Zeitschriftenaufsätze 2007-2010
Zeitschriftenaufsätze 2007-2010 / Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
- CALVET, S., VAN DEN WEGHE, H.F.A., KOSCH, R., ESTELLÉS, F. 2009: The Influence of the Lighting Program on Broiler Activity and Dust Production. Poultry Science Vol. 88, 2504-2511.
- FLEMING, K., HESSEL, E., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2009: Gas and particle concentrations in horse stables with individual boxes as a function of the bedding material and the mucking-out regime. Journal of Animal Science 87 (11), 3805-3816.
- FLEMING, K., HESSEL, E., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2008: Generation of airborne particles from different bedding materials used for horse keeping. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Vol. 28, 408-418.
- FLEMING, K., HESSEL, E., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2008: Evaluation of factors influencing the generation of ammonia in different bedding materials used for horse keeping. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, Vol. 28, 223-231.
- GARLIPP, F., HESSEL, E., VAN DEN HURK, M., TIMMERMANN, M., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2010: The influence of a particle separation technology on the generation of airborne particles from different roughages and bedding materials used for horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Vol. 30, No. 10, 545-559.
- HANEKE, J., LEE, N., GAUL, T., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2010: Characterization of microbial communities in exhaust air treatment systems of large scale pig housing facilities. Water Science and Technology Vol. 62, No. 7, 1551-1559.
- HESSEL, E. F., GARLIPP, F., VAN DEN WEGHE, H.F.A., 2009: Generation of airborne particles from horse feeds depending on type and processing. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, Volume 29, Issue 9, 665-674.
- HESSEL, E., REINERS, K., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2007: Verbesserung der Aufzuchtleistung von Ferkeln durch eine Modifizierung des Haltungssystems während der Säugephase. Agricultural Engineering Research 13 (2007), 110-118.
- HESSEL, E., ZURHAKE, C., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2010: Heating and cooling performance of earth heat exchanger in a mechanical ventilated farrowing house. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, USA, ISSN 1939-1250 (accepted 09.10.2010).
- HESSEL, E., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2010: Individual online-monitoring of feeding behaviour of group-housed weaned pigs via radio frequency identification (RFID) technology using high frequency transponders. Journal of Animal Science (eingereicht am 31.03.2010).
- REINERS, K., HEGGER, A., HESSEL, E., BÖCK, ST., WENDEL, G., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2009: Application of RFID technology using passive HF transponders fort he individual identification of weaned piglets at the feed trough. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2009), 178-184.
- REINERS,K., HESSEL, E., SIELING, S., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2009: Influence of photoperiod on the behavior and performance of newly weaned piglets with a focus on feeding behavior, feed consumption and growth. Journal of Swine Health and Production. (eingereicht).
- REINERS, K., HESSEL, E., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2008: The Effect of heated mash on performance and feeding behavior of new-weaned piglets. Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 86., 3600-3607.
- REINERS, K., HESSEL, E., SIELING, S., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2010: Influence of photoperiod on the behaviour and performance of newly weaned pigs with a focus on time spent at the feeder, feed disappearance and growth. Journal of Swine Health and Production Vol. 18, No. 5, 230-238.
- WERHAHN, H., HESSEL, E., BACHHAUSEN, I., VAN DEN WEGHE, H., 2010: Effects of different bedding materials on the behavior of horses housed in single stalls. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Vol. 30, No. 8, 425-431.