Dr. Thomas Weskott
Thomas Weskott studied Linguistics, Psychology, and Philosophy in Berlin (FU, but also at TU and HU). He did his PhD in Leipzig at the Graduiertenkolleg "Universality and Diversity" on Topicalization in German both from a theoretical perspective, trying to account for the information structural effects of object topicalization in SDRT, as well as from an psycholinguistic perspective. In 2003, he went to Potsdam to work together with Robin Hörnig in a project on the processing of marked word order constructions in context at the SFB 632 "Information Structure" in Potsdam (PIs: Gisbert Fanselow and Reinhold Kliegl). From 2006 to 2010, he worked with Gisbert Fanselow in a project on the theoretical and empirical foundation of acceptability judgments. After substituting for Anke Holler at the German Department at Uni Göttingen for two semesters, he joined the CRC in October 2011. The main focus of his research is the interaction between interpretation at the sentence-level and the discourse-level, both from a theoretical and from a processing perspective. In addition, he is interested in the refinement of methodology in linguistics and psycholinguistics.