Erasmus+ KA 171 - Information for Students (Outgoing)

For interested students

    The programme is aimed at all regularly enrolled students and doctoral candidates at the University of Göttingen. Unlike the KA 131 programme line, this is a specific cooperation with universities worldwide, which is why it is only possible to apply for places that have already been allocated. Therefore, please refrain from submitting applications that have not been agreed upon.

    As the requirements vary, please refer to the respective calls for further information on the specialisation, study level and more precise deadlines. If you would like to apply, please contact us at the e-mail address or contact your academic advisor. If you are eligible for the funding programme and the place, we will inform you directly about the further application process, which documents you need to submit and what else you need to consider.

    Please note that Erasmus+ also funds internships completed abroad. The so-called student mobility for internships is open to Bachelor's and Master's students as well as graduates, provided they have applied in the last academic year, and doctoral students. The mobility phase can last between 2 and 12 months, in the case of short-term or blended mobility for doctoral students 5 to 30 days.

The mobility can also be organised as a so-called ‘blended mobility’, meaning a combination of physical mobility and a virtual component which makes a shorter mobility possible. The latter enables better teamwork and an online learning exchange. It should be noted that the ‘virtual’ days are not financially supported and do not count towards the Erasmus+ quota.

For the so-called long-term mobilities for study or internship purposes or as part of doctoral mobility, the virtual component is optional and has no time limit. In the shorter ‘blended’ format, on the other hand, it is mandatory, but also has no time limit. For all three forms of mobility mentioned, a 5-30 day mobility would be combined with the virtual component.

For Erasmus+ funded students

Outgoing students that go abroad for their studies or an internship generally receive Erasmus+ funding of EUR 700 per month, plus a lump sum for travelling expenses. This varies depending on the programme country; the so-called Distance Calculator is used for the calculation. When and how the funding is paid out depends on the respective programme country, but we will inform you in due time about the planning. After a successful application, additional funding for social inclusion (Social Top up) as well as sustainable travel (Green Travel) can be applied for.

Please contact us early on at our email address

You can obtain information from your Erasmus+ programme officer and the host university. Please note that the application procedures at the partner universities may vary.

The Learning Agreement serves as a sort of contract for your studies and is a mandatory document for an Erasmus+ funded stay. The Learning Agreement contains the courses you wish to attend abroad and the courses you wish to have recognized in Göttingen. A complete and therefore valid Learning Agreement contains signatures of the following persons: participants, programme representative or authorised person from the home faculty and contact person at the partner university. Further information can be found in the guidelines of the Erasmus+ website.

Please note that the usage of the Learning Agreements is obligatory. In case of questions and problems during your preparation of the document, please approach our International Office via email:

All scholarship holders are covered by a central group insurance policy (health, liability, accident and assistance insurance), which is organised centrally by the project coordination team of the institution. Participants must have adequate insurance cover. The insurance costs (approx. EUR 1.50 per day) are deducted from the individual support.

The Erasmus+ KA 171 Grant Agreement is the binding grant agreement and contains all relevant information on the conditions of the Erasmus+ KA 171 grant. You will receive a copy signed by the Göttingen International Office for your records only after submitting a complete Online Learning Agreement (see above).

Please refer to the respective call for the language skills required for your stay abroad, as the requirements vary depending on the university cooperation. You can find preparatory language courses with the possibility of obtaining a certificate and proof of your stay abroad on the website of the so-called ZESS, the centre for languages and key qualifications of the university. Certificates of language courses taken or special language tests can also serve as proof (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS).

Students from other subjects can often also take part in the language courses of the philological subjects at the University of Göttingen - this is particularly useful for languages that are not offered as standard at the ZESS. Please contact the lecturers of the respective philology.

Certificate of Arrival

After your arrival at the host university, please have the Certificate of Arrival issued and forward it to us via email at The first instalment of your grant can only be prepared for payment once this document has been received.

Revised Learning Agreement

You can make changes to your Learning Agreement for students up to 5 weeks after the start of your studies at the partner university. It is important that all parties involved at the home and host universities are informed of the changes and formally agree to them.

Certificate of Stay

During the agreed study period, you are enrolled at the host university and attend courses there. The Erasmus+ funding period only includes the period in which you are required to be on site for academic purposes - from the orientation days to the last examination. This will be confirmed by the host institution in the Certificate of Stay at the end of your stay.

After your stay, you must submit the confirmation of your stay, the Transcript of Records and complete the online EU Survey.

Checklists & Documents

    Preparation, leave of absence, recognition - there is a lot to consider when studying abroad. Our A–Z of Planning a Stay Abroad is there to support you.

    The so-called Diploma Supplement serves to simplify the recognition of qualifications within Europe. This makes it easier to compare students' qualifications and degrees and to recognise the skills they have acquired. The aim is to make it easier to study or work abroad. However, the Diploma Supplement does not replace the degree certificate or a CV, but is a supplementary document.

    If you want to have the Diploma Supplement issued, please turn to us at our email Further information can be found on the EU website; furthermore, here you can find a link to an official template, from which you can gather everything included in the document.


International Office
Education and Mobility Programmes
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen
Plan of Site
