FOREQUAL: The forestry sector as an inequality machine? Agents, agreements and global politics of trade and investment in the Congo Basin
Contact: Dr. Symphorien Ongolo
Research Assistant: Alexandra Rasoamanana
FOREQUAL is an interdisciplinary project that engage several North and
South University including our working group to work on the question: who – and whose society –
benefits from ongoing deforestation and forest concessions in the tropics? Using global and historic
data to gain an understanding of the inequalities embedded in trade and investment patterns in
relation to forests and forested land in the Global South, and the mechanisms that produce and
reproduce these inequalities. We will focus on the Congo Basin, specifically Cameroon and DRC,
and the former colonial empires in Europe and China, as a new ‘external partner. For more
Financial support: Volkswagenstiftung
Effective start/end date: 01/01/2020 → 31/12/2025