Six Info Tiles on the Master of Arts in English: Language, Literatures and Cultures

You are thinking about applying for our MA programme on English: Language, Literatures and Cultures, and you would like to know more? Of course, here you go: the six tiles below give a good first idea of what is necessary to know. Feel free to ask if you would like to know more!

Job Options
For After the Degree

    Depending on their study focus, graduates can find work ...
  • in training AI software;
  • in a publishing house, at a literature house or at a literature festival;
  • for an event management company;
  • in a company with branches in an English-speaking country;
  • as freelance editors or writers;
  • in a university's management sections ...
  • or they continue with a PhD for a job at university.
  • For what some of our graduates do, click here.

Study Prerequisites
What Applicants Need

    To be admitted to the MA programme, applicants need ...
  • very good English language skills: see here for details;
  • a BA degree with a focus on subject-specific (not use-of-language related) classes;
  • to be willing to read and learn and discuss what they have read;
  • a general interest in all things related to the MA programme.

Core Facts
Key Information on the MA Programme

  • Study options: Single Honours (one major only, in English Studies); Joint Honours (major in English Studies plus minors).
  • Application: through online portal.
  • Start of programme: summer semester and winter semester.
  • Average study time: 4 semesters (usu. rather 5 to 6 semesters).
  • Total credits: 120 credits; of these: 30 credits for MA thesis; 12 credits for soft skills modules.
  • Special study options (for SH): Anglophone Literature and Culture; Language in Focus; Literary and Cultural Management.
  • For our students' recommendations, see here!

Study Content Areas
Our Divisions

    The MA programme in English: Language, Literatures and Cultures offers modules on ...
  • UK, Anglophone and U.S. literature and culture;
  • history of English and medieval English literature;
  • aspects of digital humanities in English Studies;
  • formal syntax and semantics theories;
  • use of English and academic writing;
  • life and institutions in the UK, U.S. and Ireland;
  • the publishing and culture industries.
  • More info: see our division websites.

Living and Studying
in Göttingen

Accommodation, Jobs, Funding

Who to Contact