Olexiy Kochubey


College / University

Dniepropetrovsk National University

Highest Degree

Master of Science

Major Subjects

Biophysics, mathematical modelling, engineering





  • 09/1999 – 06/2001: "Construction and studies of stochastic mathematical models of neurons"; in the project "Mechanisms of coupling of electrogenesis and shape in developing nervous cells", Research Lab. of Biophysics and Bioelectronics, Dept. of Exp. Physics, DNU. The results were included in B.Sc. thesis"Stochastic model of population of ionic channels" and M.Sc. thesis"Stochastic models of neuronal activity"
  • 07/2001 – 09/2001: position as Junior Researcher in the same laboratory


Korogod SM, Kochubey OO, Kulagina IB, and Savtchenko LP (2000) Spatial effects of distributed synaptic input to active dendrites (deterministic vs stochastic models). 3rd European Biophysics Congress, Munchen, Germany 9-13 Sep., 2000, Abstr. EBJ with Biophys. Letters, 29(4-5): 352.

Scholarships / Awards

2001 – 2002: Carl Zeiss Stipend
1999 – 2001: Scholarship of the Parliament of Ukraine


I am interested in mechanisms of signal transformation and transmission within the brain at the molecular and cellular levels. Membrane biophysics and electrophysiology as well as molecular biology give us the way to detailed understanding of this self-organizing system and the philosophy of life. I believe in mathematical modelling of biophysical processes to be the best instrument of life cognition in addition to the real experiments.