Erasmus+ Green Travel

Increased travel surcharge for the programme year 2022

Students and graduates travelling to Germany from partner countries (incoming mobilities, excluding regions 13 and 14) or from Germany to the corresponding partner countries (outgoing mobilities) can apply for a travel allowance for “Green Travel”. Sustainable means of transportation are car-pooling (at least 3 persons), bus, train or bicycle. Non-sustainable means of transportation are airplanes and cars (individual travel). Other means of transportation will be checked by the Göttingen International Department on request.

The following table by the DAAD provides information on the promotion of sustainable travel to and from universities, i.e. climate-friendly travel using low-emission means of transport:

Table KA 171_Sustainable Travel

Furthermore, people are entitled to additional days of support if they need more time for their trip due to the use of low-emission means of transport. As part of individual support, up to six additional travel days can be funded to cover additional costs incurred. In contrast, only up to two travel days can be financially supported if non-environmentally friendly means of transport were used.

To apply for support, the person receiving support must submit a declaration of honour. The decision to provide additional support is made on an individual basis, taking the distance into account. Here you can find the Distance Calculator on the Erasmus+ website.

Increased travel surcharge for the programme year 2022

The academic and administrative staff (both incoming and outgoing, excluding the regions 13 and 14) can generally apply for a travel allowance for “Green Travel”. Sustainable means of transportation are car-pooling (at least 3 persons), bus, train or bicycle. Non-sustainable means of transportation are airplanes and cars (individual travel). Other means of transportation will be checked by the Göttingen International Department on request.

The following table by the DAAD provides information on the promotion of sustainable travel to and from universities, i.e. climate-friendly travel using low-emission means of transport:

Table KA 171_Sustainable Travel

Furthermore, people are entitled to additional days of support if they need more time for their trip due to the use of low-emission means of transport. As part of individual support, up to six additional travel days can be funded to cover additional costs incurred. In contrast, only up to two travel days can be financially supported if non-environmentally friendly means of transport were used.

To apply for support, the person receiving support must submit a declaration of honour. The decision to provide additional support is made on an individual basis, taking the distance into account. Here you can find the Distance Calculator on the Erasmus+ website.


International Office
Education and Mobility Programmes
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen
Plan of Site
