June 23 - 24 , 2024, Vienna

A Satellite Event of the FENS Forum 2024
Convergence, divergence, and computational optimization in neural circuit evolution
Description and purpose:
Brains are among the most complex systems constructed by biological evolution. Understanding the principles of their design as versatile and efficient computational devices, reconstructing the paths through which the enormous diversity of animal nervous systems has emerged and uncovering how the evolution of brains and behavior impacts animal speciation itself are ultimate goals of biological intelligence research. Recent years have witnessed spectacular advances in our ability to uncover these fundamental evolutionary processes and principles.
The FENS satellite symposium "Convergence, divergence, and computational optimization in neural circuit evolution" will present exciting lines of research into neural circuit evolution from paleobiology to computational neuroscience and to the molecular and genetic generation of neuro-behavioral diversity. Organized by the German Research Foundation Priority Program "Evolutionary optimization of neuronal processing", the symposium is designed to make the full spectrum of progress in neural circuit evolution accessible to a wide neuroscience audience, to build bridges between experimental, computational and paleobiological research approaches, and to foster the emergence of a comprehensive conceptual framework for studies of neural circuit evolution.
For further information please see the program.
Access to the Satellite event will be restricted to participants with confirmed registration. Registration is already closed. If you still would like to attend please send us e-mail.

Program committee:
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schmidt, Brain Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
- Prof. Dr. Maximilian Jösch, Institute of Science and Technoloy Austria (ISTA), Klosterneuburg, Austria
- Dr. Pawel Burkhardt, Michael Sars Centre, University of Bergen, Norway
- Dr. Ornella Bertrand, Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
- Prof. Dr. Fred Wolf, University of Göttingen & MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Natural History Museum
1010 Vienna