Personal Data
![]() | Prof.Dr. Christian Jooss / Gruppenleiter Date of Birth: January,10.1967 in Stuttgart / European Citizen(Germany) |
- 10/88-04/95 Diplom in Physics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Thesis: Magneto-optical investigations of the micro structural influences on the current carrying capability of high-temperature superconductors. - 09/95-06/98 Ph. D. Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research, Stuttgart, Germany, Thesis: Pinning mechanism of flux lines in YBaCuO films.
- 12/2002 Habilitation in Experimental Physics at the University of Göttingen Topic: "Current transport in high-temperature superconductors"
- 03/94-04/95 Teaching assistant, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- 09/95-01/98 Scientific research employee, Max-Planck-Institute for Metal Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
- 01/98-08/98 Research Scientist, Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
- 09/98-01/2004 Scientific assistant, Institute of Materials Physics, University of Göttingen, group of Prof. Dr. H. C. Freyhardt.
- 01/2004-01/2006 Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Materials Physics, University of Göttingen
- 02/2006-08/2006 Sabbatical at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Prof. Y. Zhu, Center for Functional Nanomaterials: Advanced methods of analytical transmission electron microscopy.
- 09/2006-08/2008 Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Materials Physics, University of Göttingen
- Since 09/2008 Full Professor (W2) at the University of Goettingen, Institute of Materials Physics
- German Physical Society
- Materials Research Society, USA
- Scientific committee of the Open University
- Founder member of the Institute of research and education (IFB), Göttingen
- Member in the Society of Scientists for Peace in Göttingen, e. V.
Scientific journals: Nature, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Europhysics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Physica C, Superconducting Science and Technology, u.a. Referee for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: since 2005 Research area: Nanoscale multifunctional oxides
Metal oxide compounds reveal a broad richness of physical phenomena spanning from hightemperature superconductivity and resistance changes in external fields to new mechanisms for energy conversion in thermoelectric, photovoltaic or photocatalytic processes. The strong correlation of electronic, magnetic and atomic degrees of freedom gives rise to a novel complexity, where e.g. an electrical current can change the crystal structure or a mechanical stimulation can alter the electric resistivity. The fundamental understanding of mechanisms at interfaces in these fascinating class of multifunctional materials offers new opportunities for the development of applications in high-efficiency electronic devices and renewable energy-conversion.Selection of lectures
- Order, disorder and self-organization in solid state and materials physics (WS 2003/2004)
- Materials physics (WS 2004/2005)
- Atom- and quantum physics, with 25 new experiments for demonstration (SS 2005)
- Thin films (WS 2005/2006)
- Modern materials and nanostructures (WS 2006/2007)
- Nanopatterned materials (WS 2007/2008)
- Materials for renewable energy applications (SS 2008, SS 2009)
- Materials research with electrons (WS 2008/2009, SS 2010)
- Master course in materials science (WS 2009/2010)
Methods: Nanoscale materials preparation and in-situ TEM
Materials design of nanostructured complex oxides, multilayers and interfaces is performed by ion beam, rf and magnetron sputtering as well as pulsed laser deposition combined with artificial and self-organized patterning processes on various length scales. Materials include manganites (Pr1xCaxMnO3, La1-xSrxMnO3), Cobaltites (Pr1-xCaxCoO3), Titanites (SrTi1-xNbxO3, BaTiO3), Ferrites (CoFe2O4), nanocomposites (BaTiO3 / CoFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 / La1-xSrxMnO3) as well as metaloxide heterostructures. In order to determine structure property relations, we use various highresolution analytical techniques for structure, chemical composition, magnetic properties, thermal and electric transport. A focus is in-situ and analytical transmission electron microscopy allowing for high-resolution electrical, optical and photovoltaic measurements in a transmission electron microscope together with atomic column resolution structural, chemical and electronic analysis.Organisation of conferences
- 10. International Workshop on Critical Currents, Göttingen, 4.-7. Juni 2001, with Prof. H. C. Freyhardt
- Spring conference of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, solid state Physics: Scientific program of the section "Low Temperature Physics" in the years 2000 (Regensburg) and 2001 (Hamburg) together with Prof. H. C. Freyhardt
- E-MRS Spring Meeting 2007, Strasbourg, May 28. - June 1. 2007, Symposium H, together with F. Sandiumenge, W. Prellier and J.-M. Casanove: Nanoscale tailoring of defect structures for optimized functional and multifunctional oxide films
- Materials for Energy 2010, Karlsruhe, July 5.-8. (Dechema + MRS) ; Symposium "Solar fuels / Artifical photosynthesis"
- "Thermal conductivity in reduced dimensions: 3 Omega method and beyond" ; Göttingen, May 27./28. 2010 Organised by the German Priority Program SPP 1386 and Institute of Materials Physics, University of Göttingen
Visits abroad
- 04/1991 - Facultat de Sciencas Naturales, Universidad Autonoma, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 12/2000 - Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, D. Welch and Y. Zhu. Investigation of grain boundaries in high-temperature superconductors
- 04/2002 - University of Cambridge, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, J. Evetts. Cooperation on flux pinning in vicinal superconducting films
- 02-08/2006 - Sabbatical at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Y. Zhu, Advanced TEM study on manganites
- 02-03/2010 - Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Advanced TEM Experiments
- 06/2010 - Microscience, June 28. 1. July 2010 Excel, London; In-situ TEM studies of multifunctional properties in oxide perovskites: Colossal resistance effects and catalytic processes in PrCaMnO
- 03/2010 - Spring conference of the German Physical Society, Regensburg; Interfaces in multifunctional perovskite oxides
- 11/2009 - Physical-colloquium, University of Braunschweig, Germany; Interfaces in strongly correlated oxide materials
- 08/2009 - Conference on Thermodynamics and Transport Kinetics of Nanostructured Materials (TTk), Münster, Germany; Interfaces in strongly correlated oxide materials
- 06/2009 - Workshop on solid state physics, Niedersachsen; Interfaces in strongly correlated oxide materials
- 01/2008 - Plenary talk at the 37. Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics, Taxco, Mexico; Electronic correlation and ordering in solids: Strolling through the fields of colossal resistance effects and high-temperature superconductivity
- 06/2008 - Physical-colloquium, University of Bonn, Germany; Elektronische Korrelation und Ordnung: Vom ferroelektrischen Isolator zum Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter
- 09/2007 - International Conference "Solid State Chemistry and Modern Micro- and Nanotechnologies", Kislovodsk,Russia
- 05/2007 - International Workshop ?Superconductivity and Magnetism in the Perovskites and other Novel Materials?, Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv, Israel; Interplay of multiferroic behavior, electronic phase separation and colossal resistance effects in Pr1-xCaxMnO3
- 06/2006 - Nanoseminar of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York: Magnetostatic interactions in small hard magnetic patterns
- 12/2005 - Public Lectures on Nanotechnique for the society, organized by the Nanotechnology Center CC UPOB e.V., Braunschweig: Flussquanten als Nanoobjekte in Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern: Fundamentale Einsichten und Anwendungen
- 05/2005 - Minerva Workshop on Superconductivity and Applications, Barylan University, Israel ; Space and time resolved imaging of flux dynamics at grain boundaries and other defects in HTS
- 04/2005 - SCENET Workshop Rust, Austria; Modifying the current distribution of grain boundaries in YBaCuO thin films
Invited talks (last years)