GAILLARDOT, Charles 1814 - 1883
born: Lunéville died: near Beirut
French doctor and botanist in Egypt and Syria (Lebanon).
Biography: Bull. Soc. Bot. France 30: 257 - 258. 1884.
Herbarium: JE
GOET: Lebanon ("pl. Syriae, prope beirut", acc. 1872), partly with BLANCHE.
Teacher in Potsdam (1877) (Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 19: L. 1878).
Herbarium: GOET (?), Mark Brandenburg (ex Hb. Inst. Waldbau)
GANDOGER, Michel 1850 - 1926
born: Arnas died: Lyon
French botanist, upholder of an extremely narrow species concept. The nomenclature of his work is in parts not recognised.
Biography: Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 74: 3 - 11. 1927.
Herbarium: LY
GOET: France, partly as "Flora Gallica exsiccata" (Hb. Roth, Vo.). Algeria "Fl.
algeriensis exsiccata" (Hb. Vo.).
GANSAUGE, Hermann von 1799 - 1871
born: Groß - Mühlingen died: Berlin
Officer (last post as general lieutenant), military writer, botanist and numismatist.
Biography: Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cultur 49: 344 - 347. 1872.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Germany, Italy (Hb. Pae., Roth).
GARDNER, George 1812 - 1849
born: Glasgow died: Neura Ellia Resthouse, Ceylon
Botanist and explorer. 1836 - 41 in Brasil. Superintendent of the botanical gardens in Peradeniya (Ceylon) from 1844 onwards.
Biography: Hook. J. Bot. Kew. Gard. Misc. 1: 154 - 156. 1849.
Fl. Bras. 1 (1): 22 - 25. 1906.
Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 324 - 325. 1975.
Herbarium: BM, K
GOET: Bryophytes, Brasil "Brazilian Mosses", 1837 - 41 (Hb. Solms), a few
phanerogams. (Orchid).
Revisions of mosses: London J. Bot. 3: 149 - 167. 1844 (HOOKER & WILSON). Bot. Zeitung. 2:
708 - 710, 726 - 728, 739 - 742. 1844; 3: 89 - 94, 105 - 111, 1845
GARVE, Eckhard 1954 -
born: Celle
Studied in Brunswick and Göttingen. Degree thesis on the Atriplex species of the German North Sea coast. Since 1985 working on the protection of endangered plant species in the Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology (“Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Ökologie”), Hildesheim.
Biography: Information communicated by himself.
GOET: N.W. Germany (including specimens for his degree thesis), Italy, 1981;
Southern France, 1983, 1986, Spain, 1986, Rhodos, 1984, Morocco, 1987.
GATTINGER, Augustin 1825 - 1903
born: Munich died: Nashville, Tenn.
Doctor and botanist. Emigrated to America (Tennessee) in 1849, and finally moved to Nashville where he worked as librarian. Interested in the flora of Tennessee.
Biography: Nat. Cycl. Amer. Biogr. 15: 91. 1916.
Herbarium: TENN
GOET: USA: Nashville, Tenn. (Hb. Pae.).
GAY, Claude 1800 - 1873
born: Draguignan (Var) died: Flayosc (Var)
Went to university having completed an apprenticeship as pharmacist. Chile; 1828 - 32 and 1834 - 42. Prof. of physics and chemist in Santiago de Chile and founded the natural history museum there. Carried out an extensive study of the natural history of Chile; "Historia fisica y politica de Chile".
Biography: Anal. Univ. Chile 48 (recte 49!): 5 - 227. 1876.
Fl. Bras. 1 (1): 26 - 27. 1906.
Dict. Biogr. Franc. 15: 888 - 889. 1891.
Herbarium: P, PC
GOET: EB, Chile.
GEHEEB, Adalbert 1842 - 1909
born: Geisa (Rhön) died: Königsfelden (Switzerland)
Pharmacist (from 1867 - 97 in Geisa), then in Freiburg. Bryologist.
Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 27: (84) - (91). 1910.
Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ver. N.F. 27: 1 - 13. 1910.
DAB 1: 193. 1975.
MÄGDEFRAU 1978: 146.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 128-132.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Bryophytes, mostly Rhön (Hb. Eiben, Jahns, Krüger, Schell.).
Autobiography: Meine Erinnerungen an große Naturforscher. Eisenach 1904.
GEISENHEYNER, Franz Adolf Ludwig 1841 - 1926
born: Potsdam died: Bad Kreuznach
Teacher in Herford and Bad Kreuznach from 1870. Flora specialist. Editor of a "Flora of Kreuznach" (1881, 2nd ed. 1903).
Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 68: 167 - 175. 1927.
Sitzungsber. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westf. D. 1926: 82 - 86. 1927.
Naheland-Kalender 1973: 81-83.
Herbarium: Kreuznacher Heimatmuseum
GOET: Nahe area (Hb. Pae., Roth, Vo.).
GELMI, Enrico 1855 - 1901
born: Trento (Trient)
GOET: South Tyrol, Trento, 1882 / 83, 1896 (also in BAENITZ, Herb. Europ.).
GEYER, Carl (Charles) Andreas 1809 - 1853
born: Dresden
German botanist. Emigrated to the USA in 1834 where he collected specimens.
Biography: Bot. Zeitung. 12: 191 - 192. 1854.
Bonplandia 2: 71 - 73. 1854.
EWAN 1981.
Herbarium: Several including BM, GH, K
GOET: USA (ca. 1842, Rocky Mt., Columbia, Montana, Illinois: Hb. Gris.).
GIBERT, Ernesto José 1818 - 1886
Ca. 1852; emigrated from France. Teacher (?). Collected in Brasil and Uruguay (1858 - 86) as well in other areas.
Herbarium: MVM
GOET: Uruguay, ca. 1858 - 69.
Revisions by: G. HERTER 1928: Estudios botánicos en la región Uruguaya. V: Las plantas
Uruguayas de Ernesto Gibert. Montevideo.
GIESELER, Friedrich Just Hermann 1839 - 1900
born: Göttingen died: Göttingen
Gardener. Successor to his father as head gardener at the botanical gardens in Göttingen (1874).
Biography: ASCH. & GR. 6 (1): 17. 1900.
WAGENITZ 1988: 64-65.
Herbarium: GOET, particulary Pteridophytes.
GILLIES, John 1792 - 1834
died: Edinburgh
Ship's doctor. Moved to Buenos Aires in 1820 and from 1823 worked as doctor in Medoza. Plant collector.
Biography: DESMOND 1977.
Bol. Acad. Nac. Ciencias Cordoba 49: 71-75. 1972.
Herbarium: BM, K (?)
GOET: some specimens, Argentina
GŁOWACKI, Julius 1846 - 1915
born: Idrija (Krain) died: Graz (or Marburg = Maribor ?)
Teacher in Pettau, Leoben, Cille (Celje), and finally grammar school principle in Marburg on the Drau (Maribor, now Slowenia). Botanist, bryologist and lichenologist.
Biography: Carniola N.F. 6: 225 - 231. 1915.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 2: 11. 1959.
Herbarium: GJO, GZU
GOET: Littorale (Yugoslavia) (Hb. Pae., Roth), also bryophytes.
Gardener at the botanical gardens in St. Petersburg. Moved to Nikolskoje north of Vladivostock in 1868. Plant collector.
Biography: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 9: 437. 1888.
Herbarium: LE
GOET: A few specimens "Mandschuria" (now Far East of the former USSR; ex LE,
acc. 1890).
Comments: Some specimens are labelled with the name "GULDENSTÄDT".
GOLENZ, Johann 1833 - 1902
Teacher in Schönfeld near Schwiebus, and later in Mühlbeck.
Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 50: X. 1909.
GOET: Mark Brandenburg, ca. 1868 - 74 (Hb. Pae., Roth).
GOUDOT, Justin fl. 1822 - 1845
French explorer, 1822 - 42 in South America.
Biography: LASÈGUE 1845: 471 - 472.
Histoire et Nature 17-18: 33-36. 1981.
GOET: Columbia: "Bogota, Novo Granada" (Hb. Gris.).
GRAEF, Hugo 1827 - 1899
born: Weißenfels died: (Berlin - )Steglitz
Dr. phil., pharmacist in (Berlin - ) Steglitz. Bryologist.
Biography: URBAN 1917: 136.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 147-148.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Bryophytes, particulary alpine species (Hb. div.).
GRANDJOT, Karl (Carlos) 1900 - 1979
born: Frankenberg (Hessen) died: Concepción
Mathematician. 1925; private lecturer at the university of Göttingen. 1929; prof. for mathematics at the university of Chile (Santiago de Chile), were he was also junior lecturer for theoretical physics. Worked on the flora of Chile, partly with his wife Gertrud G. (born FRITSCHE).
Biography: W. EBEL 1962: Catalogus Professorum Gottingensium 1754 - 1962. Göttingen. p. 175.
Autobiogr. (in the archives at GOET, along with notes from his daughter).
GOET: Chile, "Plantae Chilenses" (with G. GRANDJOT), ca. 1932 - 37.
GRANTZOW, Karl - 1894
died: Prenzlau
Teacher in Wernitz near Nauen, and Hindenburg near Prenzlau (Mark Brandenburg). Botanist: "Flora der Uckermark" Prenzlau 1880.
Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 36: L. 1895.
GOET: A few specimens Mark Brandenburg, 1871, 82 (Hb. Vo.).
GRAY, Asa 1810 - 1888
born: Sauquoit Valley, Paris, Oneida Country died: Cambridge, Mass.
Leading North American botanist of the 19th century (systematist, flora specialist and plant
geographer). Initially worked with J. TORREY. Prof. at Harvard University from 1842
Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 6: XXXI - XXXVIII. 1888.
Bot. Gaz. 13: 49 - 52, 178 - 186. 1888.
Smithson. Inst. Ann. Report 1888: 745 - 825.
J. Bot., London 26: 161 - 167. 1888.
DUPREE, A.H. 1959: Asa Gray. Cambridge, Mass.
HUMPHREY 1961: 96 - 99.
Candollea 30: 226 - 224. 1975.
Herbarium: GH
GOET: USA (Hb. Gris.).
GRESCHIK, Viktor 1862 - 1946
born and died Leutschau, Zips (Levoča, ČSSR)
Principle of a "Volkschule" (primary school) in Leutschau. Botanist, lichenologist.
Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Herbarium: SLO
GOET: Lich: "Flora Carpathorum Principalium", c. 1889 - 80.
GRIFFITH, William 1810 - 1845
born: Ham, Surrey died: Malacca
Doctor, explorer and botanist in British colonial service in India.
Biography: London J. Bot. 4: 371 - 375. 1845.
BURKILL, I.H. 1965: Chapters on the History of Botany in India. p. 59 ff.
Dict. Sci. Biogr. 5: 539 - 540. 1972.
Herbarium: K
GOET: Hb. Gris. ex herbarium of the late East India Company's Afghanistan, India,
East Himalaya, East Bengal, Burma and Malaysian Peninsula.
Notes: LAMOND, J.M. 1970: The Afghanistan collections of William Griffith.
Notes. Not. Gard. Edinburgh 30: 159 - 175.
GRISEBACH, August Heinrich Rudolf 1814 - 1879
born: Hanover died: Göttingen
Botanist (plant geographer and systematist). Studied in Göttingen and Berlin. 1837; private
lecturer, 1841; extraord. prof., 1847; ord. prof. at the University of Göttingen. Expeditions
1839; Balkan peninsula and 1842 in Norway. Monographer of the Gentianaceae, worked on
the flora of the Balkans and from central and southern America.
Biography: Bot. Zeitung. 37: 521 - 534. 1879.
Petermann's Mitth. Justus Perthes' Geogr. Anst. 25: 269 - 271. 1879.
E. GRISEBACH in "Gesammelte Abhandlungen von A. GRISEBACH" p. 603
- 628. 1880.
J. Arnold. Arbor. 46: 243 - 273. 1965.
NDB 7: 96 - 97. 1966.
Dict. Sci. Biogr. 5: 546 - 547. 1972.
Candollea 30: 229 - 230. 1975.
Georgia Augusta 32: 5 - 20. 1980.
WAGENITZ 1988: 68-69.
Herbarium: GOET, collections from GRISEBACH including: Lower Saxony, Karpaten
(1852), Alps, Pyrenees (1850), north eastern Turkey - north Greece - southern
Yugoslavia (1839). -Also cryptogams.
Revisions of the Balkan expedition: A. GRISEBACH 1843 - 44: Spicilegium florae rumelicae et
bithynicae. Brunswick. Strid, A. 2000: New taxa described in
Grisebach’s ”Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et
Bithynicae” (1844-46). – Preslia, Praha 72: 241-321.
His herbarium also contains the types of most of his described species (the first works concerning
Gentianacean are in B (†) and G, several specimens used for "Flora of the British West Indian Islands" are in K).
(Possibly Ernst GROH, pharmacist in Dresden, see also Flora 1: 610 - 624. 1818).
GOET: Switzerland (Hb. Bg.).
GOET: Brasil, Venezuela, 1905 (mostly unrevised).
GOET: Brit. - east Africa (Nandi - Plateau), 1904 (indet.).
GROVES, Henry (Enrico) 1835 - 1891
born: Weymouth died: Florence
As pharmaceutical chemist in Florence. Founder of the botanical society of Toscana.
Biography: J. Bot., London 29: 91 - 92. 1891.
Herbarium: FI
GOET: Italy, ca. 1873 - 82 (Hb. Vo.).
GUNN, Ronald Campbell 1808 - 1881
born: Cape Town died: Launceston, Tasmania
1830; several public positions and as baliff in Tasmania. Botanist, initially collected for W. J.
HOOKER, and 1840 / 41 with J.D. HOOKER.
Biography: Proceed. Linn. Soc. London 1881 - 82: 63 - 64. 1882.
Austral. Dict. Biogr. 1: 492 - 493. 1966.
GOET: Tasmania (Hb. Gris.).
GUSSONE, Giovanni 1787 - 1866
born: Villamaina died: Naples
Italian botanist. Head of the botanical gardens in Boccadifalco near Palermo and Caserta near
Naples. 1861; successor to TENORE as director of the botanical gardens in Naples.
Biography: Atti Accad. Pontan. 10: 99 - 152. 1876.
Delpinoa 1: 75 - 108. 1948, 11: 57 - 58. 1958.
Herbarium: NAP, FI
GOET: Sicily (Hb. Phil., Mey., Gris.).