Key competence module: "Organisation of a local iGEM team" (6 C, 7 WLH) [M.Bio.160]

Learning outcome, core skills: The students organize all aspects of a scientific project.
They learn how to

  • set up an iGEM team
  • define a project
  • acquire sponsoring
  • organize public relations
  • relate to legal authorities and the faculty

    • Examination requirements: Self-dependent organization of a scientific project from project definition to execution and motivation of coworkers

      Examination: Term paper (max. 20 pages)
      Prerequisite for examination: constant and active participation, composition of a sponsoring portfolio

      Selection options

      Admission requirements
      At least one core module has to be passed.

      Recommended previous knowledge

      Number of repeat examinations permitted

      Module applicable in the following degree programmes
      MSc Microbiology and Biochemistry

      Course frequency
      each summer semester, January to October

      January to October


      Maximum number of students
      by availability

      180 h (98/82 h, Attendance time/Self-study time)

      Person responsible for module
      Prof. Dr. Stülke