Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science 202429.10.2024

Graduation ceremony for the graduates of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes of SoSe 23, WiSe 23/24 or SoSe 24

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science cordially invites its graduates to a graduation ceremony on 15 November 2024. Look forward to a festive program with a formal farewell, inspiring guest speeches, and musical accompaniment. Registration is requested.

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Opportunities for research stays of students and researchers at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo - 15.4.2422.3.2024

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Planas will present opportunities for fully funded research stays at the  National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo, Japan, for master’s students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral researchers in Computer Science, Data Science, and related fields such as Mathematics, Physics, and Information Technology on 15 April 2024, 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The evant will take place at the SUB Central Library, conference room 3.103. Participation via zoom is possible:

Located in the heart of Tokyo, NII is Japan’s premiere institute for all areas of computer science research and global scientific data infrastructure support. Prof. Planas is the Director of NII’s Global Liaison Office, which maintains close MOU partnerships with the University of Göttingen and over 100 other institutions worldwide.

NII welcomes master’s and PhD candidates from MOU partner institutions for research internships spanning 3 to 6 months. Additionally, NII researchers can invite international colleagues for short-term stays or send team members abroad for research visits (up to 2 months) as part of the MOU program.

Pictures and reports of former participants:

Interview about research stays in Tokyo24.1.2024

In the January issue of campus|inform, André Greiner-Petter, computer scientist and postdoc in the research group of Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp, reports on his research stays at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo. In addition to his experiences in Japan, he also talks about the DAAD scholarship programs he benefitted from and recommends to others.

On this page, interested students and researchers can find further information on the opportunities for paid research stays in Tokyo the GippLab offers to master’s, Ph.D., and post-doctorate students.

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Profile of Prof. Bela Gipp and the Research Group Scientific Information Analytics7.11.2023

The recently released 2022 Annual Report of Göttingen University introduces Prof. Bela Gipp and his newly established Professorship for Scientific Information Analytics (GippLab) at the Institute for Computer Science and the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB) In the interview, Bela Gipp discusses the immense opportunities and exciting challenges arising from supporting a world-leading research library like the SUB in its transformation into the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He outlines the broad research field of his team, which ranges from AI-based language models for various applications to the construction and AI-based control of drones. Furthermore, he provides insight into how he leverages his experiences as a winner of the "Jugend forscht" competition, a start-up founder in Silicon Valley, and a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley and the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo to support students.

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NDR Science Podcast Synapses on Opportunities and Risks of AI20.7.2023

IfI members Bela Gipp and Norman Meuschke discuss the use of AI in university teaching and research

The rapid technological progress of artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing numerous areas of application. Alongside optimism, there are also increasing concerns and calls for stricter regulation.

In the current episode of the NDR Science Podcast Synapses, scientists discuss the question "No fear of artificial intelligence?" They explore the possibilities and consequences of AI application, ethical foundations and concerns, as well as the pros and cons of technology regulation.

The IfI members Professor Bela Gipp and Dr. Norman Meuschke participate in the discussion. In the podcast, they talk predominantly about the prospects, challenges, and experiences of using generative language models like ChatGPT in university teaching and research (starting at 17'12'').

Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science23.6.2023

The Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science for the graduates of the final semesters WiSe 2021/22, SoSe 2022 and WiSe 2022/23 will take place on 7 July 2023 with ceremonial speeches and music.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Prof. Fu received the 2022 IEEE ComSoc Internet Technical Committee Outstanding Service Award3.6.2022

The IEEE Communications Society Internet Technical Committee Outstanding Service Award is bestowed to an ITC member in recognition of the excellent service rendered to the fields of Internet and networking research over a long period of time.

Prof. Xiaoming Fu is the outstanding service award recipient for 2022. He has been the chair for IEEE Communications Society Internet Technical Committee during 2011-2013, the vice chair for IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Computer Communications during 2010-2012, the founding chair of its award committee (2014-2017), steering committee chair for IEEE Global Internet Symposium 2011-2014, a technical editor for IEEE Communications Magazine (2013-2020) and IEEE Network (2020-present), and associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2008-present), IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (2018-2021) and IEEE Networking Letters (2018-2021), as well as member or chair of technical or organization committees of ACM SIGCOMM, MobiCom, MobiHoc, CoNEXT, IEEE INFOCOM, ICNP, ICDCS, CloudNet, and IFIP Networking. He is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of IET, and a Distinguished Member of ACM.

Welcome to Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp!29.4.2022

Since April 1, 2022, Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp has led the new research group on Scientific Information Analytics, which is located at the Institute for Computer Science and the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB). Furthermore, Mr. Gipp is a member of the Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS),

Mr. Gipp's research lies at the intersection of the areas of Information Science and Data Science. His research focus is on methods for Natural Language Processing and the retrieval, analysis, and visualization of information in large datasets. Another area that Bela Gipp is passionately researching is the possible uses of blockchain technology for industrial and social applications.

Before coming to Göttingen, he headed the Data & Knowledge Engineering research group at the University of Wuppertal from 2018 to 2022. From 2015 to 2018, he was an assistant professor and head of the Information Science research group at the University of Konstanz. He conducted almost all his Ph.D. research, which he completed in 2013, during a four-year fellowship-funded residency at the University of California, Berkeley. During his time at UC Berkeley, he used the proximity to Silicon Valley to found or co-founded the technology start-ups SciPlore and Docear. After completing his doctorate, he completed postdoctoral stays at UC Berkeley and the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo and founded the Switzerland-based OriginStamp AG.

Mr. Gipp will teach about his Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Data Science research. For the current summer semester, Bachelor students can still register for the lecture Introduction to Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing. The seminar Selected Topics in Data Science is open to Master's students. Both courses start on May 12

More information on Mr. Gipp's research and teaching can be found on his research group's website He can be found on Twitter at @BelaGipp and his group at @GippLab.

We welcome Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp at our institute and wish him a good start!/p>

Welcome to Prof. Dr. Constantin Pape!8.3.2022

Prof. Dr. Pape is the head of the new research group Computational Cell Analytics at the Institute for Computer Science and a member of CIDAS. He will develop computer vision methods for applications in medicine and biology.

Before coming to Goettingen, Mr. Pape was a PostDoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg and has finished his PhD at the University of Heidelberg.

His main research interests are machine learning and deep learning, with a focus on image analysis methods for microscopy. He also develops methods for processing and visualizing large image data. An integral part of his research will be interdisciplinary projects with life scientists.

Mr. Pape will give lectures and seminars on the topics of deep learning and computer vision.

We welcome Prof. Dr. Constantin Pape at our institute and wish him a good start!

Conference Computer Science Logic 20221.2.2022

Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL), see

CSL is an interdisciplinary conference, spanning across both basic and application oriented research in mathematical logic and computer science. CSL'22 will be held on February 14 - 19, 2022, online. The conference is hosted by the University of Göttingen, and organized by the group Fundamentals of Computer Science of the Institute of Computer Science. For more information, see please the website of the conference

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Prof. Dr. Alexander Ecker receives ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million euros11.1.2022

The computational neuroscientist Professor Alexander Ecker from the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS) has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).

The ERC has awarded his project "Deep Neuron Embeddings: Data-driven multi-modal discovery of cell types in the neocortex" a total of 1.5 million euros over five years.

Ecker and his team want to find out how the shape of a neuron in the cerebral cortex relates to its function.

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