Jobs / PhD students

SHK positions

We are looking for new SHKs, please see details below under the headline "Student assistant position openings" to join the team in the ongoing Summer term 2024 or Winter term 2024/25.

Open positions

We currently have no open PhD positions. We will publish updates regarding the recruitment for the second cohort (application deadline: 20 March 2024) here:
UPDATES on the 15 positions for doctoral researchers

General structure

The RTG is generally organized in cohorts of 36 months per cohort.

  • The first cohort started 1 September 2021.
  • The deadline for applying for the second cohort of PhD students has ended and we do not accept further applications. The starting date of the second cohort will be 1 September 2024.
  • The call for applications for the third cohort will be published early 2027. The starting date of the third cohort will be 1 September 2027.
  • We have no open positions scheduled in the meantime.

In addition to funded positions, we welcome PhD students (and Postdocs) with own funding or scholarships (e.g. from DAAD) who are interested and qualified to work on topics related to Sustainable Food Systems. The starting date for these scholarship positions is flexible, i.e. could be any time. For details on the different categories please see below.

  • We currently have no opening for funded Postdoc positions. The job openings for new postdocs will be around late 2024 or early 2025.
  • However, we welcome Postdocs with own funding such as scholarships (e.g. from DAAD) who are interested and qualified to work on topics related to Sustainable Food Systems. Please see below for details (similar procedure as for PhD students with own funding)

  • Updates on the 15 PhD positions can be found here.
  • We currently have no opening for funded PhD positions. The job openings for the third cohort will be around early 2027, and the starting date of the second cohort will be 1 September 2027.
  • However, we welcome PhD students with own funding such as scholarships (e.g. from DAAD) who are interested and qualified to work on topics related to Sustainable Food Systems. Please see below for details.

In addition to funded positions, we welcome PhD students (and Postdocs) with own funding or scholarships (e.g. from DAAD) who are interested and qualified to work on topics related to Sustainable Food Systems.

  • First, please note that you need to secure funding yourself by successfully applying for a scholarship or alike. We do not grant scholarships ourselves. We only can integrate PhD students with own scholarships or funding.
  • To be eligible, you should have an outstanding Master’s degree (or equivalent) in food and agricultural economics, development economics, general economics, sustainability studies, (food) marketing, or related social sciences disciplines, strong analytical skills, experience with relevant statistical methods, proven interest in topics related to sustainable food systems, strong computer skills, and excellent command of the English language. We also expect SustainableFood members to be active team players in the RTG.
  • If this is the case, you have to contact the professor individually and directly with whom you would like to work, not the coordination office. Please take a look at the professors involved as principal investigators and their subprojects within the RTG.
  • Please do not contact the coordination office directly.

Recommended documents for PhD students with own funding: The following documents and information are recommended if you have your own scholarship and plan to work on topics related to Sustainable Food Systems. We recommend to submit them as a single PDF. Only after having found a professor who has agreed to become your supverisor, your supervisor can start the process to integrate you into the RTG.

  • Information on the status of your scholarship status and/or time plan to aquire a scholarship.
  • Motivation letter (max 400 words), indicating your specific interest in the RTG and highlighting your personal strengths for the position.
  • Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications (if any) and experience with statistical software.
  • Full academic record (Certificates + Transcript of record of Bachelor and Master degree. or equivalent). Provide a copy of the original and an English translation if documents are not in English or German. If the Master program is still ongoing, provide an overview of grades.
  • Certificate and Transcript of record of final secondary-school examination (A-Level, Abitur, European Baccalaureate or equivalent, high school leaving certificate, or alike).
  • Proof of English language skills: Certificate (if mother tongue or language of instruction at university was other than English) or provide explanation (if mother tongue or language of instruction at university was English).
  • Abstract (max 250 words) of last thesis written (Bachelor or Master or equivalent), including thesis title.
  • One recent writing sample (for example working paper, full thesis).
  • Names and full contact details (incl. phone and email) of two academic reference persons.

The procedure mentioned above holds for postdocs similarly.

We are currently looking for students assistants (SHKs) that have proficient knowledge in working with Stata, R or GIS. Only students currently enrolled in a Bachelor or Master program in Göttingen in subjects related to the RTG topics qualify as applicants. It is not possible to do a PhD on such a position. Applications should be submitted as a single PDF file in English language and include:

  • CV (including information on knowledge of statistical and other software and languages) in English
  • Information on the level of knowledge in R, Stata and GIS and summary of projects where you have applied this knowledge
  • A cover letter emphasizing relevant skills, experiences and interests (in English). This should include the applicant's availibility in terms of monthly working hours as well as how long the ongoing study program is expected to continue, i.e. information about the long-term availability (we aim for applicants with at least 1 more year being in Göttingen).
  • Transcript of records (for Bachelor students: of ongoing program; for Master students: of completed Bachelor and ongoing Master program)

You can send your application to

RTG 2654: Sustainable Food Systems

Prof. Dr. Meike Wollni

Vice Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Tobias Plieninger

Coordination Office
Dr. Melanie Grosse
Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12
D-37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 29222