Loukas Georgia Renata

Nationality: Italian/Greek

Home Uni: Universidad de Deusto (San Sebastián - SPAIN) WiSe 2005/2006
Host Uni: Georg August Universität (Göttingen - GERMANY) SuSe 2006

Education Background:
Bachelor in Contemporary History
Thesis Topic “Il ruolo della donna nella formazione dell’identità nazionale turca” (“The Role of Women in the Formation of Turkish National Identity”)

Master Thesis Topic:
Turkish Women in the German Press: Newspapers’ Discourse as an Opinion Channel about Turkey, completed in 2006    

Work Experience (after Euroculture programme graduation)
09/2007 – 09/2008: Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs – Spanish Consulate – Duesseldorf (Germany)
Trainee in the foreign trade sector

Further information:
“This long term internship is the second phase of a 2 and a half year program I am taking part in. It is organised, promoted and financed by ICEX (Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior) and it includes a Master in International Business Administration followed by two years of traineeship in the foreign trade sector.”
Currently: ICEX (Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade) – Foreign Trade Territorial Division of Aragón – Zaragoza (Spain),Trainee in the foreign trade sector