Successful Practical Project with HOLZRICHTER Berlin as Part of the Master in Management

A group photo shows Master Management students Marc-Christian Fiedler, Jacqueline Meier, Ella Riffel, Marie Sophie Bräuer, and Leonie Dill together with the HOLZRICHTER Berlin team Antonio Batinovic, Laura Backhauß, and Johannes Stopa, as well as Professor Maik Hammerschmidt and research associate Henrietta Batinovic.
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of a practical project in collaboration with HOLZRICHTER Berlin. Over the course of the project, five students from our new Master in Management program—Marc-Christian Fiedler, Jacqueline Meier, Ella Riffel, Marie Sophie Bräuer, and Leonie Dill—developed a comprehensive internationalization strategy for the French market throughout an entire semester.

Under the guidance of Laura Backhauß, Head of Brand Management, and former CMO Antonio Batinovic, the students worked closely with the company. HOLZRICHTER Berlin, known for its timeless and sustainable leather accessories, places great emphasis on vegetable tanning agents, fair wages, and dignified working conditions throughout the entire supply chain. Founded in 2015 by Alexander Korduan, the brand is especially recognized for its modern minimalism and the revival of past elegance.

The presentation of the results took place on 03.07.2024 with the HOLZRICHTER team in Göttingen.

By tackling a real management problem, students in the practical project learn to apply problem-solving and communication tools in a specific business situation. Additionally, through intensive group work, they deepen and expand their social competencies.

This practical project demonstrates that theory and practice can be successfully linked to impart valuable skills for the professional future of our students and provide companies with methodologically sound and actionable recommendations. We are proud of our team's achievements and thank HOLZRICHTER Berlin for the valuable collaboration.