KABLIK, Josephine (born ETTEL) 1787 - 1863
born and died in Hohenelbe (Vrchlabí) in Bohemia
Pharmacist's wife (temporary factory owner in Prague). Founded a large herbarium, and a natural history museum in Hohenelbe with her husband.

Biography: Österr. Bot. Z. 10: 1 - 6. 1860; 13: 336 - 337. 1863.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 3: 163. 1965.
GOET: A few specimens from "Riesengebirge" (Hb. Vo.).

KALCHBRENNER, Karl (Károly) 1807 - 1886
born: Pöttelsdorf near Mattersburg (= Sopronymegye), Burgenland
died: Wallendorf (Szepesolaszi, now Spisské Vlachy, Slovakia)
Studied theology in Halle. Priest in Wallendorf in the Zips. Botanist and mycologist.

Biography: Mag. Növ. Lap. 10: 65 - 68. 1886.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 3: 188. 1965.
GRUMMANN 1974 (born and died Petöfalva ?).
GOET: ca. 40 Nr. bryophytes from the central Carpathian mountains in
RABENHORST, bryotheca & hepaticae.


GOET: Triest, 1882 - 84 (Hb. Vo.), also in "Fl. Exs. Austro - Hung."

KAPPLER, August 1815 - 1887
born: Mannheim died: Stuttgart
Businessman and natural historian (plant and animal collector). 1836; went to Surinam as soldier
with the dutch army, collected partly with HOSTMANN. (1846 - 79) settled in the colony "Albina"
which he founded. Finally in Stuttgart.

Biography: Deutsche Rundschau Geogr. Statistik 10: 88 - 90. 1888.
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Württ. 44: 30 - 32. 1888.
ADB 51: 41 - 44. 1906.
GOET: Surinam "pl. Surinamenses. Ed. HOHENACKER. 1844 - 46" (Hb. Gris.).
See also HOSTMANN.

KARL, Wenzel 1802 - 1870
born: Saaz died: Königswalde (?)
Clergyman, from 1855 onwards in Königswalde [Království] in Bohemia. Bryologist.

Biography: Mitt. Nordböhm. Excurs. - Club 28: 278 - 280. 1905.
MAIWALD 1904: 159.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 230.
Herbarium: HAL ?
GOET: Bryophytes ca. 35 Nr. from Northern Bohemia in RABENHORST, Bryotheca
& Hepaticae.

KARO, Ferdynand (Kaetanowitsch) 1845 - 1927
Pharmacist, in Blagowjestschensk on the Amur river.

Biography: ASCH & GR. 6, 1: 734. 1904.
BUKOWIECKI, H. & B. BEŁDOWSKA 1968: Plantae Karoanae in
Herbarium Generale at Warsaw University. Stud. Mat. Dziejów Nauki Polsk.,
ser. B 14: 75 - 122.
GOET: Polen "Flora Polska" 1879 / 80 (Hb. Pae., Roth). "Z Flory Królestwa
Polskiego, Gubernii Lubelskily, 1883" (Hb. Pae., Roth).
Dahurien "Pl. dahuricae" 1889 - 93 (acc. 1892 / 95, at least 500 Nr.).

KARSTEN, Carl Hermann Gustav Wilhelm 1817 - 1908
born: Stralsund died: Berlin - Grunewald
Having completed an apprenticeship as pharmacist, studied medicine and natural sciences.
1844 - 47 and 1848 - 56; expeditions to south America (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador). 1856 - 68;
at the agricultural institute in Berlin. 1868 - 72; prof. for plant physiology in Vienna. Private scholar
in Basel and Berlin from 1872 onwards.

Biography: Taxon 12: 103 - 105. 1963.
NDB 11: 305 - 306. 1977.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 231.
Herbarium: Personal herbarium unknown, collections esp. in W and LE
GOET: South America (acc. 1872, ca. 300 Nr.).

KAULFUSS (Kaulfuß), Johannes S. - 1947
Bryologist. Trichina inspector in Nürnberg, later supervisor of the natural sciences collection at the
"Plassenburg" near Kulmbach.

Biography: MÄGDEFRAU 1978: 134, 146.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 231-232.
GOET: A few speciemens of bryophytes from Bavaria, from 1894 (Hb. Vo.).

KEGEL, Hermann Aribert Heinrich 1819 - 1856
born: Gerbstadt near Eisleben died: Halle / Saale
Gardener in Halle, 1844 - 46; collected specimens on behalf of the firm VAN HOUTTE (Gent) in
Surinam. Temporary teacher at the gardening institute in Gent. Finally returned to Halle as
university gardener.

Biography: Bot. Zeitung. 14: 408. 1856.
Linnaea 41: 119 - 125. 1877 (with Itin.).
PULLE 1906, Enum. Vasc. Pl. Suriname p. 6 - 7.
Essays in Biohistory. Regn. Veget. 71: 316 - 338, passim. 1970.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 233.
Herbarium: GOET (see also offer in Bot. Zeitung 14: 479 - 480. 1856; 15: 487 - 488.
1857), acc. 1857 (Some Pteridophytes in B). - Surinam.

Revisions: Linnaea 21: 181 ff. 1848. - Orchidaceae: Linnaea 41: 119 - 134. 1877.

KEMMLER, Carl Albert 1813 - 1888
born: Apfelhof near Mergentheim died: Donnstetten near Urach
Priest in Untersontheim and Donnstetten.

Biography: Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Württ. 45: 36 - 39. 1889.
ASCH. & GR. 2 (1): 690. 1901.
Herbarium: STU
GOET: Bryophytes from Württemberg, ca. 35 Nr. in RABENHORST, Bryotheca and

KERBER, Edmund
Plant collector in Mexico and China.

Biography: Bull. Soc. Bot. France 29: 239. 1881 (expedition announcement).
Herbarium: P as well as others?
GOET: "Plantae Mexicanae" 1882 / 83 (ca. 400 Nr.).

Revisions: Bull. Soc. Bot. France 30: 180 - 188. 1883.

KERN, Friedrich 1850 - 1925
died: Hirschberg (Silesia)
Teacher, rector in Breslau. Bryologist.

Biography: Fl. Tyrol. 5: XLIX. 1904.
Folia Cryptog. 1: 663 - 664. 1928.
Herbarium: LZ (†)
GOET: Bryophytes, Silesia, Hohe Tatra, 1877 - 86. (Hb. Vo.).

KERNER von MARILAUN, Anton Joseph 1831 - 1898
born: Mautern, Southern Austria died: Vienna
Botanist. Studied medicine. Teacher, and then prof. at the polytechnical college in Ofen
(Budapest). 1860; prof. in Innsbruck and from 1878 in Vienna. Important contributions to
systematics, vegetation science and ecology.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 16: (43) - (58). 1898.
Verh. Zool. - bot. Ges. Wien 48: 694 - 700. 1898.
E. M. KRONFELD 1908: Anton Kerner von Marilaun. Leipzig.
GOMBOCZ 1936: 501-525.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 3: 302 - 304. 1965.
NDB 11: 529 - 531. 1977.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 234-235.
Herbarium: WU
GOET: Tyrol (Hb. Pae., Vo.). Edit.: "Flora Exsiccata Austro - hungarica" (as stated in
catalogue 2400 Nr., acc. 1892 - 93, also contains a few numbers which were
published at a later date).

KERNER, Josef Anton 1829 - 1906
born: Mautern (Lower Austria) died: Salzburg
Anton KERNER von MARILAUN's brother. Lawyer in Wels, Vienna, Krems, Vienna Neustadt and
finally as district court president in Salzburg. Botanist (esp. Salix, Rosa).

Biography: Österr. Biogr. Lex. 3: 302. 1965.
Herbarium: GZU
GOET: A few specimens in "Flora Exs. Austro - Hung.".

KERNSTOCK, Ernst 1852 - 1900
born: Graz died: Klagenfurt
Teacher (prof.) at the ”Realschule” in Bozen and Klagenfurt. Lichenologist.

Biography: Litt. Flor. Tirol. 1900.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 3: 305. 1965.
Herbarium: W
GOET: Lichens: Austria (in Fl. Exs. Austro - Hung.).

KERR, Arthur Francis George 1877 - 1942
born: Kinlough (Ireland) died: Hayes, Kent
Doctor and botanist in Siam. Government botanist.

Biography: Blumea 11: 427 - 493. 1962.
Herbarium: BM, K
GOET: Connaraceae from Siam (ex K).

KIAER, Frantz Caspar 1835 - 1893
born: Drammen (Norway) died: Cristiania [Oslo].
Doctor in Cristiania [Oslo], bryologist.

Biography: Rev. Bryol. 20: 111 - 112. 1893.
Acta Hort. Berg. 3 (2): 170. 1903.
Herbarium: O
GOET: Bryophytes, in RABENHORST, Bryotheca.

KIFFE, Karl 1958 –
born: Marl
Studied biology and geography in Münster and Würzburg. Specialised in the genus Carex.
Scientific collaborator at an institute for didactics of biology at the university Münster.

Biography: information communicated by himself
GOET: Mainly Cyperaceae and Poaceae from Germany, Sweden, Norway, Greenland,
South France, Madeira and Tenerife.

KLEMENT, Oscar Anton Carl 1897 - 1980
born: Komotau / Bohemia died: Lindenberg im Allgäu
Director of the "Mannesmann" society in Komotau (until 1945) and Hanover (1950 - 62).
Lichenologist. 1959; Dr. h. c. at the university of Bonn.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Mitt. Naturw. Arbeitskreis Kempten 16 (1): 1 - 7. 1972; 21 (1): x - xx.
1977; 24 (1): 1x - 4x. 1980.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 96: 577-589. 1983
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 237.
Herbarium: PR, PRM. From 1945: Bonn.
GOET: Lichens: Lower Saxony. Voucher specimens: LAMPE & KLEMENT 1958,
Z. Mus. Hildesheim N. F. 12: 1 - 77.

KLINGGRAEFF, Hugo Erich Meyer von 1820 - 1902
born: Gut Wattkowitz, Stuhm district (west Prussia).
died: Gut Paleschken, Stuhm district.
Botanist (bryologist), lord of the manor in West Prussia.

Biography: Ber. Westpreuß. Bot. - Zool. Ver. 26 / 27: 1 - 9. 1905.
CASPARY 1912: 228 - 229.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 237-239.
Herbarium: Some in BP, part of collection in Königsberg is destroyed.
GOET: Bryophytes, 15 Nr. in RABENHORST, Bryoth. & Hep. Lichens: "Unio itin.
crypt", West Prussia.

KLOTZSCH, Johann Friedrich 1805 - 1860
born: Wittenberg died: Berlin
Botanist (systematist, mycologist). Assistant at, and curator of the botanical museum (herbarium)
in Berlin, (1834 and from 1838 respectively).

Biography: Bonplandia 8: 349 - 350. 1860.
ADB 16: 233 - 235. 1882.
DAB 1: 327 - 328. 1975.
Englera 1. 1979.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Fungi: "Herbarium mycologicum" (Hb. Phil., complete?).

KNAPP, Josef Armin 1843 - 1899
born: Alsó - Köröskény (Neutra = Nitra) died: Vienna
Botanist, initially in Klausenburg (Cluj) and later at the natural history museum in Vienna.

Biography: ASCH. & GR. 6 (1): 733. 1904.
GOMBOCZ 1936: 486.
GOET: Yugoslavia: "Iter Bosniacum," 1869 (Hb. Gris.).

KNEUCKER, Johann Andreas 1862 - 1946
born and died in Wenkheim
Teacher in Karlsruhe (until 1923). Curator of the county collection for natural history in Baden.
Botanist (flora specialist and systematist). Travelled in the Alps, to S and SE Europe and to the
Sinai peninsula. Founder of the "Allgemeinen Botanischen Zeitschrift". Published several

Biography: Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. Südwestdeutschl. 2: 3 - 15. 1937; 8: 13 - 15. 1950 (?).
Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 28: 299. 1955.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 68a: 216. 1955.
Herbarium: KR
GOET: "Carices exsiccati" ed. A. KNEUCKER (acc. ca. 1952). 13 instalments each with
30 numbers, one supplemental with numbers 1-50 (some numbers in the second
edition, a few are missing).

KNIGHT, Charles ca. 181 - 1895
died: New Zealand
English auditor - general in New Zealand. Lichenologist.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Herbarium: BM
GOET: Bryophytes, New Zealand, ca. 1866 (Hb. Solms.).

KNY, Carl Ignaz Leopold 1841 - 1916
born: Breslau died: Berlin
Botanist (anatomy, physiology, development history from cryptogams). Studied in Breslau, Munich
and Berlin (A. BRAUN's student). Prof. of botany at the university and agricultural institute in Berlin.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 34: (58) - (71). 1916.
Sitz. - Ber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 1916 (7): 183 - 188.
Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cultur 94, I, Nekr.: 18. 1917.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 243.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Bryophytes, Madeira (Hb. Solms).

KOCH, Karl (Carl) Heinrich Emil 1809 - 1879
born: Ettersberg near Weimar died: Berlin
Dr. med, and Dr. phil. Botanist (flora of the Far East, dendrology). 1836 / 37 and 1843 / 44;
expeditions in Caucasus and NE - Turkey. 1836; lecturer and later extraordinary prof. at the
university of Jena. At the university of Berlin from 1847. At the Berlin botanical gardens and
museum from 1849 onwards.

Biography: Monatsschr. Ver. Beförd. Gartenbaues Kgl. Preuß. Staaten 22: 361 - 388. 1879.
Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cultur 57: 471 - 472. 1880.
ADB 16: 395 - 398. 1882.
Englera 1. 1979.
Herbarium: B, mostly destroyed, see also ULBRICH, E. 1917, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-
Dahlem 7: 420 - 434. LACK, H. W. 1978: Willdenowia 8: 431 - 438.
GOET: Turkey, Caucasus, importantly; Gramineae and Compositae (Hb. Gris.), a few

Itinerary: EDMUNDSON, J.R. & H. W. LACK 1977: The Turkish and Caucasian
collections of C. Koch I: Turkey. - Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 35: 321
LACK, H. W. 1978: The Turkish and Caucasian Collections of C. KOCH II:
Caucasia. - Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 37: 79 - 94.

KOCH, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph 1771 - 1849
born: Kusel (Cusel) died: Erlangen
Doctor and botanist (important flora specialist). Doctor in Trarbach and, from 1797, in
Kaiserslautern. 1824; Prof. of medicine and botany in Erlangen. Most important work; "Synopsis
florae germanicae et helveticae" (3 editions 1836 - 57).

Biography: Flora 32: 712 - 720. 1849.
Bot. Zeitung. 8: 26 - 29. 1850.
Jahresber. Pollichia 8: 36 - 46. 1850.
ADB 16: 402 - 405. 1882.
Hoppea 61: 833-852 (Bresinsky-Festschrift). 2000/2001.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 245.
Herbarium: L (Fl. Germ.), ER
GOET: A few specimens from Palatinate (Hb. Mey.).


Biography: No further information has been found. Most definitely not Georg Ludwig
KOELER (1764 - 1807).
GOET: Anatolia, mostly "pr. Trapezuntem" (acc. 1845).

KOERBER, Gustav Wilhelm 1817 - 1885
born: Hirschberg in Silesia died: Breslau
1842; teacher and then head teacher in Breslau. 1846; private lecturer, 1873; extraordinary prof. at
the university of Breslau. Important lichenologist.

Biography: Bot. Centralbl. 23: 203 - 204; 24: 282 - 283. 1885.
Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cultur 63: 429 - 431. 1886.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 245-246.
Herbarium: L
GOET: "Lichenes selecti Germanici" (complete? Hb. Solms).

KOHAUT, Franz - 1822
born: Neuhaus in Bohemia died: in Senegal
Gardener, plant collector. 1817 - 18; accompanied SIEBER to Crete, Egypt and Palastine.
1819 - 21; contracted to collect specimens in Martinique.

Biography: MAIWALD 1904: 113 - 116.
Symb. Ant. 3: 68 - 69. 1902.
GOET: SIEBER (ed.), Fl. Martinicensis.

KOPPE, Fritz 1896 - 1981
born: Zempelkowo /West Prussia died: Bielefeld
Teacher, 1916 - 19 in Kulm on the Weichsel. Studied in Jena and Kiel. 1930; teacher in Bielefeld
(senior teacher). Botanist (bryologist, flora).

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Natur u. Heimat, Münster 37: 33 - 42. 1977; 41: 94 - 95. 1981.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 247-251.
Herbarium: STU
GOET: Bryophytes. A few specimens, mostly in Westphalia (partly together with his
brother Karl KOPPE, died 1980 while collecting). (Hb. Pitz).

KORTHALS, Pieter Willem 1807 - 1892
born: Amsterdam died: Haarlem
Botanist at the herbarium in Leiden. 1831 - 37; collected in Malasia.

Biography: Fl. Males. ser. I. 1: 295 - 298. 1950.
Herbarium: L
GOET: Pteridophytes from Sumatra, Borneo (Hb. Gris.).


Herbarium: B (following Index herbar. Coll. only in B!, †)
GOET: A few specimens, palmae (Hb. Herr.), type from Malortiea koschnyana Wndl.
et Damm.

KOTSCHY, Carl Georg Theodor 1813 - 1866
born: Ostrau near Tetschen (Austria, Silesia). died: Vienna

Plant collector and botanist. Assistant at (from 1847), and curator of (from 1852), the herbarium at
the natural history museum in Vienna (botanical display cabinet). Expeditions in NE Africa, Far
East and in the Alps.

Biography: Österr. Bot. Z. 16: 233 - 236. 1866.
Almanach Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 17: 251 - 264. 1867.
O. KOTSCHY in SCHWEINFURTH, Reliquiae Kotschyanae VII - XL.
1868. [engl. in Sudan Notes & Records 25: 109-121. 1942].
Taxon 9: 33 - 35. 1960.
Herbarium: W, BP
GOET: Africa "Iter Nubicum, 1839. U.i. 1841" (Hb. Gris.).
Turkey: "In monte Tauro, 1836" (Hb. Gris.).
Syrian - Iraq: "Pl. alepp. kurd. moss." Ed. HOHENACKER 1843 (Hb.
Turkey: "Iter Cilicicum in Tauri alpes Bulgar Dagh. 1853" (Hb. Gris.).
Iran: "Pl. Pers. austr." & "Pl. Pers. bor.", ed. HOHENACKER 1845 / 46
(Hb. Gris.).
Carinthia: "Plantae Transylvanicae Herbarii Schott", 1850 (Hb. Gris.).

Several revisions of the collection from the Far East, including; BOISSIER 1843 - 59, Diagnoses
plantarum orientalium novarum. - Numerous isotypes included.

KOVÁTS, Julius von SZENT-LÉLEK 1815 - 1873
born: Ofen (Buda) died: Pest (Budapest)
Botanist. 1835 - 50 in Vienna. Published several exsiccatae. Curator of the national museum in

Biography: Österr. Bot. Z. 23: 354. 1873.
GOET: Lower Austria (Hb. Pae., Roth).

KRALIK, Jean - Louis 1813 - 1892
born: Strasbourg died: Tresserve (Savoie)
Botanist. Initially teacher (prof.) in Strasbourg and then curator of the WEBB herbarium and later
(1855 - 85) of the COSSON herbarium. Collected specimens on several expeditions including in
north Africa.

Biography COSSON 1881: 53 - 54.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France 39: 169 - 170. 1892.
Herbarium: P, PC
GOET: North Africa: "Pl. Algerienses selectae", 1858 (Hb. Gris.); "Pl. Tunetanae"
(acc. 1872); Egypt.

KRAUSE, Arthur 1851 - 1921
born: Polish - Konopath near Schwetz (west Prussia) died: Berlin
Teacher at an "Oberrealschule" in Berlin. Carried out a botanical - ethnological expedition together
with his brother Aurel (contracted by the Bremen geographical society).

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 63: 105 - 106. 1922.
Introduction in: "Zur Tschuktschen Halbinsel und zu den Tlinkit-Indianern
1881/82. Reisetagebücher und Briefe von Aurel und Arthur Krause." Berlin:
Reimer. 1984 FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 254-255.
GOET: "Aurel and Arthur KRAUSE, Reise nach der Tschuktschen - Halbinsel 1881" &
"Reisen im südöstlichen Alaska 1882" (Hb. Pae.).

Revisions: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 327 - 493. 1894 (F. KURTZ).

KRAUSE, Hermann - 1867)
born: Leipzig died: Guayaqil/Ecuador
Pharmacist (Dr. ?). Collected (only mosses ?) in Chile and Ecuador.

Biography: FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 256.
GOET: Bryophytes from Chile, ca. 1863" bryophytes, Ecuador (Hb. Solms).

Revisions: LORENTZ, P. G. 1864: Moosstudien. Leipzig; 1866:Musci frondosi in Chile
prope Valdiviam et prope Corral lecti per Dr. Krause. Bot. Zeitung. 24: 185
– 189; 1868: Musci frondosi a clarissimo H. Krause in Ecuador, prov. Loja
collecti. Bot. Zeitung. 26: 793 - 800, 809 - 822.

KRÖSCHE, Ernst 1865 - 1945
born: Fallersleben died: Stadtoldendorf
Teacher in Stadtoldendorf

GOET: Lower Saxony (a few specimens in Hb. Hild.).

KRÜGER, Ernst 1860 - 1942
born and died in Eisenach
Teacher in Sünna near Vacha and, from 1897, in Eisenach. Bryologist.

Biography: Hercynia 3: 345. 1944.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 259.
Herbarium: JE
GOET: Bryophytes: Duplicate of his moss herbarium, 17 fascicle (acc. 1954), also
included are numerous specimens from P. JANZEN and a few others.
Collections from KRÜGER from several places including Thüringen (near
Eisenach, ca. 1900 - 1930), upper Bavaria, Rhön.

KÜTZING, Friedrich Traugott 1807 - 1893
born: Ritteberg (Helme) died: Nordhausen
Pharmacist. 1835; teacher for natural history at the "Realschule" in Nordhausen. Phycologist.
1835; expedition to Italy.

Biography: ADB 51: 460 - 461. 1906.
MÜLLER, R. H. W. & R. ZAUNICK (Edit.) 1960: Friedrich Traugott
Kützing. Aufzeichnungen und Erinnerungen. Leipzig.
Herbarium: Algae in B (†) and L
GOET Yugoslavia, Italy, Switzerland (1835) (Herb. Vo.).

KUHBIER, Manfred Heinrich 1934 -
born: Lüdenscheid
Initially involved in agriculture (temporarily in botanical gardens). Head of the botany department at
the Überseemuseum in Bremen since 1959. Collected in several places including on Ibiza
(Pityusen) several times since 1969 and in Costa Rica in 1971. Research interests include flora
and vegetation of north west Germany (also adventive flora) and the Pityusen.

Biography: information provided by himself
Herbarium: BREM
GOET: NW Germany, adventive flora from Bremen. Pityusen (with G. FINSCHOW)
1970 - 73, Corfu 1977. Costa Rica 1971 (esp. pteridopytes).

Revisions: Ibiza-Studien. Veröffentl. Überseemuseum Bremen Reihe A. 5: 1 - 37. 1978.

KUNKEL, Günther 1928 -
born: Mittenwalde (Mark Brandenburg)
Emigrated to south America in 1951 / 52. Several positions including technical assistant in Chile.
Autodidactic botany training. Lived on Juan Fernandez for a while. 1961 - 63; forest botanist in
Liberia. 1964 - 77; on Gran Canaria (head of a botanical garden) before taking up residence in
southern Spain.

Biography: Willdenowia 2: 420 - 424, 634. 1960 - see also introduction to G. KUNKEL
1980, Die Kanarischen Inseln und ihre Pflanzenwelt. (The Canary islands and
their flora) Stuttgart.
Herbarium: G
GOET: Canaries: "Exsiccati Selecti Flora Canariensis" No. 1 - 100.

KUNTZE, Carl Ernst Otto 1843 - 1907
born: Leipzig died: San Remo
Chemist and botanist. Owner of a factory producing essential oils. Several expeditions (1874 - 76
world tour, 1891 - 93 south America etc.). Nomenclature reformer.

Biography: Fl.Males. ser.I. 1: 305 -?. 1950.
GRUMMANN 1974: 25.
Brittonia 32: 551-571. 1980.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 263-264.
Herbarium: NY (European collection: CHARL).
GOET: Italy 1885 (Hb. Roth, Vo.).

KURTZ, Friedrich (Frederico) 1854 - 1920
born: Berlin died: Córdoba (Argentina)
Botanist. Assistant at the botanical gardens and museum and mineralogy museum in Berlin.
Worked as prof. of botany at the university of Córdoba from 1894.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 38: (78) - (85). 1920.
Kurtziana 1: 1 - 2. 1961 (The journal was named after KURTZ).
Englera 1: 72. 1979.
Herbarium: CORD
GOET: Central Europe (including; Mark Brandenburg, Riesengebirge, Tyrol,
Switzerland), ca. 1867 - 75 (Hb. Pae., Roth).