Training Workshop on Tropical Plant Identification 2022
In mega-diverse countries like Indonesia, recognizing and identifying species is often challenging. Yet, correct species identification is the foundation not only for research on organisms and ecosystems but also for the sustainable management of biological resources. Hence, the ability to correctly identify species is a key skill for researchers, forest and agricultural managers and conservation practitioners.
From 31 October to 5 November 2022, EFForTS postdoctoral researcher Fabian Brambach (B06) joined forces with colleagues from Indonesia (BRIN and Universitas Samudra) and the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (UK) to hold a training workshop on plant identification. Twenty-six participants from universities, research institutions, protected area administrations, and NGOs all over Indonesia and the Philippines took part in the workshop. The majority of the participants came from the EFForTS partners IPB, UNJA UNTAD, PT. REKI, TNBD, and BRIN, complemented by staff from institutions in peripheral areas that usually have little access to international workshops. The workshop was held at SEAMEO-BIOTROP in Bogor, an ideal place thanks to the herbarium run by B06 counterpart Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo and her team and the large collection of living plants on the extensive campus.
The 6-day workshop started with an opening ceremony followed by a lecture on general topics regarding plant identification and detailed presentation of 33 selected families, including many species of economic, ecological, cultural, spiritual, or aesthetic value. After each participant received two helpful books, The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook and the Kew Plant Glossary, they were ready for the hands-on practical sessions following the lectures. In these sessions, the participants were able to become familiar with their flora using dried herbarium specimens and fresh material, sourced every day from the BIOTROP campus by the dedicated staff. Many techniques and tricks were shared between lecturers and participants and lively discussions took place. In order to see plants in their natural habitat as well, two trips were undertaken: One to Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park where the group hiked through beautiful mountain rain forest to the Cibereum Waterfall. Most families treated in the course were found along way, so that the walking speed was quite slow – as usual for botanists. On the last day, another visit was paid to the famous Bogor Botanical Garden where, however, the walk was interrupted by heavy rain. Finally, the participants took an exam where they had to recognize one representative of each family treated. Exam results varied widely but most participants got the majority of families right.

As in most countries, in Indonesia there is currently a lack of skilled botanists and in addition a strong concentration of botanical expertise in Java. The workshop was an ideal opportunity for aspiring botanists from Java but also other regions of Indonesia and the Philippines to learn about plant identification. At the same time, it was also a chance to meet and connect to colleagues with similar interests, help each-other with advice, and discuss about plant identification, conservation, and management. Follow-up collaboration projects between some of the participants and the lecturers in Indonesia and abroad have already started as a result of the workshop.
The workshop received very positive feedback from the participants and the lecturers alike and interest for a repetition or rather continuation of the training was voiced by several. The organizers would like to thank all participants and lecturers, the fantastic team at BIOTROP under the guidance of Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, and the EFForTS coordination offices in Bogor, Jambi, and Göttingen, all of whom worked together to make this activity a success.