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Get to know entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship as alternative paths to your academic career. Reflect on possible motivations, worries and assumptions surrounding both options and meet two role models who tell their stories of founding a startup and becoming a corporate sciencepreneur.
Have you ever thought about the application potential of your own research? If not, this workshop is for you. You will reflect about user groups and the network of stakeholders that surround you and your research. How will your research benefit them? Brainstorm potential use cases and help each other to take your ideas to the next level.
Die Teilnehmenden bekommen beim Gründungswettbewerb LIFT-OFF die Möglichkeit, durch verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Workshops sowie einem Mentoringprogramm im Bereich Entrepreneurship die ersten Schritte zur Gründung ihres Start-ups zu gehen. Die PraxisBörse ist die zentrale Job- und Karrieremesse der Universität Göttingen. Die nächste PraxisBörse findet am 03. und 04. Juni 2025 statt.Veranstaltungen
11.03.2025 Online-Workshop "Your Entrepreneurial Career for Life Sciences"
03.04.2025 Online-Workshop "Your Research Canvas"
Gründungswettbewerb LIFT-OFF 2025
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