Nawakht, Noor Agha


• Multitrophic interactions (plant-herbivores-parasitoids-endophytic biocontrol fungi)
• Herbivore-induced plant volatiles, parasitoid behavior, plant secondary metabolites
• Plant defense against herbivorous insects, conservation biological control
• Bio-intensive integrated pest management in vegetable crops and fruit trees agroecosystem, pesticides toxicity, food safety


Assessing the effects of Trichoderma spp-maize root colonization on multitrophic interactions


Noori Z, Qarluq AG, Kakar K, Abdiani S & Nawakht NA (2022): Structural Features of White-Belly and White-Core Rice Endosperm under Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation. Agricultural Research doi: 10.1007/s40003-022-00618-7

Noori Z, Qarluq AG, Kakar K, Abdiani S & Nawakht NA (2020): Comparison of physicochemical properties, grain quality, and ultrastructure of rice cultivars. IJIRSS 3, 31-42. doi: org/10.53894/ijirss.v3i1.29


Since 2021 PhD student, Department of Agricultural Entomology, Department of Crop Sciences, Georg-August University of Göttingen
2016 - 2021 Lecturer, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan