Martje van Bruggen

Nationality: Dutch

Home Uni: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, WiSe 2005/2006
Host Uni: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany SuSe 2007

Education Background:
Bachelor in scandinavian Languages and Cultures (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, 2005)

Master Thesis Topic:
Media research about the image of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Scandinavia in the Dutch press between 2000 and 2005, completed in 2009

Internship (Time, place, description)
Publistat Media Onderzoek, Amsterdam. Supervised by mr. J. Leensen. (currently no longer employed at Publistat) ( )

Work Experience (after Euroculture programme graduation)
2008-2009: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Hilversum (Dutch Public Broadcasting Organisation)
Editor schedules foreign TV-channels;
April 2009 - current: Colo, Zoetermeer, International Credential Evaluation Department, the Netherlands ( )