INF - Forschungsdatenmanagement und integrative statistische Datenanalyse
Das INF Projekt stellt dem SFB 990 die notwendige technische Infrastruktur, Beratung und Unterstützung für die nachhaltige Forschung über den gesamten Datenzyklus bereit. Dazu ist INF in die Forschungsprojekte integriert und bietet sowohl Projektübergreifende, als auch spezifische Lösungen. Die Angebote umfassen neben der allgemeinen Beratung zu allen Aspekten des Datenmanagements, eine Modulare Forschungsinfrastruktur, spezifische Angebote für GIS-Daten und die Unterstützung bei der Methodenentwicklung und Anwendung statistischer Verfahren. INF sichert ein offenes und nachhaltiges Datenmanagement, fördert die Nachnutzbarkeit und stärkt die Datenqualität und Methodik.
Based on the main achievements from Phase 1 and Phase 2, which are (i) the implementation and operation of the data sharing framework EFForTS-IS based on the BExIS software, (ii) the establishment of standard procedures and workflows, (iii) reliable data curation, and (iv) documentation of best practices, INF Horstmann/Kneib/Yahyapour will continue to provide research services and support within EFForTS. In particular, INF Horstmann/Kneib/Yahyapour will operate EFForTS-IS for storage and provision of primarily structured research data and it will assist researchers during the data ingest. In order to store the data on a long-term and sustainable basis beyond the project life-time, the project data will be migrated into the campus repository of University of Göttingen at the end of this phase. INF Horstmann/Kneib/Yahyapour will advise researchers on all data management aspects during the complete research life-cycle including development of data management strategies, application of suitable technical infrastructures, data modelling, data processing or visualization, e.g. through geographical information systems (GIS), and data publication. Furthermore, we will create demand-driven migration plans for project-specific research databases within EFForTS and assist in the migration process if required. Furthermore, a SharePoint system will be provided for project management, in which administrative project information will be processed and shared. INF Horstmann/Kneib/Yahyapour will also continue to facilitate the integrative statistical analysis of research data collected in EFForTS. INF will also support researchers to disseminate their publications and research outputs as widely as possible by implementing FAIR principles for open and sustainable data management and consulting on Open Access publications of research results. INF Horstmann/Kneib/Yahyapour is fully integrated into the scientific projects of EFForTS and fosters the joint dissemination of research results, especially through linking results from multiple projects. To achieve its aims, INF Horstmann/Kneib/Yahyapour can draw on considerable experience on digital research infrastructures and research data management provided by the university library (SUB), the university data centre (GWDG), and the statistical expertise provided by Göttingen’s Centre for Statistics (ZfS).
![Trennblatt INF](/storage/pictures/0ae88d4f7384da9d0c61d562ffc1182f.jpg)