Projects of counterparts and stakeholders in Phase 3: 2020-2023

ABS - Research Projects at IPB University
Name Counterpart Title File
Tiara Sayusti,
Rika Raffiudin,
Nina Ratna Djuita,
Windra Priawandiputra
A01 Pollen diversity in honey revealed the foraging preference of the sympatric honey bee and stingless bee (2023) PDF
Herdatha Augusta A02 Role of surface covers on ground water quality of oil palm plantation area (2021) PDF
Herdatha Augusta A02 Variability of infiltration rates under different understory vegetation in oil palm during the wet and dry season (2023) PDF
Tania June,
Ummu Marufah
Evaluating the impact of land use change on surface energy balance partition and rainfall in Jambi Province (2021) PDF
Tania June A03,
Spatial analyses of oil palm evaporation: Correlation matrix with micrometeorological driving forces (2023) PDF
Evan Vria Andesmora
B02 Growth and Photosynthetic Rate of Jambi Oil Palm Seedling Accessions Treated by Different Waterlogging Durations (2023) PDF
Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo,
Dirga S. Pradana,
Mei Linda Mardalena,
Harry Imantho
B06 The development of database of plant specimen collected from core plots of EFForTS (2023) PDF
Windra Priawandiputra,
Damayanti Buchori
B09 Development of a method to capture stingless bees for increasing human livelihood and improving biodiversity assessment (2021) PDF
Yeni A. Mulyani,
Tri Ananda Nur Ikhsan,
Azru Azhar,
Gusthi Ayu Permatasari,
Rizky Nazarreta,
windra Priwandiputra,
Damayanti Buchori
B09 Evaluating biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment (BEE) (2023) PDF
Iskandar Z. Siregar,
Sri Rahayu,
Ulfah Juniarti Siregar,
Essy Harnelly,
Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,
Bambang Irawan,
Muhammad Majiidu
B14 Genetic diversity of forest reproductive materials (FRM) produced from seeds (Archidendron pauciflorum Benth.) and clone (Peronema canescens Jack.) (2021) PDF
Iskandar Z. Siregar,
Sri Rahayu,
Ulfah Juniarti Siregar,
Essy Harnelly,
Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,
Bambang Irawan,
Muhammad Majiidu
B14 Genetic diversity of sungkai (Peronema canescens Jack.) and jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum Benth.) in EFForTS-BEE assessed by microsatellite markers (2023) PDF
Iskandar Z. Siregar B14 Increasing sequencing coverage in Petai and Sungkai using ONT technology (2023) PDF
Ulfah Juniarti Siregar B14 Assembling chloroplast genome sequences of petai, jengkol, sungkai and leprosula usingboth short-read and long-read sequencing:
WP1: Generating raw sequences of four species from short read and long read sequencing (2021)
Rina Mardiana,
Soeryo Adiwibowo,
Endriatmo Soetarto
C02 Key elements of sustainable forest governance: An empirical experience from customary forest in Jambi (2021) PDF
Leti Sundawati,
Adisti PP. Hartoyo,
Fitta Setiajiati
PR Agroforestry for higher education in Indonesia: Status and future development (2021) PDF
Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat Z01 Policy studies and model development of agro-foresty in Jambi, Sumatra (2021) PDF
Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat Z01 Reconciling conflict of interest in the management of forest restoration ecosystem: A strategy to incorporate different interests of stakeholders in the utilization of the Harapan Rainforest, Jambi, Indonesia (2023) PDF
Damayanti Buchori,
Purnama Hidayat,
Rizky Nazarreta
Z02 Arthropods collection and identification books (2021) PDF
Damayanti Buchori Z02 Developing an insect database through citizen science using iNaturalist as a mapping tool (2023) PDF
Purnama Hidayat Z02 Monitoring arboreal arthropods communities across four different land-use systems (2021) PDF
Purnama Hidayat Z02 Canopy spiders and bees of Jambi Province: A photographic field guide (2023) PDF
ABS - Research Projects at UNJA
Name Counterpart Title File
Asmadi Saad,
Kurnia Irvanda,
Dwiana Ocviyanti
A01 Physical characteristics of peat in various land use in Bram Itam Raya Village, Bram Itam District – Jambi (2021) PDF
Damris Muhammad,
Nurzeni Fitri
A05 The effects of modified biochar on greenhouse gas emission from soils of palm oil plantations in Jambi (2021) PDF
Damris Muhammad,
Nurzeni Fitri
A05 Assessing farmer management practices and greenhouse gas emission of smallholder oil palm plantations in Jambi province (2023) PDF
Bambang Irawan,
Yabes God Anugrah,
B14 De novo whole genome sequencing of Bulian (Eusideroxylon zwageri Binn & Teijsm) using millenial technology MinION Oxford Nanopore (2021) PDF
Revis Asra,
Joko Ridho Witono,
Izu Andry Fijridiyanto
B14 Sex identification of Jernang (Daemonorops draco (Willd.) Blume) using ISSR markers (2021) PDF
Revis Asra,
Joko Ridho Witono,
Izu Andry Fijridiyanto,
Upik Yelianti
B14 Genetic diversity of Jernang (Calamus spp.) using ISSR markers (2023) PDF
Mirawati Yanita C01 Economic production model of independent smallholder oil palm cultivation in Batanghari Regency (2021) PDF
Mirawati Yanita,
Gina Fauzia (Jambi University)
C01 The Positive outcomes of ISPO certification towards the sustainable management practices of palm oil of smallholders in Jambi Province (2023) PDF
Fuad Mukhlis,
Nurhikmah Mila
C02 Community’s perception and poverty threaten the preservation of Grand Forest Park (Tahura)“Orang Kayo Hitam” in Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province, Indonesia (2021) PDF
Fuad Mukhlis,
Nurhikmah Mila
C02 Factors that affect the implementation of oil palm replanting in Jambi Province, Sumatra (2023) PDF
Dompak MT Napitupulu,
Mirawati Yanita,
Karina Rahma
C06 Independence Smallholder Oil Palm Replanting: An Analysis of Income Inequality (2021) PDF
Zulkifli Alamsyah,
Gina Fauzia,
Mirawati Yanita
C07 The economic performance of non-plasma smallholder oil palm plantations based on plantation management practices in Muaro Jambi District of Jambi Province (2021) PDF
Ummi Kalsum,
Zulkifli Alamsyah
C07 Health status of female oil palm farmers and feeding pattern of children related to malnutrition (stunting) in under five-year-old children of smallholder households in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province (2023) PDF
Ira Wahyuni
C08 The analysis of a replanting model on smallholders oil palm in Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province (2021) PDF
Upik Yelianti,
Evita Anggereini,
Raissa Mataniari
PR Development of a booklet with teaching materials for plant taxonomy courses about orchids in the Harapan Rainforest, Jambi (2023) PDF
Bambang Irawan,
Gindo Tampubolon,
Hasbi Hasibuan
Z01 Ecosystem reclamation after coal mining and silviculture of forest plantation in PT. Nan Riang (2021) PDF
Upik Yelianti,
Raissa Mataniari,
Dewi Komalasari
Z01 Exploration of orchid mycorrhizal fungus at Harapan Rain Forest (HRF), Jambi Province as a learning resource of a plant ecophysiology course (2021) PDF
Mohd. Zuhdi,
Zuhratus Saleh
Z02 Building hyperspectral spectral signature of tropical lowland vegetation: Identification of vegetation state and condition using Hyperspectral Imagery (2021) PDF
ABS - Research Projects at LIPI
Name Counterpart Title File
Sri Rahayu,
Iskandar Z. Siregar,
Ulfah Juniarti Siregar,
Essy Harnelly,
Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,
Bambang Irawan,
Muhammad Majiidu
B14 Assessment of FRM quality produced from seeds (Archidendron pauciflorum Benth.) and clone (Peronema canescens Jack.) (2021) PDF
ABS - Research Projects at Syiah Kuala University
Essy Harnelly B14 Assembling chloroplast genome sequences of petai, jengkol, sungkai and jelutung using both shortread and long-read sequencing (2021) PDF
ABS - Research Projects at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
I Nengah Suparta,
Luh Mitha Priyanka,
I Wayan Muderawan
PR Developing Socio-Scientific Module Based on the Pros and Cons of Using Pesticides in Citrus Nobilis Cultivation for Enhancing Student’s Awareness and Participation (2021) PDF
I Nengah Suparta,
Luh Mitha Priyanka,
I Wayan Muderawan,
Ketut Srie Marhaeni Julyasih,
I Wayan Sukra Warpala, I Gede Arjana
PR The development of SSI learning module related to CVPD disease in citrus plantations at Kintamani, Bangli, Bali(2023) PDF
ABS - Research Projects at Tadulako University
Henry Novero Barus,
Nur Edy
Z01 DNA barcoding of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from Central Sulawesi (2023) PDF

Workshops in Phase 3

Identification of Ants

Prof. Damayanti Buchori organized a two-day ant identification workshop on September 23 and 24, 2022.

Announcement flyer
Announcement flyer.

The course took place online on September 23, about 300 people attended. On September 24, a practical training was conducted in the laboratories at IPB Universities. In addition to students, stakeholders from BSU, REKI, TNBD and PTPN VI also participated.

Impressions of online course
Impressions of online course.