Publikationen von Dr. Wolfgang Kempf

Aktuelle Publikationen | Monographien und Herausgeberschaften | Beiträge in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden

Aktuelle Publikationen

Elfriede Hermann und Wolfgang Kempf
Musik und Tanz im Kampf gegen Klimawandel – Verknüpfte Wirkungen von Tanzkleidung in Kiribati. In: Michael Kraus (Hg.): Weltenfragmente – Die Ethnologische Sammlung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag, S.274​–287. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Die Tonbandsammlung Koch aus Kiribati: Entstehungszusammenhänge, Wirkmächte und Repräsentationen.
Baessler-Archiv 68:133–59. [DOI]

Elfriede Hermann und Wolfgang Kempf:
Climate Change Songs and Emotions: Articulating Agency in the Central Pacific. GISCA Occasional Paper Series 32. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Introduction: Climate Change and Pacific Christianities. In: Elodie Fache, Hannah Fair und Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.): Higher Powers. Negotiating Climate Change, Religion and Future in Oceania. Themenheft Anthropological Forum 30 (3), 215–232. [DOI]

Elodie Fache, Hannah Fair und Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.):
Higher Powers. Negotiating Climate Change, Religion and Future in Oceania. Themenheft Anthropological Forum 30 (3).

Monographien und Herausgeberschaften

Elfriede Hermann, Toon van Meijl and Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.):
Belonging in Oceania: Movement, Place-Making and Multiple Identifications. Oxford: Berghahn (Pacific Perspectives: Studies of the European Society for Oceanists, Volume 3). [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Translocal Entwinements. Towards a History of Rabi as a Plantation Island in Colonial Fiji. Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Göttingen.

Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.):
Relations in Multicultural Fiji. Transformations, Positionings and Articulations. Special issue of Oceania 75 (4). [JSTOR]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Das Innere des Äusseren. Ritual, Macht und historische Praxis bei den Ngaing in Papua Neuguinea. Berlin: Reimer. [OPAC]

Beiträge in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden

Wolfgang Kempf:
Tsunami Warnings. Cultural Conceptualizations of Climate Change Impacts in Kiribati. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 149 (2), 309–320. [DOI]

Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf:
Adaptation and the Question of Migration: Directions in Dealing with Climate Change in Kiribati. In: Carola Klöck and Michael Fink (Hg.): Dealing with Climate Change on Small Islands: Towards Effective and Sustainable Adaptation? Göttingen: University Press, S. 293–312. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Between Land and Horizon. Assemblages of Beings, Places and Things in Kiribati. In: Roger I. Lohmann (Hg.): Haunted Pacific. Anthropologists Investigate Spectral Apparitions across Oceania. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, S. 119–142.

Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf:
“Prophecy from the Past”: Climate Change Discourse, Song Culture and Emotions in Kiribati. In: Tony Crook and Peter Rudiak-Gould (Hg.): Pacific Climate Cultures. Living Climate Change in Oceania. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open, 21–33, 160–175 (Bibliography). [DOI] [OPAC]

Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf:
Climate Change and the Imagining of Migration. Emerging Discourses on Kiribati’s Land Purchase in Fiji. The Contemporary Pacific 29 (2), 231–263.

Wolfgang Kempf:
The Diversification of Return: Banaban Home Islands and Movements in Historical Perspective. In: John Taylor and Helen M. Lee (Hg.): Mobilities of Return. Pacific Perspectives. Canberra: ANU Press, S. 15–44. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Climate Change, Christian Religion and Songs: Revisiting the Noah Story in the Central Pacific. In: Eveline Dürr and Arno Pascht (Hg.): Environmental Transformations and Cultural Responses. Ontologies, Discourses, and Practices in Oceania. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 19–48. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Representation as Disaster: Mapping Islands, Climate Change, and Displacement in Oceania. Pacific Studies 38 (1–2), 200–228.

Wolfgang Kempf, Toon van Meijl and Elfriede Hermann:
Introduction. Movement, Place-Making and Cultural Identification: Multiplicities of Belonging. In: Elfriede Hermann, Toon van Meijl and Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.): Belonging in Oceania: Movement, Place-Making and Multiple Identifications. Oxford: Berghahn (Pacific Perspectives: Studies of the European Society for Oceanists, Volume 3), S. 1–24. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf and Elfriede Hermann:
Epilogue. Uncertain Futures of Belonging: Consequences of Climate Change and Sea-level Rise in Oceania. In: Elfriede Hermann, Toon van Meijl and Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.): Belonging in Oceania: Movement, Place-Making and Multiple Identifications. Oxford: Berghahn (Pacific Perspectives: Studies of the European Society for Oceanists, Volume 3), S. 189–213. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
A Promised Land in the Diaspora: Christian Religion, Social Memory, and Identity among Banabans in Fiji. In: Jan Rensel and Alan Howard (Hg.): Pacific Islands Diaspora, Identity, and Incorporation. Special issue of Pacific Studies 35 (1–2), 90–118.

Wolfgang Kempf:
Climate Change, Migration, and Christianity in Oceania. In: Kirsten Hastrup and Karen Fog Olwig (Hg.): Climate Change and Human Mobility. Global Challenges to the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 235–257. [DOI] [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Climate, History, and Culture: The Power of Change. Reviews in Anthropology 41 (4), 217–238. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Social Mimesis, Commemoration, and Ethnic Performance. Fijian Banaban Representations of the Past. In: Elfriede Hermann (Hg.): Changing Contexts, Shifting Meanings: Transformations of Cultural Traditions in Oceania. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press in Association with the Honolulu Academy of Arts, S. 174–191. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
The First South Pacific Festival of Arts Revisited: Producing Authenticity and the Banaban Case. In: Barbara Glowczewski and Rosita Henry (Hg.): The Challenge of Indigenous Peoples: Spectacle or Politics? Oxford: The Bardwell Press, S. 177–186. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Klimawandel in Ozeanien: Eine Einführung. Pazifik-Dossier 9, 4–12.

Wolfgang Kempf:
A Sea of Environmental Refugees? Oceania in an Age of Climate Change. In: Elfriede Hermann, Karin Klenke and Michael Dickhardt (Hg.): Form, Macht, Differenz. Motive und Felder ethnologischen Forschens. Göttingen: University Press, S. 191–205. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Mobility, Modernisation and Agency: The Life Story of John Kikang from Papua New Guinea. In: Brij V. Lal and Vicki Luker (Hg.): Telling Pacific Lives: Prisms of Process. Canberra: ANU E Press, S. 51–67. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Reclaiming Male Power: Myth, Morality, and Modernity in a Papua New Guinean Society. In: Serge Dunis (Hg.): Sexual Snakes, Winged Maidens and Sky Gods. Myth in the Pacific. An Essay in Cultural Transparency. Nouméa and Pape’ete: Le Rocher-à-la-Voile and Haere Po, S. 225–238.

Anne DiPiazza, Wolfgang Kempf and Eric Pearthree:
Mapping Oceania Past and Present: Movements, Geographies, Identities. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 125, 209–212. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Le Premier Festival des Arts du Pacifique Sud Revisité: Fabriquer de L'authenticité et le Cas des Banabans. In: Barbara Glowczewski and Rosita Henry (Hg.): Le Défi Indigène. Entre Spectacle et Politique. Montreuil: Aux Lieux D'être, S. 221–233. [OPAC]

Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf:
Introduction to Relations in Multicultural Fiji. The Dynamics of Articulations, Transformations and Positionings. In: Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.): Relations in Multicultural Fiji. Transformations, Positionings and Articulations. Special issue of Oceania 75 (4), 309–324. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf and Elfriede Hermann:
Reconfigurations of Place and Ethnicity: Positionings, Performances and Politics of Relocated Banabans in Fiji. In: Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf (Hg.): Relations in Multicultural Fiji. Transformations, Positionings and Articulations. Special issue of Oceania 75 (4), 368–386. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf and Taomati Teai:
Banaban Routes and Roots – A Dialogue. In: Jennifer Shennan and Makin C. Tekenimatang (Hg.): One and a Half Pacific Islands – Teuana ao Teiterana n aba n Te Betebeke. Stories the Banaban People Tell of Themselves – I-Banaba aika a Karakin oin Rongorongoia. Wellington: Victoria University Press, S. 124–125.

Wolfgang Kempf:
The Drama of Death as Narrative of Survival: Dance Theatre, Travelling and Thirdspace among the Banabans of Fiji. In: Toon van Meijl and Jelle Miedema (Hg.): Shifting Images of Identity in the Pacific. Leiden: KITLV Press, S. 159–189. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Mobilität, Macht und der Traum vom besseren Leben: Routen und Visionen eines Wegbereiters der Modernität in Papua-Neuguinea. In: Elfriede Hermann and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler (Hg.): Lebenswege im Spannungsfeld lokaler und globaler Prozesse. Person, Selbst und Emotion in der ethnologischen Biografieforschung. Münster: LIT Verlag, S. 43–63. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Räumliche Überlagerungen. Die kulturelle Konstruktion der Insel Rabi als neues Heimatland der diasporischen Banabans in Fiji. In: Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin and Michael Dickhardt (Hg.): Kulturelle Räume – räumliche Kultur. Zur Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses zweier fundamentaler Kategorien menschlicher Praxis. Hamburg: LIT Verlag, S. 133–170. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
“Songs Cannot Die”: Ritual Composing and the Politics of Emplacement among the Resettled Banabans on Rabi Island in Fiji. The Journal of the Polynesian Society 112 (1), 33–64.

Wolfgang Kempf and Elfriede Hermann:
Dreamscapes: Transcending the Local in Initiation Rites among the Ngaing of Papua New Guinea. In: Roger I. Lohmann (Hg.): Dream Travelers. Sleep Experiences and Culture in the Western Pacific. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 60–85. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
The Politics of Incorporation: Masculinity, Spatiality and Modernity among the Ngaing of Papua New Guinea. Oceania 73 (1), 56–77. [DOI]

Wolfgang Kempf and Elfriede Hermann:
T/Räume: Überschreitungen des Lokalen in Initiationsriten bei den Ngaing in Papua New Guinea. Kea. Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 13, 91–118. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
Cosmologies, Cities, and Cultural Constructions of Space: Oceanic Enlargements of the World. Pacific Studies 22, 97–114.

Wolfgang Kempf:
Ritual, Power and Colonial Domination: Male Initiation Among the Ngaing of Papua New Guinea. In: Charles Stewart and Rosalind Shaw (Hg.): Syncretism/Anti-Syncretism. The Politics of Religious Synthesis. London, New York: Routledge, S. 108–126. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
The Politics of Distancing: European Missionaries and Samoan Pastors in Northeast New Guinea, 1912–1933. In: Toon van Meijl and Paul van der Grijp (Hg.): European Imagery and Colonial History in the Pacific. Saarbrücken: Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik Breitenbach, S. 76–98. [OPAC]

Wolfgang Kempf:
“The Second Coming of the Lord”: Early Christianization, Episodic Time and the Cultural Construction of Continuity in Sibog. Oceania 63, 72–86. [DOI]