Onlineforum for Theses
Bringing together auditorium and job

Welcome to the Onlineforum for theses!

The forum is intended to provide students a central platform to search for a suitable thesis offered by a company.

The forum and the resulting collaboration is established with the aim to improve the career entrance of the students and to improve the practical relevance of their studies.

The idea orginates from two students of our faculty. In 2013, the idea was awarded with a prize in the university-wide ideas competition.
Detailed information about the idea, the concept and objectives of the project can be found on the right side.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments. The contact data can be found on the left handside.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank for the support of this project by the quality program for teaching and learning (Campus Qplus) of the University of Göttingen, supported by the federal-state program for better study conditions and more quality in teaching.