In April 2013 Sascha Muennich has been appointed to a junior professorship for international comparative sociology at the Institute for Sociology. In his research he examines the social and cultural prerequisites of capitalist economies and welfare states.
After he had received his diploma in social sciences from the University of Goettingen Sascha Muennich worked as a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, together with Prof. Jens Beckert and Prof. Wolfgang Streeck. He received his doctoral degree in 2009 for a book on the question how ideas influenced early labor market policy in Germany and the United States.
In 2005, Sascha Muennich received the Wolfgang-Enke-Award for excellent studies in the field of social policy from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Goettingen University. In 2010 he received the Otto-Hahn-Medal, an award for outstanding achievement in his dissertation granted by the German Max-Planck-Society. He was Visiting Fellow at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University.
Before he came to Goettingen Sascha Muennich worked on his habilitation at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. In this on-going historical-comparative project he examines why some forms of economic profit are socially acknowledged, while others are heavily debated, especially in financial markets.
His fields of interest are economic sociology and welfare state research, with a theoretical focus on the evolution and stability of institutions.