Dr. Nathaly R. Guerrero Ramírez


Postdoctoral Researcher Biodiversity monitoring of island ecosystems (BioMonI)

email: nathaly.guerrero-ramirez[at]forst.uni-goettingen.de
Website: https://nathalyguerrero.weebly.com
Global Root Traits (GRooT) Database
Tropical Root Trait Initiative (TropiRoot)
Board member Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)
Board member Society of Island Biology (SIB)

Research Interests
I am fascinated in understanding relationships between biodiversity's causes and effects, and complex ecological systems through linkages between micro- and macro-ecological patterns and mechanisms. I am interested in implementing integrative approaches that contribute to unravelling the complexity associated with ecological systems and its consequences for human livelihoods. I use a holistic perspective through the explicit incorporation of multitrophic and non-trophic dynamics in spatially- and temporaly-explicit frameworks and belowground biotic and abiotic factors.

2018: Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat., summa cum laude) at Universität Leipzig, Germany. Advisor: Nico Eisenahuer
2014: Master of Biology at Université du Quebec à Montréal, Canada. Advisors: Tanya Handa & Christian Messier
2009: Bachelor of Environmental Biology at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia. Advisor: Valeria Pizarro


For a list of my publications please visit my Google scholar profile.