M.INC.ERST.611: Advanced Environmental Monitoring

Learning outcome

ERST 611 covers advanced studies in environmental monitoring such as ecological monitoring, monitoring and management of aquatic systems, environmental indicators, and state of the environment reporting. It also includes a practical field study on monitoring. ERST 611 aims to produce competent state of the environment monitoring professionals. Topics: Indicators and indices - State of the environment reporting - Ecological monitoring

Courses and examination

  • Lecture: Advanced Environmental Monitoring. Exam: Written Exam
  • Seminar: Advanced Environmental Monitoring. Exam: Written essay (max 15-20 p)

Further details

  • Admission requirements: 50% of the subject grade is based on a major project that entails developing an ecological monitoring programme. This project involves field based, practical sampling and lab-based research.
  • Recommended previous knowledge: None
  • Language: English
  • Person responsible for module: Glenn Stewart
  • Course frequency: Each winter semester
  • Duration: One semester
  • Number of repeat examinations permitted: Twice
  • Recommended Semester: First to third semester
  • Maximum number of students: 10