Dr. Małgorzata Siennicka
Profil Lebenslauf Publikationen Sonstiges
K. Lewartowski, A. Ulanowska, M. Siennicka, Archeologia egejska. Podręcznik [The Aegean archaeology. A Handbook], 2008–2009.
Siennicka M., Rahmstorf L., Ulanowska A. (eds.), First Textiles. The Beginnings of Textile Manufacture in Europe and the Mediterranean. Proceedings of the EAA Session Held in Istanbul (2014) and the ‘First Textiles’ Conference in Copenhagen (2015). Ancient Textiles Series 32. Oxford, Philadelphia 2018.
Ulanowska A., Siennicka M., Grupa M. (eds.), Dynamics and Organisation of Textile Production in Past Societies in Europe and the Mediterranean. Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae XXXI (2018)
Ulanowska A., Siennicka M. (eds.), Tradycje i innowacje w technologii włókienniczej w epoce brązu w Europie i basenie Morza Śródziemnego / Tradition and Innovation in Textile Technology in Bronze Age Europe and the Mediterranean. Światowit LVI (2017) 2018
Unpublizierte Manuskripte
OIKIΣMOΣ. Spatial and Social Organisation of Late Helladic III Mycenae and Contemporary Settlements in the Argolid. Dissertation, University of Warsaw, 2010.
Funkcje wnętrz budynków mieszkalnych w okresie wczesnohelladzkim [Functions of Interiors in Early Helladic Houses]. Unpublished Master of Arts Thesis, University of Warsaw, 2000, written in Polish.
Ulanowska A., Siennicka M., Transmission of Practice, Transmission of Knowledge: Dynamics of Textile Production in the Bronze Age Aegean, in: E. Borgna, I. Caloi, F.M. Carinci R. Laffineur (eds), MNHMH/MNEME: Past and Memory in the Aegean Bonze Age. Proceedings of the 17th International Aegean Conference, University of Udine, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanities, 17-21 April 2018. Aegaeum 43, Lueven-Liège 2019, 753-757.
Siennicka M., Rahmstorf L., Ulanowska A. Introduction, in: M. Siennicka, L. Rahmstorf, A. Ulanowska (eds), First Textiles. The Beginnings of Textile Manufacture in Europe and the Mediterranean. Proceedings of the EAA Session Held in Istanbul (2014) and the ‘First Textiles’ Conference in Copenhagen (2015), Ancient Textiles Series 32, Oxford and Philadelphia 2018, 1–16
Siennicka M., Ulanowska A., Grupa M., Introduction, in: Dynamics and Organisation of Textile Production in Past Societies in Europe and the Mediterranean, Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae XXI (2018), 1–7
Ulanowska A., Siennicka M. Tradition and innovation in textile technology in Bronze Age Europe and the Mediterranean, in: A. Ulanowska, M. Siennicka (eds.), Światowit LVI (2017) 2018, 9–12 (http://swiatowitwuw.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=184209)
Siennicka M., Étude d’empreintes de textile, in: A. Philippa-Touchais, N. Papadimitriou, G. Touchais (eds.), La Deiras, Bulletin de Correspondance Héllenique 139-140 (2015-2016), 2018, 837–838
Ulanowska A., Siennicka M., Grupa M., Dynamics and organisation of textile production in past societies in Europe and the Mediterranean. 21-22 June 2017, Łódź, Poland, Achaeological Textiles Review 59 (2017) 93-95
Ulanowska A., Siennicka M., Tradition and innovation in textile technology in Bronze Age Europe and the Mediterranean Report on Session TH1-13 at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the EAA in Vilnius, Lithuania, TEA 51 (2017) 14-15
Siennicka M., Ulanowska A., So simple yet universal. Contextual and experimental approach to clay ‘spools’ from Bronze Age Greece, in: J. Ortiz, C. Alfaro, L. Turell, M.a J. Martínez (eds.), Purpureae Vestes V. Ancient Textiles, Basketry and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Proceedings of Vth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Montserrat, 19-22 March, 2014), València 2016, 25-36
Courts and open spaces in the Late Helladic III Argolid, in: Ann-Louise Schallin, Iphiyenia Tournavitou (eds.), Mycenaeans up to date. The archaeology of the north-eastern Peloponnese – current concepts and new directions, ACTA INSTITUTI ATHENIENSIS REGNI SUECIAE, SERIES IN 4°, 56, Stockholm 2015, 361-376
Rahmstorf L., Siennicka M., Andersson Strand E., Nosch M.-L., Cutler J., Textile Tools at Tiryns, mainland Greece, in: E. Andersson Strand, M.-L. Nosch (eds.), Tools, Textiles and Contexts. Investigating textile production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, Ancient Textiles Series 21, Oxford 2015, 267-278
Textiles in a social context and First Textiles. Two conferences about prehistoric textiles, Achaeological Textiles Review 57 (2015) 128-129
Siennicka M., Rahmstorf L., Ulanowska A., Textiles in a social context. Textile production in Europe and the Mediterranean in the 4th and 3rd millennia BCE, The European Archaeologist 43 (2014) 41-44
Changes in textile production in Late Bronze Age Tiryns, Greece, in: K. Droß-Krüpe (ed.), Textile trade and distribution in antiquity. Textilhandel und -distribution in der Antike (Philippika 73), Wiesbaden 2014, 161-176
First Textiles. The Beginnings of Textile Manufacture in Europe and the Mediterranean, The European Archaeologist 41, 2014, 38-39
Textile Production in Early Helladic Tiryns, in: M.-L. Nosch, R. Laffineur (eds), KOSMOS. Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age. 13th International Aegean Conference held at Copenhagen, April 2010/13eme rencontre égénne, Copenhague, avril 2010. Aegaeum 33, Leuven-Liège 2012, 65–76
Spatial Organisation of Late Mycenaean Settlements, in: B. Horejs, T.L. Kienlin (eds.), Siedlung und Handwerk. Studien zu sozialen Kontexten in der Bronzezeit. Beiträge zu den Sitzungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bronzezeit auf der Jahrestagung des Nordwestdeutschen Verbandes für Altertumforschung in Schleswig 2007 und auf dem Deutschen Archäologenkongress in Mannheim 2008 (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 194) Bonn 2010, 69–94
Home sweet home, czyli jak mieszkali Mykeńczycy, in: J. Kolendo, K. Lewartowski, K. Szymczak (eds.), Blisko i daleko. Księga jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2009, 159–166
Ognisko domowe - pomieszczenia z paleniskami w architekturze mieszkalnej okresu wczesnohelladzkiego [Hearth and Home – Rooms with Hearths in Early Helladic Domestic Architecture], Studia i materiały archeologiczne 11, 2003 (2004), 141–156
House - Settlement - Province. Social Space in Middle- and Late Helladic Korakou and Corinthia, Światowit 5 [XLVI, Fasc. A], 2003, 69–90
Mycenaean settlement patterns in the Saronic Gulf, Światowit 4 [XLV, Fasc. A], 2002 (2003), 179–193
Fireside – Rooms with Hearths in Early Helladic Non-Monumental Domestic Architecture, Światowit 4 [XLV, Fasc. A], 2002 (2003), 173–178
Jak mieszkali starożytni? Dom i życie codzienne we wczesnym okresie epoki brązu na terenie Grecji Lądowej [How did the Ancients Live? Home and Every-day Life in Early Bronze Age in Mainland Greece], Meander 5-6, 2002, 513–525
Aufsätze im Druck
Craftspeople, craftsmanship and textile production in Early Bronze Age Greece, in: K. Sarri, L. Quillien (eds.), Textile workers. Skills, Labour and Status of Textile Craftspeople Between Prehistoric Aegean and Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the 10th ICAANE, 25. April 2016, Vienna. OREA International Series (submitted)