Jennifer Struck


College / University

Georg-August-University Göttingen

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects





Lab Experience

PCR, restriction digest, ligation, agarose gel electrophoresis, transformation/cloning, protein purification, SDS-PAGE, CD spectroscopy, liposome reconstitution, DLS, stopped-flow spectroscopy, ITC.

Projects / Research

11/2017 – 02/2018: "Characterisation of the Ca2+ dependent binding mechanism of Synaptotagmin 1 to membranes", Prof. Dr. Reinhard Jahn, Department of Neurobiology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen

Scholarships / Awards

2018 – 2019: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
12/2016 – 05/2017: Scholarship for the European Community Mobility Program "Experts Sustain" as part of "Erasmus Mundus", Maldives National University


I am highly interested in breaking down living systems to their molecular mechanisms, which inspired me to study the basic principles during my undergraduate studies in biochemistry. A wide range of research questions have sparked my curiosity. Particularly, using biophysical methods to understand processes such as neurotransmission at the molecular level highly fascinates me and strengthened my ambition to further focus on fundamental research in this field. Through this program, I hope to acquire a broad set of skills in order to become a valuable scientist.