
Oct 7

13:00 arrival, catching up & lunch snacks
13:50 welcome note (Fred Wolf, University of Göttingen & MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organziation, Göttingen)

session I chair: Fred Wolf

  • 14:00-15:00 One worm, two minds: Investigating behavioural evolution through a polyphenic feeding trait (James Lightfoot, MPI for Neurobiology and Behaviour, Bonn)
  • 15:00-15:30 Spatially anisotropic and isotropic lateral inhibition: Convergent circuit designs in the insect antennal lobe and vertebrate olfactory bulb (Pramit Bandyopadhyay / Silke Sachse, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Jena)

15:30-16:00 coffee break

session II chair: Marion Silies

  • 16:00-16:30 Anatomical, functional and computational logic of the Habenula-IPN circuit in the context of zebrafish temperature navigation (Emanuele Paoli, TU München)
  • 16:30-17:00 Saccadic surpression: from zebrafish to primates (Aristides Arrenberg / Ziad Hafed, University of Tübingen)
  • 17:00-17:30 Efficient representations of fast dynamic stimuli in populations of ON- and OFF-cells (Jan Grewe, University of Tübingen)

17:30-18:00 discussion / SPP wide activities I
18:00 closing remarks

Oct 8

session III chair: Udo Ernst

  • 09:00-10:00 NeuroParTI: Evolutionary Trade-off Analysis of Human Neurochemistry (Eliana Nicolaison Sobesky, FZ Jülich)
  • 10:00-10:30 The emergence of long-timescale feature selectivity from short-timescale circuits in cricket song recognition (Winston Mann, ENI Göttingen)

10:30-11:00 coffee break

session IV chair: Jan Grewe

  • 11:00-12:00 Evolutionary specialization of neuronal core circuits in arthropod olfactory systems: structure and function of convergence/divergence in crustaceans versus insects (Steffen Harzsch, University of Greifswald, Eleftherios Dimitriou, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Jena)
  • 12:00-12:15 What the SPP’s central project can do for you: available funding and equal opportunities (Britta Korkowsky, University of Göttingen)

12:15-13:15 lunch break

13:15-13:45 discussion / SPP wide activities II

session V chair: Ilona Grunwald-Kadow

  • 13:45-14:15 The impact of network architecture on evolvability and robustness: Comparing the song recognition networks of grasshoppers and crickets (Jan Benda, University of Tübingen)
  • 14:15-14:45 Visual system design from dynamic stimulus constraints (Luisa Ramirez, University of Mainz)
  • 14:45-15:15 Probing the instructive space of wiring and behaviors of the fly’s cockpit (Maximilian Jösch, IST Austria)

15:15-15:45 coffee break
16:00 guided tour through Forum Wissen

19:30 dinner at Café Botanik

Oct 9

session VI

  • 09:30-10:30 From form to function in global motion processing (Marion Silies, University of Mainz)

10:30-11:00 coffee break

session VII

  • 11:00-12:00 From branch to branch: Unravelling primate vision in arboreal leaping and navigation (Daniel Huber, Geneva University / Fred Wolf, University of Göttingen, MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen)

12:00 , discussion, closing remarks, lunch snacks and good bye