Master Thesis and M.CoBi.503


  • It is your duty as a student to find a supervisor for M.CoBi.503. You can consult the list of examiners provided on our StudIP-group and see, who is working on topics most interesting to you. Than you should carefully check out the webpage of the respective group. Then you have to contact the prospective examiner. I recommend to explain in your mail which topic you would like to work on or which project you are most interested in.
  • In agreement with your supervisor, you can register in FlexNow for M.CoBi.503. the registration is always open. Do NOT register before you have found a supervisor! If you have trouble finding a supervisor, you are welcome to ask Christinafor help.
  • The idea of the module is, that you already get in contact with the working group most interesting to you. Usually, this will also be the group you want to do your thesis with. The module can be used to find a topic for your thesis and learn relevant methods for your thesis. However, if during the module you discover, that you would rather do your thesis somewhere else, you are free to do so.
  • So far, M.CoBi.503 can only be taken once during your master. We are discussing to change the order of study, to make it possible to take the module twice in different working groups. However, these processes take a long time and I recommend not to wait for them.

Master thesis


78C within the curriculum finished including M.CoBi.503

Finding a Supervisor

  • It is your duty as a student to find a supervisor for your thesis. You can consult the list of examiners provided on our StudIP-group and see, who is working on topics most interesting to you. Than you should carefully check out the webpage of the respective group. Often, they give information about possible Master projects. Then you have to contact the prospective examiner. He/she can be the head of the group or a PostDoc or phd student in the group. The supervisor has to be affiliated with one of the program examiners.
  • If you wish to do your thesis externally, with a supervisor, who is not on our list of examiners or working in the group of one of the examiners, you can apply for an external supervisor. One of our examiners has to be one of the supervisors. Therefore, the first step is to find an examiner (from our list) to supervise your external thesis. <--! Please contact Christina for more information.-->
  • Registrations for Master thesis

    • Application to examination board (Registration Form Master thesis)
    • Title is fixed as given on the application form once you handed in the application.
    • Language is English.
    • Duration: 26 weeks; extension for maximum of 28 days possible
      • if you get sick (medical certificate to be handed in at the examination office)
      • in case of unforeseen reasons not attributed to the candidate
      (application with statement of first supervisor to the examination committee)

    • Submission
      The thesis has to be uploaded as pdf in FlexNow (‘Abschlussarbeiten’). There’s no need to hand in a hard copy version to the examination office at the faculty of Biology and Psychology. Please keep in mind that the volume of results or completeness of the study is not critical for a successful thesis. Your thesis will be graded within 6 weeks. The grade you get is the average of the grades from both examiners.

      Has to be applied for with application form, which will be uploaded in StudIP-group once it is ready.