26-.28.05.2014 Invited talk by Dirk Semmann at the Spatial Human Cooperation Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany.
26-.28.05.2014 Talk by Peter Bednarik on "Costs for switching partners reduce network dynamics but not cooperative behavior" at the Spatial Human Cooperation Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany.
10.04.2014 Eingeladener Vortrag von Dirk Semmann zu "Wie entsteht Kooperation in einer Welt von Egoisten?" auf dem 16. PZ-Management Kongress, Mallorca, Spanien.
11.02.2014 Impulsvortag von Dirk Semmann auf der Auftaktveranstaltung des neuen Mentoring-Programms des Göttingen Research Campus: KaWirMento - Karrierewege in die Wirtschaft.
10.01.2014 Talk by Dirk Semmann on "How to overcome the social dilemma of climate change: Insights from evolutionary biology" at the Workshop "How to Overcome Social Dilemmas: Towards an Interdisciplinary Understanding of Global Cooperation", Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg.
03.-06.12.2013 IX. Göttinger Freilandtage: The Sociality-Health-Fitness Link, German Primate Center, Göttingen.
02./03.12.2013 European Student Conference on "Behavior and Cognition" hosted in Göttingen and co-organized by Peter Bednarik.
Tim Hahn (University of Frankfurt) visits our center. He will give a talk on “The neural basis of trust and cooperation”. We are excited to discuss research on social neuroscience and cooperation with him.
Talk by Peter Bednarik on “The evolution of sanctioning institutions: An experimental approach to the social contract”, at the Workshop on Biodiversity and Environment: Viability and Dynamic Games Perspectives, Université de Montréal, Canada.
Public lecture by Dirk Semmann on “Social networks and cooperative behavior”, University of Göttingen.
More coverage on the rabbit’s tail: in the science and technology podcast of The Economist (see min 9:40) and Der Standard (Austria). [press]
Talk by Peter Bednarik “Effects of costly partner switching on cooperative behavior in human social network” at the University of Essex.
Read the latest news coverage of our research by NATURE NEWS BLOG and NBC News: How the rabbit got its cotton-white tail. [press]
Behaviour 2013: International Ethological Conference, Newcastle, UK. We will contribute two posters, Dirk Semmann “A rabbit’s tail: Conspicuous rump patch causes predator confusion” and Peter Bednarik “Costly-partner switching in human social networks reduces linking but maintains high cooperation”.
01.07.2013 We welcome Zhengyang He (Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA) into our group and wish him a good time during his internship. His 3-month stay is financed by the RISE program of the DAAD.
New article on “The evolution of sanctioning institutions: An experimental approach to the social contract” by P. Bednarik and colleagues in the Journal of Experimental Economics. [publications]
We welcome our new master student Xaver Franiel. He will conduct his diploma these on the effect of status quo on human cooperative behavior.
New article: “How do you measure pleasure? A discussion about intrinsic costs and benefits in primate allogrooming” by Yvan Russell in Biology and Philosopy. [publications]
Daniël van der Post (University of Groningen) visits our group. We are excited to see our old colleague and hear about his work on the evolution of animal behavior.
Steve Phelps (University of Essex) visits our group. On Wednesday he will give a talk on "Direct and indirect reciprocity in dynamic social networks: a data-mining approach". We are looking forward to his visit.
New article: “Consistent strategy updating in spatial and non-spatial behavioral experiments does not promote cooperation in social networks” by Dirk Semmann and others in PLOS ONE. [publications]
Radio interview: Deutschlandfunk on the evolution of vendettas with Katrin Fehl and Dirk Semmann.
New article: “I dare you to punish me – Vendettas in games of cooperation”, by Katrin Fehl, Dirk Semmann and colleagues in PLOS ONE. [press release] [publications]
International Summer School on Social Structure and Cooperation [more info here]
International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Lund Sweden
Talk by Dirk Semmann: „Human cooperative behavior on heterogeneous social networks”.
Aug. 2012
One month to go before the International Summer School on social structure and cooperation will start. We are looking forward to this one-week event.
New article: “Conditional cooperation can hinder network reciprocity”, by Dirk Semmann in PNAS. [publications]
International Symposion on Dynamic Games and Applications, Bysice, the Czech Republic.
Talk by Peter Bednarik: “Discretized Best-Response-Dynamics for Cyclic Games“.
We welcome Carmen Lok into the group and wish her a good time during her internship. Her 3-month stay is financed by a DAAD internship grand.
Sarah Brosnan (Georgia State University, USA) visits our group. We are excited to discuss research on cooperation and comparative economics of non-human and human primates with her.
Public talk (Studium generale "Konflikt und Ethik") by Dirk Semmann "Evolution der Kooperation" at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
We welcome our new group member Yvan Russell into the group and wish him a good start.
Deadline for applications for the Social Structure Summer School. The International Summer School takes place September 3rd - 8th, 2012, in Göttingen.
Talk by Dirk Semmann “Social Networks and Cooperative Behavior” at the Network Dynamics Group of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen.
January 2012
Dirk Semmann and Katrin Fehl (together with Julia Ostner and Oliver Schülke) were successful in acquiring funding for a one week Summer School on the topic of social structure and cooperative behavior. The summer school will take place beginning of September 2012. More details will follow soon.
Workshop "Cooperation in multi-partner settings: biological markets and social dilemmas", Lorentz Center of the University Leiden, The Netherlands. Theme group “Social structure and cooperative behavior” organized by Dirk Semmann, Katrin Fehl and Oliver Schülke.
Talk by Katrin Fehl “Punishment - For Good Or Bad?” Colloquium of the Dep. of Cognitive Psychology II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
New article: “Patch depletion, niche structuring and the evolution of cooperative foraging”, by D.J. van der Post and D. Semmann in BMC Evolutionary Biology. [publications]
Mini-Symposium Evolutionary Biology, GOEvol 2011
Talk by Peter Bednarik: „The emergence of sanctioning systems through social learning“.
New article: “The evolution of cooperative turn-taking in animal conflict”, by D.J. van der Post and colleagues in BMC Evolutionary Biology. [publications]
Ringvorlesung WS11/12: Aula am Wilhelmsplatz, Tuesday 6.15pm
Public Talk by Dirk Semmann „Kooperation – Wie entsteht Kooperation in einer Welt von Egoisten?“.
Symposium "Cooperative Behavior"
Host: Dep. of Cognitive Psychology II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Talk by Dirk Semmann: “Effects of social structure on human cooperation”.
Jelena Grujic (University of Madrid, MPI Plön) visits our group. We are looking forward to talk with her about her work on evolutionary models and cooperation experiments.
18.10.2011 – 07.02.2012
Ringvorlesung WS11/12: Miteinander - Füreinander? Sozialverhalten von Affen und Mensch
Program and Flyer; Aula am Wilhelmsplatz, Tuesdays 6.15pm.
New article: “Local orientation and the evolution of foraging: Changes in decision making can eliminate evolutionary trade-offs”, D.J. van der Post & D. Semmann in PLoS Computational Biology. [publications]
We welcome our new PhD student Peter Bednarik.
Conference “Game Theory and Society”, ETH Zürich (Schweiz)
Talk by Dirk Semmann: “Interacting with Several Social Partners Decreases Cooperation”
Poster by Katrin Fehl: “Co-evolution of Behavior and Social Network Structure Promotes Human Cooperation”.
We congratulate Katrin Fehl on the successful defense of her Doctoral Thesis. She wrote her thesis on “Experimental and theoretical investigations of the emergence and sustenance of prosocial behavior in groups” in our group.
We welcome our new diploma student Till Plotzki. He will conduct his diploma these on the effects of subtle social cues on human cooperative behavior.