Dominik Naeher, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
at the Chair of Development Economics / CeMIS (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer)

Dominik Naeher is a Development Economist with research interests spanning Microeconomics, International Economics, and the Economics of Information. Before joining University of Göttingen in 2021 as a Research Fellow, he worked as Assistant Professor at University College Dublin. He earned his PhD in Economics from Goethe University Frankfurt in 2018. His recent work covers areas such as technology adoption, climate adaptation, agricultural productivity, market regulation, regional integration, and policy evaluation, with a particular focus on examining how information frictions influence economic decisions and development outcomes. Dominik Naeher has taught at universities in Germany, France, Ireland, China, Korea, and South Africa. He also regularly shares his expertise by providing policy advice to international organizations and NGOs, including the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank, and African Center for Economic Transformation.

Curriculum Vitae: CV

Research Interests: Development Economics, Microeconomics, International Economics, Economics of Information

Selected Publications:

Other Journal Articles:


Working Papers:

Book Chapters and Other Publications: