Research Colloquium: Current Projects in American Studies

Research Colloquium: Current Projects in American Studies

This colloquium offers a forum to discuss current research projects of doctoral and postdoc candidates in the field of North American Studies, from both, Göttingen and other universities. We also invite scholars from different fields to present their work, and thus give us an opportunity to discuss interesting cutting-edge work and new approaches in the field. In addition, we are excited to offer literary readings throughout the term – from authros of literary fiction, memoir, and poetry alike. Join us in SoSe 24 on Wednesdays, 5 pm s.t., SEP 0.244 (“Medienraum”)

Guest Lectures

  • June 19, 2024
    Joel Pfister
    (Wesleyan University)
    "Biting the Hand that Feeds You, Inc. American Movies on the “Incorporation” of Critique"