"Jinns versus Aliens: Intermediary Beings in New Religiosities in Turkey"
Dr. Alexandre Toumarkine (Orient-Institut Istanbul)Belief in jinns, angels, spirits and aliens and references to these various intermediary beings follow social religious lines in contemporary Turkey. However, lively debates involving both religious conservative and secular Turks include all of these beings. At the same time we can observe the attempt to establish authority with regard to the supranatural and blur the lines between Islamic and non-Islamic.
Dr. Toumarkine ist Leiter der DFG-ANR internationalen Forschergruppe "New Religiosities in Turkey: Reenchantment in a Secularized Muslim Country?" (NEORELIGITUR). Sein Vortrag wird auf einige Ergebnisse der Forschung dieser Gruppe Bezug nehmen.
Montag, 18. Januar 2016, 18:30-19:30 Uhr, Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ), Raum 0.610.
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