Press release: Scientific cooperation network

Nr. 236/2017 - 24.11.2017

Intercultural German Studies Department at Göttingen University strengthens collaboration with China

(pug) Göttingen University is looking to improve collaboration with its Chinese partners in Intercultural German Studies. The German-Chinese Institute for Intercultural German Studies and Culture Comparison (DCIIKG) has renewed collaborative work with its Chinese counterpart at Nanjing University. Cooperation with the German Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University is also being ramped up. The related contracts were signed in China by Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Göttingen University’s Vice President for International Affairs.

The partners are also planning to establish a Scientific Cooperation Network. Within this framework, the aim is to intensify the existing bi- or trilateral programmes of the participating institutes, whilst setting up new ones. Alongside joint teaching and research projects, this expansion encompasses exchange programmes for guest researchers, visiting scholars, doctoral candidates and students. Existing programmes, such as the successful Double Degree Master’s Programme “Intercultural German Studies Germany – China" and the guest lectureship "Cultures in Contact – Artists in Residence", are being developed further. The "German Excellence" language teaching programme is being expanded for students of social sciences and cultural studies at Nanjing University who are steering towards a doctorate in Germany. The demand for this programme has increased significantly – Nanjing University is establishing a permanent doctoral position for Göttingen graduates of the degree programme Intercultural German Studies Germany – China.

The founding of the DCIIKG in Göttingen and its partner institute in Nanjing dates back to an agreement between the Intercultural German Studies Department at Göttingen University and the Institute for German Language, Literature and Cultural Comparison at Nanjing University in the spring of 2005. The respective institutes are dedicated to comparative and intercultural issues concerning Germany and China in research, teaching and practice, especially in the areas of linguistics, literature, cultural studies, methodology and didactics. Graduates of the degree programme are in great demand both in Germany and in China. Further information can be found at

Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Vice President for International Affairs
Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone +49 (0)551 39-13110