Emilia Goszczyńska


College / University

Jagiellonian University in Krakow

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science (Neurobiology)

Major Subjects

Neurobiology, Neurophysiology, Neuropathology and animal models of neurological disorders, Cell and tissue engineering in neurobiology

65145-1 Goszczynska



Lab Experience

Mouse and rat handling, behavioral tests on mice, mouse and rat brain tissue processing (perfusion, dissection), ex vivo electrophysiology (multielectrode array recordings), stereotaxic surgeries on rats, immunohistochemistry, fluorescent microscopy. Basic experience with Image J, MATLAB and Python.

Projects / Research

  • 2024: Neurobiological mechanisms of migraine pain - the role of the opioid and nociceptive systems. Experimental Medicine Center, Medical University of Lublin.
  • 2023 – 2024: Socially transferred emotions – the neural basis of empathy. The role of SOM+ interneurons in the prefrontal cortex in regulating emotional contagion. Laboratory of Emotions Neurobiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology.
  • 2023 – 2024: Neuronal mechanisms of fear and anxiety control - the role of nucleus incertus to ventral hippocampus pathway in pattern separation, anxiety and contextual fear memory. Dept. of Neurophysiology and Chronobiology, Jagiellonian University.

Scholarships / Awards

2024 – 2026: DAAD scholarship for Master studies
2021 – 2024: Rector’s scholarship for best students at Jagiellonian University


I am fascinated how biochemical imbalances in the brain affect behavior and personality. To me the most appealing is studying cellular basis of brain functions and malfunctions causing psychiatric disorders, especially PTSD, OCD and one of the most intriguing diseases, which is migraine headache. I would like to attempt that by monitoring electrophysiological activities of neurons of certain types and detecting their pathophysiology either in vivo or in vitro. I wish to track for example cellular principles of migraine auras and the seizures and improve models of this disease. Furthermore, I am drawn to exploring circuits responsible for memory acquisition in emotional contexts, such as fear memory traces leading to PTSD. I am eager to enhance non-animal research methods and grow more complex brain organoids. Hopefully, one day I will participate in testing cellular mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders or migraine pain on brain organoids and expand our knowledge of those health conditions.