Der Einfluss funktionaler Eigenschaften beigemischter Koniferen auf die Funktionsweise von Rotbuchenökosystemen

EnriCo: Enrichment of European beech forests with conifers

The RTG 2300 is funded by the DFG from 2017 to 2026 and is investigating the functional diversity of pure and mixed forests composed of European beech with the native spruce respectively the non-native Douglas fir.

About EnriCo


Congratulations to Michela Audisio (SP4-2) who recently published a paper in New Phytologist: “Ectomycorrhizal fungi of Douglas‐fir retain newly assimilated carbon derived from neighboring European beech. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.19943. After defending her dissertation, Michela also joined us as postdoc in July 2024.
We are regularly offering positions for student helpers and theses for Bachelor and Master students. For more information see or contact our coordinator or the PhD students of the subprojects you are particularly interested in.
Congratulations to Alice Penanhoat who recently deferded her PhD. We are very happy that she will continue working with us as she was awarded one of EnriCo's start-up funds.
The RTG is regularly inviting internationally well-known scholars for lectures. More information


Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer

Vice Speaker
Prof. Dr. Andrea Polle

Scientific coordinator
Dr. Serena Müller

Büsgenweg 1
37077 Göttingen

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