
a) Sammelbände


  • Kegalauan Identitas: Agama, Etnisitas, dan Kewarganegaraan Pada Masa Paska Orde Baru (The Anxiety of Identity: Religion, Ethnicity, and Citizenship in Post-New Order Indonesia). Jakarta: Grasindo Publisher. (co-edited with Martin Ramstedt.)


  • Translator (with Atka Savitri). Politik Kebudayaan di Dunia Seni Rupa Kontemporer: A.D. Pirous dan Medan Seni Indonesia. (The Cultural Politics of Contemporary Art World: A.D. Pirous and the Field of Indonesian Art.) Collected essay by Kenneth M. George. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Cemeti and Sanata Dharma University Press.

b) Beiträge in Zeitschriften


  • “When Peace Prevails on Kasih Hill: The Protestant Church and the Politics of Adat in Minahasa.” Asian Ethnicity 13: 4, p. 359-371.


  • The Social Life of Reconciliation: Religion and the Struggle for Social Justice In Post-New Order Indonesia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper Series.


  • “Riot Narrative: Public Sphere, Pragmatism, and (Multi)Cultural Politics.” Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia 75, Th. XXVIII (September-December.)
  • “Pemilihan Umum: Ruang Publik Politik, Memori Kekerasan.” (General Election: Political Public Sphere, Memory of Violence.) Basis No. 03-04, Th. 53 (March-April.)

c) Beiträge in Sammelbänden


  • “Riding the Postmodern Chaos: A Reflection on Academic Subjectivity in Indonesia.” In Diversifying and Decentring Southeast Asian Studies, edited by Goh Beng Lan. Singapore: ISEAS Press.
  • “Ketika ‘Perdamaian’ Menjelma di Bukit Kasih: Pencegahan Konflik, Lembaga Gereja, dan Politik Adat di Minahasa (When “Peace” Prevails on Kasih Hill: Conflict Prevention, Church, and the Politics of Adat in Minahasa).” In Kegalauan Identitas: Agama, Etnisitas, dan Kewarganegaraan Pada Masa Paska Orde Baru. Jakarta: Grasindo Publisher. (co-edited with Martin Ramstedt.)
  • (with Martin Ramstedt) “Pendahuluan.” In Kegalauan Identitas: Agama, Etnisitas, dan Kewarganegaraan Pada Masa Paska Orde Baru. Jakarta: Grasindo Publisher. (co-edited with Martin Ramstedt.)


  • “Ninjas in Narratives of Local and National Violence in Post-Soeharto Indonesia.” In Beginning to Remember, edited by Mary Zurbuchen. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  • “Writing Pasts.” In The Art of Truth-Telling After Authoritarian Rule, edited by Ksenija Bilbija, Jo Ellen Fair, Cynthia Milton, and Leigh Payne. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.