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Presseinformation: Top Ratings for Teaching and Learning

Nr. 163 - 19.07.2018

THE 2018 – Europe Teaching Rankings sees University of Göttingen in 2nd place nationwide

(pug) In the first Times Higher Education (THE) Ranking focused on teaching and learning, the University of Göttingen took second place across Germany. It reached 38th place out of 242 universities in Europe.


In THE’s student survey, Göttingen University achieved above-average ratings in a nationwide comparison. The students were highly satisfied with the quality of the learning environment, the access to learning materials and the opportunities for collaborative learning with teachers and fellow students. A large majority would recommend the University to friends and relatives and would be happy to study in Göttingen again.


"We are certainly delighted with this excellent result," says Professor Andrea D. Bührmann, Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Equal Opportunities. “The University has done a great deal in recent years to further improve the quality of teaching and learning. This is clearly reflected in the ranking."

The ranking is based on the weighting of a total of 13 individual performance indicators. The basis of the data is the THE European Student Survey, a survey of more than 30,000 students conducted by the THE for the first time this year, in addition to the evaluation of other statistical and bibliometric data.


Further information on the ranking and the methodology can be found at:


Contact address:

Dr. Jörn Alphei

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Student and Academic Services

Wilhelmsplatz 4, 37073 Göttingen, Germany

Phone +49 (0)551 39-4130

