Margriet Schager

Nationality: Dutch

Home Uni: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands WiSe 2006
Host Uni: Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany SuSe2007

Education Background:
BA Scandinavian Languages and cultures

Master Thesis Topic:
Labour migration in the GDR around the Wende, completed in 2008

Internship (Time, place,description)
Utrecht, Youth in Action National Agency, supervisor there Peter Pieters.

Further information:
“Only if they speak Dutch fluently. Just take a look at ”
Work Experience (after Euroculture programme graduation)
At Youth in Action, project assistant, then at Taalcnetrum-VU, project officer,
Currenlty: communications officer at James Boswell Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands
P.S: speak Dutch fluently.