Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) - Incoming Studierende

  • We accept only students from universities, which are partner in a BIP
  • We accept only students with an Erasmus mobility grant
  • Students need to be nominated by their home institution
  • Accepted students receive a welcome e-mail with information regarding online registration through our ENLIGHT mobility portal, travelling and accommodation
  • Students need to prepare their Online Learning Agreement in time (see our Checklist)
  • Students get a Certificate of Stay at the end of the physical part of the BIP
  • Students can download their Transcript of Record; in exceptional cases they will get a printed copy
  • Kontakt:

    Karen Denecke
    Von-Siebold-Straße 2
    37075 Göttingen


    + 49 (0)551 39 21330
    DE V Finanziert von der Europäischen Union_LOGO