Data Infrastructure
The research within QuCellAI requires significant computational resources: the data acquired within the collaboration has to be stored centrally so that it can be shared within the collaboration and eventually be published. Developing new analysis methods and applying them to the data also requires siginificant computational resources.
This data infrastructure is provided and maintained by GWDG.

GWDG Involvement
Prof. Dr. Philipp Wieder and Prof. Dr. Ramin Yahyapour represent GWDG as a project partner in QuCellAI. GWDG supports the computational needs of the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Society. Its primary role in QuCellAI is to provide the data infrastructure for the initiative, including networking, data storage and computational resources.
Furthermore, GWDG is developing modern approaches to data management that will be crucial to store the large and diverse data sets that are acquired in the initiative in an accessible and searchable manner.
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung (GWDG)