory of thought.
Date Start: 24.01.2018, 18:00 Uhr
Ende: 24.01.2018 , 20:00 Uhr
Location Auditorium (Weender Landstraße 2)
Hörsaal AUDI 11
Contact 0551 39-4722