10 Years Creativity and Studies: Sponsored projects (2013-2023)
As part of the "Creativity and studies" programme, the University and the AKB Stiftung presented awards to interesting and interdisciplinary concepts.
The programme is made possible by the AKB Stiftung (the charitable foundation of the family of Carl-Ernst Büchting), which together with the University has established a fund for realising prize-winning projects.
The sponsorship offers students from many areas and from outside the University of Göttingen as well the opportunity to realise creative and unconventional projects at home and abroad.
Anna-Luise Lehmann and Jakob Kewitzki: Probenwochenende „Camerata Medica Göttingen“
Lara Döring, Paula Tavener, Antonia Elisa Gudat and Madeleine Kampczyk: ZAK! - Zeitportal Antike Kulturen: Ein studentisches Gruppenprojekt zur Erstellung und Durchführung von interaktiven Geschichtsworkshops für Kinder und Jugendliche im Rahmen einer Kreativwerkstatt
Hannah Nyasha Löhmann Yamegni and Turakella Editha Leonard Gyindo: PAMOJA
Alexa Beaucamp: Schulwald Carolinum
Maximilian Leopold Winkler and Annamarie Margaret Sanders Dodd: Project B
Yen-Lin Wei: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Antidiskriminierungsmaßnahmen in Beratungsstellen für Ausländer (project was cancelled)
Paulina Guskowski: Ultrawunschkind: Über eine Mutter, die ihr eigenes Kind adoptieren muss. (project was cancelled)
Sponsored projects of the winter semester 2022 / 2023
Lucie Scheelen: Conservation, Heritage, People – Feldforschung mit irischen Landwirt*innen
Jan zum Mallen, Marlene Alber, Manou Freckmann, Paul Sattler: Konferenz: Koloniale Kontinuitäten erkennen und benennen
Carola Helbig und Melchior Pohlmeier: Gefühlstableaus (the funding was withdrawn)
Pia Roddewig, Antonia Tegtmeier, Ona Gerdelmann: Menstruationsprodukte für Uganda
Elena Macari, Adina Kükelhahn, Hannah Bornemann, Alexandra Werner, Luisa Pippa Schneider, Luise Plettner, Martha Motzer, Franziska Storm, Roman Kirk: Break the Bloody Taboo
Ugai Omar, Abdul Rahman Djalal, Nora Wenkel, Fatima Elgadra: e-NABLE the future - Medizinische Hilfsmittel aus dem 3D-Drucker
Hamed Akhlagi: The line: From Iran to Germany
Björn Hormes, Lea Trost, Lea Hahn, Alexander Jonathan Rosenberger, Katharina Stark, Jasmin Petrovac, Sönke Beewen, Julia Fricke: From Waste to Gas to Fuel
Larissa Feldmann, Franz Maximilian Huber, John Nündel, Lykka Gehring: Städtischer Gemeinschaftsgarten
Denise Sadaf Amini: Gesundheit von heute: Schafft Bildung von morgen!
Jana Marga Bauer: Keyhole Gardens as a key to food security and innovation
Thao My Nguyen, Nils Scheltwort, Carolina Imhof, Daniel Treger, Annika Kreten: Die Schatztruhe - Bibliothek der Dinge
(the funding was withdrawn)
Merle K. Ellersiek, Elisa M. Erpenbeck, Leah Frese, Anna T. Sauter, Axel Kiehn, Besiane Hetemi, Alexia Dufour, Mona-Sarai Mayer: Futuremaking - Zusammen die Welt von morgen gestalten
Oke-Lukas Möller: Kannst du mir folgen?
Towfique Ahmed: A Cinematic Ethnographic Project on the Impact of Madrasa Education on the Hijira Community in Bangladesh (the funding was withdrawn)
Sponsored projects of the winter semester 2020/2021
Sophia Lüneburg: The role of women in parliamentarian politics in post-conflict countries – case study of the Arab Spring (project was cancelled due to Covid-19)
Rohit Kumar Mishra und Suparna Chakraborty: An Ethnographic Enquiry into the Citizenship Status of Bangladeshi Migrants in West Bengal, India
Jonas Paul Ramon Becke-Ingold: Interdisziplinäre Expertinnenbefragung zur Umsetzung und den Auswirkungen einer staatlichen Regulierung von Obsoleszenz als legitimer Markteingriff (project was cancelled due to Covid-19)
Meghana Nuthanapati: Gender Dimensions of Labour in the Gig Economy: A Study in Hyderabad, South India
Judith Keller: Verstehen Hunde menschliche Intentionen? Eine interdisziplinäre und institutsübergreifende Studie
Thomy Tran: Ideenflucht - Eine Anthologie von Studierenden der Georg-August-Universtität
Denise Happel und Johanna Austen: Klettern mit Frauen mit Flüchtlingshintergrund (project was cancelled due to Covid-19)
Gobinda Bhadra: The ‘invisible waste economy’: Understanding the everyday routines of work and the subjective experiences of ‘waste collectors’ in two cities
Tim Sheytt, Alina Seile, Hilke Mara Gerding und Florian Deppert: Einführung eines Ernährungsrats in Göttingen
S. Balaji Naik: Agroforestry in the traditional land use practices: case study of Sundernagar in Himachal Pradesh
Jessy Ezebuihe: She wails in the street, her little daughter has been raped: Comprehensive Prevention Education for school girls in Abia State, Nigeria (project was cancelled due to Covid-19)
Murali Aarthi: Women Activism, Politics and Bureaucracy in Tamil Nadu: Studying Representation and Discrimination
Mimansa Bhardwaj und Apurva Sudharak Olwe: Women Discrimination (the funding was withdrawn)
Lefke Johanna Sandrock, Nele Marie Dörje, Christoph Kevin Zech, Bilgin Bayram und Tristan Niemann: Teddybärkrankenhaus Göttingen
Marko Detmers, Stephanie Merker, Viola Schössow, Vincent Drews und Marcel Kramer: Unterrichtsmaterial für südafrikanische Lehrkräfte: Experimente im Physikunterricht (project was cancelled due to Covid-19)
Nico Schramma und Björn Stefan Kscheschinski: 'Projekt OpenCM² - An Open Framework for Micro-manipulation'
Anoosh Adell Fouladi, Brian Mathew Ironmonger, Charlotte Schade, Laura Maikowski, Ka Wai Wong, Ali Fazel, Silvia Vacchelli, Ling Ding, Virginia Pasquinelli, Nhu Trieu Minh Tran, Lionel Djuatio, Mahsa Pakzad und Elham Lotfi: Student Creative Writing Publication
Sponsored projects from Summer semester 2019
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects from the Summer semester 2019, took place on Novemeber 6, 2019.
Almut Bohnhoff, Benjamin Hoffmann, Christoph Friedrich: Magazin der HSG Kritischen Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Yana Golod, Annelie Strachotta, Felicia Moeltzner: Student 2 Student Coaching (the funding was withdrawn)
Brian Mathew Ironmonger, Charlotte Schade, Laura Maikowski, Nazir Bibi Naeem, Anoosh Adell Fouladi, Rafid Haque, Christopher Black: Student Creative Writing Publication
Gregor Christiansmeyer, Elias Nathanel Reiche: Glass Doors into the Backroom – an Academic Competition (project was cancelled due to Covid-19)
Anne-Christin Vornkahl: Kinderbuch
Alena Anat Dietl: Mapathon - Missing Maps
Leonard Fritz Georg: Known only from Type - Erfassung möglicherweise in der Natur ausgestorbener Bromelien der Gattung Neoregelia
Shafiul Aziz Joy: Alternative Media and Freedom of Expression in Bangladesh: Bloggers, Writers and Question of Religious Tolerance (the funding was withdrawn)
Johan Oommen Muzhangody, Sanjana Rajasekar: Weathering the Storm: An Inquiry into the Difficulties faced by Socially Disadvantaged Groups during and after the Kerala Floods in 2018
Nadine Klose: Kunstbuch 70 Jahre GG
Lena Philipp: Erdbeeren schälen erlaubt – Ein Filmportrait über das Altern, Erinnern und Vergessen
Wiebken Nagel: Jägerinnen. Wenn Frauen die Fährte aufnehmen (project was cancelled due to Covid-19)
Sola Tschaeschel, Isa Hölldobler: What we don`t talk about when we talk about law
Anton Paul Braun, Elena Charlotte Offenberg, Melf Immanuel Mayer, Nils Jacobsen: PILZ – Partizipative Initiative für eine lebenswerte Zukunft: Vortragsreihe zum Thema Klimawandel
Fraya Annisa: Revitalizing Batik Natural Dyes: Introduction of Natural Coloring using Nanotechnology in the Giriloyo Batik Community
Foto: Universität Göttingen
Sponsored projects from Winter semester 2018/2019
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects from the Winter semester 2018/2019, took place on June 3, 2019.
Jana Kristin Lassen, Marie Kammer: Landwirtschaft erklärt das Jahr – Ein Saison- kalender, der die moderne Landwirtschaft realistisch darstellt
Lennart Menkhaus, Petra Dewald: Selbstorganisierter Fluchtsupport auf der Balkanroute / Lesbos
Kali Middleby: Investigating the use of stable oxygen isotope analysis in determining photosynthesis-weighted canopy leaf temperature
Hannah Charlotte Maurer, Janna Smidt: Arbeitsgruppe „Naher Osten”
Hanna Gesche Gardein, Lukas Schnermann, Philipp Tetzlaf: Aktionstag zum Thema Repaircafés, Leihnetzwerken und geplanter Obsoleszenz
Stella Sophie Bandemer: Freundschaften jenseits des Alters
Thorben Schwedt: Boot zur Datenaufnahme ökologisch relevanter Messfaktoren (project was cancelled)
Prakash Raju: Third Gender (Aravani/Thirunangai/Ali) Pentecostal Christians in North Chennai: An Enquiry into Religious Identity
Julie Brisson, Xingye LI: Vielfalt der Bilder. Stereotype und Kultur, ein Künstlerblick.
Melanie Huhn, Ronja Kiese, Rebecca Madeleine van der Linde, Vanessa Pugler, Tobias Krauch, Michelle Bappert, Sandra Kawka: Eine kulturanthropologische Fachtagung zum Thema „Fiesheiten“
Tina Walther: Medical mobilities: negociating health and resilience in transnational South-South-Relationships
Janice Sattler, Merle Mangels, Kiara Lohmann, Meike Hartmann, Julia Bartels, Katharina Andersen, Frauke Petersen, Anisha Blanke, Theresa Schumacher: „Feminismus damals und heute“ – die studentische Zeitschrift - Radikarla* an der Universität Göttingen im Spiegel der Zeit
Sharath Shyamappa Paligi: NTFP’s: Enhancing conservation and livelihood
Leif Inselmann, Sait Can Kutsal: Aufklärung über grenzwissenschaftliche Theorien in der Archäologie
André Marcel Tront: Effects of hunting on large birds in the Dja Wildlife Reserve in Southern Cameroon.
Urte Margarethe Poppinga: Von Do-it-yourself zu Do-it-together - was kann man von selbstverwalteten Strukturen lernen und wie können diese bestehen
Rahul Maganti: A visual ethnographic project on Indian General Election - 2019
Nicolle Zavaleta, Sofia Andrea Uzquiano Guevara, Max Vidal, Katherine Angulo Schipper, Daniel Bergamo, Alejandra Bustamante: MORE THAN SALSA! Latin American Perspectives on Politics and Culture
Jeanette Gehlert, Christoph Schönle: Mandelbrot Talks
Kai Marius Hornburg, Ann-Sophie Wiegel: Kino der Dinge
Vitus Benson: E-Volve - online Nachhilfe für Schüler in Entwicklungsländern
Christian F. Schmidt, Luisa Rolfes, Yasmin Cunha: VAGABUNT
Foto: Göttingen University
Sponsored projects from Summer semester 2018
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects from the Summer semester, took place on 11 October 2018.
Melissa Behrndt: "Mtindo wa nywele: Die soziale Bedeutung von Haaren für Frauen in Dar es Salaam, Tansania"
Dorothee Ammer: "Eddington 100"
Paula Roig Boixeda: "Using performing arts and cinema to improve conservation support and empower rural local communities in a protected area in Gabon"
Josh Krapp, Hanna Schlüter, Esther Philine Zieschang, Maren Elisabeth Aldermann: "Kunsträume/Wissensräume. Vermittlungen zwischen
künstlerischer und akademischer Praxis."
Jana Lemke, Merve Eryoldas, Celine Brinsa, Niklas de Coninck: "Kaffee to Gö"
Isabelle Schmitt, Merlind Luise Sieben, Anike Berane, Joalie Maya Wilhelmi genannt Hofmann, Alina Maj Ingrid Elisabeth Kraus, Ronja Kästner, Jens Matthis Huster, Lisa Marie Springer: "Rhythms of Resistance"
Sola Tschaeschel, Juliane Grossmann, Lukas Holste, Sophia Felicitas Pfründer, Caroline Leske, Franziska Berg, Nazli Aghazadeh, Nicola Adam, Rebecca Apell, Henrike Kruse: "Lese- und Diskussionskreis zu
feministischer Rechtskritik"
Maja Meiners: "The Casteless Collective
Ein Ethnographischer Film über ein Kollektiv von Musikern mit dem Ziel das Kastensystem und religiöse Diskriminierung in Indien durch Musik zu eliminieren"
Karolina Leona Grell: "Klimawandel auf der anderen Seite der Welt?! Wie Klimaveränderungen auf Fidschi wahrgenommen werden."
Mara Katharina Papenhagen: "Rock your life!"
Pablo Ignacio Zárate Cisternas, Sukanya Chakraborty, Pablo Fernández Kolb: "Misuse of Antibiotics in Kolkata: An RCT"
Florian Deppert, Tim Scheytt, Charlotte Kaletsch, Alina Reitz, Martin Deppert, Johanna Degering, Maximilian Büttner, Line Sturm,
Carlo Frisch: "Öffentlichkeitswirksame Bildungskampagne
zur Situation Flüchtender in der EU"
Foto: Göttingen University
Sponsored projects from Winter semester 2017/2018
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects from the Winter semester 2017/2018, took place on 7 June 2018.
Ziyu Chen: "Migrant students from Northeast India in the universities of New Delhi"
Kay Johannes Tuschen, Louisa Barzen, Aditi Kuber, Felix Stips: "Save today, be healthy tomorrow"
Foto: Peter Heller
Sponsored projects from Summer semester 2017
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects took place on 19 October 2017.
Maximilian Aaron Müller: Transnationale Lebenslinien – Identitätsverhandlungen junger Auslandsvietnamesen (Việt kiều) im Heimatland ihrer Eltern
Alexander Giefers: Campus-Podcast
Peter Hermes, Jacob von Manteuffel: Meer Algen: Mehr Zukunft – Potenzialanalyse einer Lebensmittelproduktion aus Algen der Nord- und Ostsee
Jakob Störiko, Philip Klostermeyer, Stefan Becker: eSport an der Universität Göttingen
Rinzin Phunjok Lama: Promoting Coexistence between Herders and Snow Leopards (Panthera uncia) through Conflict Mitigation in Nyesyang Valley, Manang District
Jeanette Gehlert, Christoph Schönle: UniversalMagic (Podcast)
Alexander Helmut Rotsch: Bioöl durch Biodiversität
Janina Hahne: Medizinische Konzepte in heterogenen Gesellschaften des tropischen Lateinamerikas - Ärzte, Curanderos, Schamanen und spezifische Perspektiven auf Krankheit und Gesundheit
Hannah Langlo: Lebenswandel durch landwirtschaftliche Modernisierungsreformen in Tansania - Feldforschung mit anschließendem Radiofeature
David Adam Braun: FKK – Freiraum für Kunst & Kultur
Christina Stinn: Where no drone has gone before: An innovative method for a population survey of the critically endangered Siberian red deer in northern Mongolia
Janek Totaro, Johannes Kohout: Dokumentarfilm: Autonome Artefakte zum Verhältnis von Mensch und Technologie
Johanna Güth, Linda Heise, Timo Janßen: Interkulturelles Fotoprojekt Deutschland – Mexiko
Hannah Sommerschuh, Karina Melcher, Anne Oesterreich: Fotoausstellung über Wert- und Zukunftsvorstellungen von Menschen in Pune
Obinna Ethelbert Chinedu: Untold Stories – Studying and surviving without financial aid (perspectives from African students)
Frauke Hippler: Vortragsreihe und Workshops zu: Diskurse um Kreativität
Sponsored projects from Winter semester 2016/2017
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects from the Winter semester 2016 / 2017, took place on 14 June 2017.
Anna-Tabea Töpperwien, Meike Becker, Laura Schuster, Imke Grittner, Andreas Zahn: Göttingen has enough room
Leonie Schüler, Kim Leukefeld: study travel Göttingen
Geum Bi Lee, Vanessa de Almeida Pereira: Me - a guest student
Salomea Gunia, Lennart Haneklaus, Johannes Kohout: Korsakow-Show "The image presentation" - an interactive multimedia-presentation
Venket Raghavan, Karly Conrads, Chung Wai Lau, Ivana Gavrilova: Investigating the effects of pulsed desiccation on the survivability of the radiation tolerant extremophile Deinococcus geothermalis
Alexander Helmut Rotsch: Integration of biogenetics experiments in the subject matter of schools
Guido Albrecht-Böning: Go downstairs, look upstairs
Petja Ivanova, Reinhard Kevin Kessing und Vincent Ruppel: Image exhibition "study rooms- in the study rooms
Sonia M. Ehlers: Barnacle recruitment - influences of space and time on an ecological model organism
Penelope Fialas, Alberto Camporesi: Mind the bat: Effects on agricultural intensification on bats and their roosts
Daniel Jákli: Socio-economic effects of cultivation of cut flowers at the region of Lake Naivasha
Jacqueline Est, Julian Imort: Changing the perspectives: sense of self and awareness of others - Exhibition of a field study with art objects of Ghana
Sponsored projects from Summer semester 2016
In the seventh round of the competition 34 projects were received. The Jury decided to award the following ten projects:
Lea Burgdorf, Katharina Heide und Kai Rumphorst:"Founding Girls"
Christoph Hartl: "Tracker dog saves Balkan lynx"
Joshua Stoffels: "From Hong Kong to the Philippines - Efficient remittances thanks to Blockchain Technologie"
(project was cancelled)
Julia Schulz: "The correlation of different habitat gradients on frog communities in the Amazonas rainforest in Peru"
Anna Lina Bartl: "User guide for coffee farmers in Uganda to improve their quality of life"
Justus Busch, Miriam Horst, John Henri Gaida und Lukas Drögemeier: "Refugees in Concert+"
Björn Dauven, Tim Ölkers, Malte Besler: "Out of the throwaway-society - Upcycling in Göttingen as an Approach to Support social projects"
Fabian Fess, Gerrit Pawliczak und Kurt Pöschl: "To take a stand - Social change due to urban arts in Halle-Freiimfelde"
Mahid Hossain: "Our own fairy-tales"
(project was cancelled)
Till Simons und Christoph Walgern: "myView on things - An intercultural comparison of young realities"
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects from the Summer semester 2016, took place on 20 October 2016.
Sponsored projects from Winter semester 2015/2016
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects, took place on 6 June 2016.
The award committee decided on 4 February 2016 in favour of the following fourteen projects:
Anna Binczik: "The role of gallery forests for arboreal primates in a savannah landscape - a baseline study from eastern Guinea-Bissau"
(project was successfully implemented)
Ute Seitz: "About Non-Speaking - a "silent" movie goes on a journey"
(end of Project: end of December 2016; extended until the end of August 2017)
Dennis Dellschow und Erik Petzoldt: "Film project: Production and Representation of the Climate Change Discourse at the Festival of Pacific Arts 2016"
(project was successfully implemented)
Mona Klöckner: "The next steps in paedophilia research"
(project was successfully implemented)
Alexander Helmut Rotsch:"Effects of temperature stress on the sexual reproduction of plants"
(project was successfully implemented)
Arne Immanuel Bänsch: "Modernity and Urbanity in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan - a photographic project about the reality of life in metropolitan Kurdish regions"
(project was successfully implemented)
Maximilian Meier, Sven Daum, Anna-Maria Muro Pita, Bastian Denker: "Prisma Zeitblatt für Text und Sprache ongoing development"
(project was successfully implemented)
Tiffany Ziegler, Sait Can Kutsal: "Macedonian Frescos 360 (Masco)"
(project runs until the end of October 2017)
Manik Chander, Anette Ruml, Ahmed Dessouki, Natalie Fuchs: "Conquer Babel"
(project was cancelled)
Anika Machura: "Photographic exhibition Ride for Justice"
(project was successfully implemented)
Sophie Langner, Eva Maria Densing, Moritz Krämer, Pauline Mergel: "To the Forest"
(project was successfully implemented)
Ann-Kathrin Lichtner, James Ellison: "Innovative wetland management in central Tanzania: A case study of grassroots initiatives by inventive farmers and community-based organizations that have sought an ecologically sound agriculture"
(project was successfully implemented)
Daniel Homann: "Mathematics seminar for keen maths pupils in Lower Saxony"
(project was successfully implemented)
Johanna Güth, Linda Heise: "DaF-Alternative (German as a Foreign Language) - German unifies"
(project was successfully implemented)
Sponsored projects from Summer semester 2015
The celebratory award of certificates, as well as the presentation of posters and prize-winning projects from the Summer semester 2015, took place on 26 November 2015.
Friederike Bolte, Stefanie Bedürftig, Simon M. Bieda, Anne Daetz, Julius Gertz, Julia Gleim, Annika Köhne, Diemut Regel, Valerie Isabell Bayer, Matthias Jakubowski: "Refugee Law Clinic Göttingen"
Sponsored projects from Winter semester 2014/2015
In the fourth round of the competition a total of 43 project proposals were received. Fourteen projects were selected for sponsorship, and the awards were presented at a celebratory event on 7 May 2015.
The award committee, headed by the Vice President for Teaching and Learning, Prof. Dr. Ruth Florack, decided in favour of the following fourteen projects:
Anna-Lena Hennings, Anna-Maria Humbert, Birte Müchler, Madita Oeming, Marisa Rohrbeck: "poetree lyric festival in göttingen"
Eka Widayati Winarto: "Vermicomposting to solve the problem of mushroom baglog waste in Lembang, West Java, Indonesia"
Leonie Neumann: "Wanzungu on Zanzibar ? the moulding of ethnic identity and the social and community integration of ?Whites/Europeans"
Antje-Ria Bartschat: "Transnational Reminiscences ? connections between Germany and Vietnam"
Annika B. Bergbauer: "Educational opportunities in South Africa"
Vincent Zimmer: "Startup Weekend Göttingen"
Maximilian Meier, Sven Daum: "Prisma ? Zeitblatt für Text und Sprache"
Friederike Wansing, Julia Wiecha: "Women just do it"
Katharina Kühnert: "Holy forests in Guinea-Bissau: last refuges of rare species?"
Maria Sinnemann, Rebecca Biermann: "Society narrates its tale ? biographical work at story-telling cafés"
Linda Mai, Ricarda Henke, Stephanie Naas: "My Body: SCHOOL Medicine in a different way"
Almut Reeh, Theresa Böhme: "Inclusion by Prevention ? creative promotion of dental health at primary schools in Bolivia by people with mental disability"
Guillermo Garnica Reyes: "Participatory Diagnosis of Constraints and Opportunities for Sustainable Land Management in Smallholder Crop-Livestock Systems in a tropical Montane Cloud Forest in Tianguistengo, Hidalgo (Mexico)"
Sponsored projects from Summer semester 2014
Twelve original and innovative projects were awarded prizes in the third round of the creativity contest at the University of Göttingen on 5th November 2014.
The award committee decided in favour of the following projects, which were showcased and given awards in November 2014.
Annisa Hasanah: "ECOFUNOPOLY - A comparative study on early environmental education through Ecofunopoly games between Indonesia and Germany"
Thomas West und Erik Eschmann: "Cognitive powers of play - stimuli of game philosophy"
Lukas Beule: "Spatial analysis of climatic trends in Thailand from 1964-2013"
Wiebke Meiwald und Team: "Information film for KOMERA e.V. - Promoting education in Rwanda!"
Lea Burgdorf: "Student digs"
Katharina Weidemann: "Land rights conflicts, transformation of ethnic identity and cultural change amongst the Guaraní in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil"
Britta Dorothea Schünemann: "Nobody is as dumb as all of us - Evaluation and decision-making processes in groups: Experimental studies into deficiencies in group decisions"
Julia Lormis: "Photo project: Everyday life of people in Zambia"
Felix Eisberg, Carolina Sophia Falcone Schlüter und Clara Marie Oberheu: "Towards implementing a foodsharing space at the University of Göttingen"
(project not implemented)
Meike Christine Tietgen, Tobias Krauch und Team: "PermaKulturGarten"
(project not implemented)
Team rund um Mathias Fiedler: "Mapping Global City Istanbul: Ethnographic and everyday cultural explorations of a metropolis"
Philipp Popp, Jessica Hoffmann und Christoph Höland: "DIY - Art, culture and creativity"
In this round of the competition, there were a total of 26 outlines received from individuals and teams.
The celebrations to award certificates and posters, including two presentations of projects by prize-winners from the Summer semester 2014, took place on Wednesday, 5th November 2014 at 4 p.m. in the Aula (Wilhelmsplatz 1).
Sponsored projects from Winter semester 2013 / 2014
In the second round of the competition, there were a total of sixteen outlines received from individuals and teams.
The award committee decided in favour of the following seven projects:
Linda Sophia Kunde: "Souvenir in Australia - Medium of intercultural and social communication processes"
Thomas Albin: "Open All Sky Camera"
Selma Krug, Rebecca Apell und Malte Brammerloh: "Space for information and encounters"
Sandra Schmalz, Johannes Miethe und Yannik Seipel: "Consulting meets University"
Hartmut Hombrecher und Nikola Müller, in Zusammenarbeit mit Kevin Kempke: "Cellarculture"
Margaux Erdmann, Svetlana Stojanovic, Laura Stonies und Susanne Klenke: "Queerstanbul - Interdependence of Homosexuality and Tourism"
Andik Fatahillah: "The resilience of small scale farmer in slope of Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia"
The celebrations to award certificates and posters, including two presentations of projects by prize-winners from the Winter semester 2013 / 14, took place on Thursday, 24th July 2014 at 6 p.m. in the Alfred-Hessel-Saal (historic building of SUB Göttingen).
Sponsored projects from Summer semester 2013
In the first round of the competition, there were a total of 23 outlines received from individuals and teams.
The award committee, led by the University President, decided in favour of the following eleven projects:
Team rund um Ann-Sophie Glaese: "„Differences and Affiliations ? ritualised practices and social positioning in the orientation phase“"
Susanna Höfer und Christoph Höland: „"ZHG (Central lecture hall building) facelift - a project by the cultural collective to redesign the exterior of the Central lecture hall building with street-art elements"
Johanna Schreiber und Eva Wenzel: "„Music and Tanzanian society“"
Zaidil Firza: „"Ecotourism Project GöVOCATIVE“" (project not realised)
Karla Marlene Pratsch: "Maternal morbidity in graviditate and perinatal mortality in two different districts of Togo" “
Vincent Zimmer: „"International early-child development at the University of Göttingen in the exam Phase"“
Sara-Sophie Scharnhorst: „Latin style exercises“
Elsa Höffker: „"Improving the research of academic secondary literature in Evangelical Theology"“
Igor Korin: „"Development of creative Russian textbooks (correct writing)"“
Rani Kawal Dhupia: „Voices - Women in Delhi: Multimedia Storytelling through Interactive Web Documentary“
Dean Ciric: „"Implications of 3D printing on the worldwide supply chain"“
The celebratory award of prizes and presentation of projects took place in the Red Hall of the Historische Sternwarte in front of invited guests, on Friday 1st November 2013 at 1 p.m.