
All times refer to Central European Time

Tuesday, March 23rd

12:00-12:05 Music

12:05-12:15 Welcome

Prof. Dr. Toomas Asser, Rector, University of Tartu
Dr. Valérie Schüller, Acting President, University of Goettingen

12:15-12:30 Opening of the German Spring

Christiane Hohmann, German Ambassador in Estonia

12:30-12:50 Welcome Address

Björn Thümler, Minister for Science and Culture, Lower Saxony
Mart Laidmets, Secretary General of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research

12:50-13:50 Key Note

Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice President for Internationalisation, University of Goettingen

European universities and digitalisation in research and teaching:
Sophia Eriksson-Waterschoot, Director for Youth, Education and Erasmus+ at the European Commission

13:50-14:00 Music

Livestream 1: Welcome 12:00-14:00:

14:00-15:00 Break

15:00-16:15 Panel 1: Digital Competences in Education and Internationalisation (in German)

Björn Thümler, Minister for Science and Culture for the State of Lower Saxony
Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, President, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Prof. Dr. Stephanie Debette, Vice President for External Relations, University of Bordeaux
Prof. Dr. Jozef Tancer, Vice-rector for International Relations, Comenius University in Bratislava
Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice President for Internationalisation, University of Goettingen
Prof. Dr. Marko Pajević, University of Tartu

Livestream 2: Panel 1 – 15:00-16:15:

Wednesday, March 24th


Dr. Tanja Falkowski, Head of International Relations and Deputy Director, Goettingen International, University of Goettingen

Joanne Pagèze, Vice-president for Internationalisation, University of Bordeaux
Dr. Sake Jager, Centre for Learning Innovation and Quality / Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen
Dr. Katharina Jannasch, Coordinator Virtual Exchange, Goettingen International, University of Goettingen

Internationalisation and the expansion of digital teaching are two developments that are mutually dependent, complement each other and should ideally be thought of in parallel. Even before the Corona crisis, there were projects and initiatives in which new concepts for Virtual Exchange (VE) were developed and tested. This workshop will report on these projects and the many more recent initiatives.

Livestream Workshop 1: 9:00-10:00

10:15-11:15 Parallel Session

Dr. Birgit Schmidt, Head of Knowledge Commons, Goettingen State and University Library

Liisi Lembinen, Director of Development, Tartu University Library
Tiiu Tarkpea, University of Tartu
Dr. Bianca Wagner, Geoscience Center, University of Goettingen

Open Science (OS) is gaining momentum in various ways across all research areas: from Open Access to publication, FAIR and Open Data, to the sharing of preprints and efforts to secure reproducibility of research results. In this workshop we would like to explore changing practices and roles linked to the transition of research towards more openness and transparency. The workshop targets researchers, research managers, librarians and other persons who care about the quality and impact of research.

Livestream Workshop 2: 10:15-11:15

Dr. Nele Hoffmann, Graduate School for Humanities, University of Goettingen

Geisteswissenschaftliches Forschen hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren nachhaltig verändert. Die Verfügbarkeit riesiger Datenmengen, Open Access und lernende Algorithmen eröffnen und fordern neue methodische Herangehensweisen. Die pandemiebedingte Schließung von Bibliotheken und Archiven zeigt aber auch die Grenzen digitalen Forschens und die Relevanz materialer Ressourcen auf. Die Verlagerung des wissenschaftlichen Gesprächs in die Videokonferenz birgt nicht nur neue Möglichkeiten, sondern auch Herausforderungen. Die gegenwärtige Situation führt zu Verzögerungen und auch zur Notwendigkeit, Forschungsprojekte konzeptionell umzustellen. Davon sind Promovierende angesichts des Leistungs- und Zeitdrucks während der Qualifikationsphase besonders betroffen.
Wir wollen mit Doktorand*innen aus den Geisteswissenschaften über diese Situation diskutieren und Erfahrungen austauschen. Das Gespräch findet in deutscher Sprache statt und ist für alle interessierten geisteswissenschaftlichen Promovierenden offen.

11:30-12:30 Parallel Session

Prof. Robert Krimmer, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu

Prof. Raul Zafra, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu
Dr. Valentin Gold, Methods Centre in Social Sciences, University of Goettingen

While the first couple of decades of the digital era can be described as an age of optimism when world seemed to be set on the path of becoming one peaceful global village. However, we have witnessed how fast technological advances have led to unforeseen and radical changes in society. AI and digital transformation have triggered developments which further social polarization and threaten to undermine the very fundamentals of democratic governance. This workshop is going to cover multiple technology-induced threats to democracy, as well as cast a look ahead and discuss if and how could these threats be remedied, and what the development of AI could possibly hold for the future of democracy.

Lara Loeser, German-Baltic Youth Office

Anja Türkan, Advisor for Political Communication, former Social Media Advisor for the President of the European Commission
Prof. Dr. Tobias Ley, Center of Excellence in Educational Innovation, Tallinn University

Filter bubbles describe primarily a digital environment where just things of your interest surround you. These things can range from cute animal pictures that you looked at on some websites to a like-minded group of people, where your opinion is the most common. Why is that a problem? Of course, it is comforting to be right about something. But the real problem lies in the unilateral information that your bubbles offer. Information that reflects only your side and does not include different perspectives. That can lead to a distorted understanding and hamper your ability to make balanced decisions. You don’t think so? Then you should join our workshop. In our workshop, we would like to raise awareness of the mostly unconscious creation of filter bubbles. Furthermore, we would like to throw light on as many aspects as possible to avoid a specific filter bubble.

Livestream Workshop 5: 11:30-12:30:

12:30-14:45 Break

14:45-15:45 Parallel Session

Prof. Tiit Tammaru, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu

Jaanus Tamm, Project Manager at the Department of Communal Services, Tartu City Government
Prof. Marcus Baum, Data Fusion Lab, Institute of Computer Science, University of Goettingen
Prof. Frank Witlox, Department of Geography, Ghent University & Department of Geography, University of Tartu

COVID-19 has had an important impact on our activity participation, travel behavior, and cities. Numerous studies have appeared that analyze short and midterm effects, but what with the long-lasting effects? Too early to notice, or do we already see first signs. Are there parallels with economic crises, effects of 9-11, or the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano? For decades, policy-makers are urging us to behave more sustainable and smart. Their toolbox stems from economics (with pricing instruments), psychology (with nudging approaches to break habits), sociology (with stimulating social practices), and geography (with built environment changes). In what sense can COVID-19 be considered as potential game changer in these fields?

Livestream Workshop 6: 14:45-15:45:

Sara Helsen, ENLIGHT Student Network, Ghent University
Cameron Keighron, ENLIGHT Student Network, National University of Ireland, Galway

The Student Network will organise a discussion on how we as students experience digital education. We will play a statement game to understand your ideas and to share experiences. We hope that that will bring us to recommendations for our universities in shaping digital education.

16:00-17:00 Panel 2: The digital Campus of ENLIGHT: Challenges & Perspectives

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, former President of the Republic of Estonia, Visiting Professor of Democracy in the Digital Age, University of Tartu

Prof. Dr. Juan José Unzilla Galán, Vice Rector of Digital Transformation, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Director of Education, Ghent University
Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice President for Internationalisation, University of Goettingen
Dr. Aune Valk, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, University of Tartu

Livestream Panel 2: 16:00-17:00:


Jakob Hedderich
Advisor for DAAD Higher Education Programmes
The International Office

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