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Wildermuth, B., Penanhoat, A., Sennhenn-Reulen, H., Matevski, D., Drescher, J., Aubry-Kientz, M., Seidel, D., Schuldt, A. (2024) Canopy structure influences arthropod communities within and beyond tree identity effects: Insights from combining LiDAR data, insecticidal fogging and machine learning regression modelling. Ecological Indicators,
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Li, Y., Du, Y.-B., Chen, J.-T., Wang, M.-Q., Guo, S.-K., Schuldt, A., Luo, A., Guo, P.-F., Mi, X.-C., Liu, X.-J., Ma, K.-P., Bruelheide, H., Chesters, D., Liu, X., Zhu, C.-D. (2023) Tree dissimilarity determines multi-dimensional beta-diversity of herbivores and carnivores via bottom-up effects. Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (2), 442-453
Li, Y., Schmid, B., Schuldt, A., Li, S., Wang, M.-Q., Fornoff, F., Staab, M., Guo, P.-F., Anttonen, P., Chesters, D., Bruelheide, H., Zhu, C.-D., Ma, K., Liu, X. (2023) Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology & Evolution
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Mezzomo, P., Weinhold, A., Aurová, K., Jorge, L. R., Kozel, P., Michálek, J., Nováková, N., Seifert, C. L., Volfová, T., Juha-, M. E., Salminen, P., Sedio, B. E. & Volf, M. (2023). Leaf volatile and nonvolatile metabolites show different levels of specificity in response to herbivory. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10123
Schuldt, A., Liu, X., Buscot, F., Bruelheide, H., Erfmeier, A., He, J.-S., Klein, A.-M., Ma, K., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Scholten, T., Tang, Z., Trogisch, S., Wirth, C., Wubet, T., Staab, M. (2023) Carbon–biodiversity relationships in a highly diverse subtropical forest. Global Change Biology
Seifert, C.L., Strutzenberger, P. & Fiedler, K. (2023) How do host plant use and seasonal life cycle relate to insect body size: A case study on European geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36 (5), 743-752.
Wang, M.-Q., Wen, Z., Ke, J., Chesters, D., Li, Y., Chen, J.-T., Luo, A., Shi, X., Zhou, Q.-S., Liu, X-J., Ma, K., Bruelheide, H., Schuldt, A., Zhu, C.-D., (2023) Tree communities and functional traits determine herbivore compositional turnover. Oecologia, 203, 205-218.
Wildermuth, B., Dönges, C., Matevski, D., Penanhoat, A., Seifert, C. L., Seidel, D., Scheu, S. & Schuldt, A. (2023) Tree species identity, canopy structure and prey availability differentially affect canopy spider diversity and trophic composition. Oecologia, 203, 37-51.
Wildermuth, B., Fardiansah, R., Matevski, D., Lu, J.-Z., Kriegel, P., Scheu, P., Schuldt, A. (2023) Conifers and non-native tree species shift trophic niches of generalist arthropod predators in Central European beech forests. BMC Ecology and Evolution 23,
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Huang, Y., Schuldt, A., Hönig, L., Yang, B., Liu, X., Bruelheide, H., Ma, KP., Schmid, B., Niklaus, P. (2022) Effects of enemy exclusion on biodiversity-productivity relationships in a subtropical forest experiment. Journal of Ecology, 110 (9), 2167-2178.
Kozel, P., Leong, J.V., Malenovský, I., Sumpich, J., Macek, J., Michálek, J., Nováková, N., Sedio B.E., Seifert, C.L. & Volf, M. (2022) Specialised chemistry affects insect abundance but not overall community similarity in three rare shrub willows: Salix myrtilloides, S. repens and S. rosmarinifolia. European Journal of Entomology, 119, 368-378.
Leong, J.V., Jorge, L.R., Seifert, C.L. & Volf, M. (2022) Quantity and specialisation matter: effects of quantitative and qualitative variation in willow chemistry on resource preference in leaf‐chewing insects. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 15, 453–460.
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Schuldt, A., Huke, P., Glatthorn, J., Hagge, J., Wildermuth, B., Matevski, D. (2022) Tree mixtures mediate negative effects of introduced tree species on bird taxonomic and functional diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (12), 3049-3060
Seibold, S., Weisser, W.W., Ambarlı, D., Gossner, M.M., Mori, A.S., Cadotte, M.W., Hagge, J., Bässler, C. & Thorn, S. (2022) Drivers of community assembly change during succession in wood‐decomposing beetle communities. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Seifert, C.L., Strutzenberger, P. & Fiedler, K. (2022) Ecological specialisation and range size determine intraspecific body size variation in a speciose clade of insect herbivores. OIKOS, 2022:e09338, 1-9.
Seifert, C.L., Strutzenberger, P., Hausmann, A. & Fiedler, K. (2022) Dietary specialization mirrors Rapoport's rule in European geometrid moths. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31, 1161-1171.
Tang, T., Zhang, N., Bongers, F. J., Staab, M., Schuldt, A. Fornoff, F., Lin, H., Cavender-Bares, J., Hipp, A., Li, S., Liang, Y., Han, B., Klein, A.-M., Bruelheide, H., Durka, W., Schmid, B., Ma, K., Liu, X. (2022) Tree species and genetic diversity increase productivity via functional diversity and trophic feedbacks. eLife
Thom, D., Ammer, C., Annighöfer, P., Aszalós, R., Dittrich, S., Hagge, J., Keeton, W.S., Kovacs, B., Krautkrämer, O., Müller, J., von Oheimb, G. & Seidl, R. (2022) Regeneration in European beech forests after drought: the effects of microclimate, deadwood and browsing. European Journal of Forest Research.
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Wang MQ, Li Y, Chesters D, Bruelheide H, Ma KP, Guo PF, Zhou QS, Staab M, Zhu CD, Schuldt A (2020) Host functional and phylogenetic composition rather than host diversity structure plant-herbivore networks. Molecular Ecology.
Biedermann, P. H. W., Müller, J., Grégoire, J.-C., Gruppe, A., Hagge, J., Hammerbacher, A., Hofstetter, R., Kandasamy, D., Kolarik, M., Kostovcik, M., Krokene, P., Sallé, A., Six, D. L., Turrini, T., Vanderpool, D., Wingfield, M., & Bässler, C. (2019). Bark beetle population dynamics in the Anthropocene: challenges and solutions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34, 914–924.
Eisenhauer N, Schielzeth H, Barnes AD, Barry K, Bonn A, Brose U, Bruelheide H, Buchmann N, Buscot F, Ebeling A, Ferlian O, Freschet GT, Giling DP, Hättenschwiler S, Hillebrand H, Hines J, Isbell F, Koller-France E, König-Ries B, de Kroon H, Meyer ST, Milcu A, Müller J, Nock CA, Petermann JS, Roscher C, Scherber C, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, Schnitzer SA, Schuldt A, Tscharntke T, Türke M, van Dam NM, van der Plas F, Vogel A, Wagg C, Wardle DA, Weigelt A, Weisser WW, Wirth C, Jochum M (2019) A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. Advances in Ecological Research. 61: 1-54 DOI: 10.1016/bs.aecr.2019.06.001
Gehlken, B. (2019) "Der Wiesenwachs ist unbeträchtlich (…) Schaafe sind nur wenige". Die Verkoppelung in Blankenhagen (ab 1851) - Northeimer Jahrbuch 84. JG.: 59-74. Northeim
Gehlken, B., Sauerwein, B., Vollmuth, D. (2019) Die Teichbodenvegetation (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1942 ex Westhoff et al. 1946) der Edertalsperre - Philippia 17/4: 349-401. Kassel
Hagge, J., Bässler, C., Gruppe, A., Hoppe, B., Kellner, H., Krah, F., Müller, J., Seibold, S., Stengel, E., Thorn, S. (2019). Bark coverage shifts assembly processes of microbial decomposer communities in dead wood. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286, 20191744
Hagge, J., Müller, J., Bässler, C., Biebl, S.S., Brandl, R., Drexler, M., Gruppe, A., Hotes, S., Hothorn, T., Langhammer, P., Stark, H., Wirtz, R., Zimmerer, V., & Mysterud, A., (2019). Deadwood retention in forests lowers short-term browsing pressure on silver fir saplings by overabundant deer. Forest Ecology and Management, 451, 117531.
Hagge, J., Abrego, N., Bässler, C., Bouget, C., Brin, A., Brustel, H., Christensen, M., Gossner, M. M., Heilmann-Clausen, J., Horak, J., Gruppe, A., Isacsson, G., Köhler, F., Lachat, T., Larrieu, L., Schlaghamersky, J., Thorn, S., Zapponi, L., & Müller, J. (2019). Congruent patterns of functional diversity in saproxylic beetles and fungi across European beech forests. Journal of Biogeography, 46, 1054–1065.
Hagge, J., Seibold, S., & Gruppe, A. (2019). Beetle biodiversity in anthropogenic landscapes with a focus on spruce plantations, Christmas tree plantations and maize fields. Journal of Insect Conservation, 23, 565–572.
Hagge, J., Leibl, F., Müller, J., Plechinger, M., Soutinho, J. G., & Thorn, S. (2019). Reconciling pest control, nature conservation and recreation in coniferous forests. Conservation Letters, 12, e12615.
Hagge, J., Leibl, F., Müller, J., Plechinger, M., & Thorn, S. (2019). Streifenförmige Entrindung bekämpft Buchdrucker in bereits befallenen Fichten. ANLiegen Natur, 41, 157–162.
Hotes, S., Hagge, J., Härtl, F., Sacher, P., Simons, N. (2019): Biodiversitätsstrategien in Wäldern: Das BioHolz-Projekt. AFZ-Der Wald, 16, 16–20.
Hülsmann M, Boutaud E, Buse J, Schuldt A, Assmann T (2019) Land-use legacy and tree age in continuous woodlands: weak effects on overall ground beetle assemblages, but strong effects on two threatened species. Journal of Insect Conservation 23: 623-633. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-019-00156-8
Nolte D, Boutaud E, Kotze DJ, Schuldt A, Assmann T (2019) Habitat specialization, distribution range size and body size drive extinction risk in carabid beetles. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 1267-1283
Richter, T., Jestädt, K., Leitl, R., Linner, J., Müller, J., & Hagge, J. (2019). Roost tree selection of the barbastelle bat (Barbastella barbastellus) in the Bavarian Forest National Park and an evaluation of sampling methods. Nyctalus, (accepted)
Schuldt A, Ebeling A, Kunz M, Staab M, Guimarães-Steinicke C, Bachmann D, Buchmann N, Durka W, Fichtner A, Fornoff F, Härdtle W, Hertzog L, Klein AM, Roscher C, Schaller J, von Oheimb G, Weigelt A, Weisser W, Wirth C, Zhang J, Bruelheide H, Eisenhauer N (2019) Multiple plant diversity components drive consumer communities across ecosystems. Nature Communications 10: 1460. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09448-8
Wang MQ, Li Y, Chesters D, Anttonen P, Bruelheide H, Chen JT, Durka W, Guo PF, Härdtle W, Ma KP, Michalski SG, Schmid B, von Oheimb G, Wu CS, Zhang NL, Zhou QS, Schuldt A, Zhu CD (2019) Multiple components of plant diversity loss determine herbivore phylogenetic diversity in a subtropical forest experiment. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13273
Albrecht, J., Hagge, J., Schabo, D., Schaefer, H. M., & Farwig, N. (2018). Reward regulation in plant–frugivore networks requires only weak cues. Nature Communications, 9, 4838.
Binkenstein J, Klein AM, Assmann T, Buscot F, Erfmeier A, Ma K, Pietsch K, Schmidt K, Scholten T, Wubet T, Bruelheide H, Schuldt A, Staab M (2018) Trophic guilds respond differently to changing elevation in a subtropical forest. Ecography 41: 1013-1023
Gehlken, B. (2018) Begriffliche Versaumungen. Der Saum als "Struktur" oder Symbol. - Notizbuch 89 'Symposien der AG Freiraum und Vegetation 2015 und 2017': 131-145. Kassel
Gehlken, B. (2018) Vegetationskunde und Landnutzungsgeschichte, Eine landschaftsgeschichtliche Spurensuche vor der Haustür. Notizbuch 89 'Symposien der AG Freiraum und Vegetation 2015 und 2017': 203-219. Kassel
Gehlken, B. (2018): Wald und Landschaft. - Notizbuch 88 'Symposien der AG Freiraum und Vegetation 2012-2014': 92-202. Kassel.
Gehlken, B. (2018): Zur 'Ehrenrettung' des Rezeptes. - Notizbuch 88 'Symposien der AG Freiraum und Vegetation 2012-2014': 76-83. Kassel.
Grossman JJ, Vanhellemont M, Barsoum N, Bauhus J, Bruelheide H, Castagneyrol B, Cavender-Bares J, Eisenhauer N, Ferlian O, Gravel D, Hector A, Jactel H, Kreft H, Mereu S, Messier C, Muys B, Nock C, Paquette A, Parker J, Perring MP, Ponette Q, Reich PB, Schuldt A, Staab M, Weih M, Zemp DC, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Verheyen K (2018) Synthesis and future research directions linking tree diversity to growth, survival, and damage in a global network of tree diversity experiments. Environmental and Experimental Botany 152: 68-89
Hagge, J., Simons, N., Weisser, W. W., Thorn, S., Seibold, S., Gruppe, A., & Müller, J. (2018). Biodiversity and ecosystem services in forest - the ‘BioHolz’ project.5th European Congress of Conservation Biology.
Huang Y, Chen Y, Castro-Izaguirre N, Baruffol M, Brezzi M, Lang A, Li Y, Härdtle W, von Oheimb G, Yang X, Liu X, Pei K, Both S, Yang B, Eichenberg D, Assmann T, Bauhus J, Behrens T, Buscot F, Chen X-Y, Chesters D, Ding B-Y, Durka W, Erfmeier A, Fang J, Fischer M, Guo L-D, Guo D, Gutknecht JLM, He J-S, He C-L, Hector A, Hönig L, Hu R-Y, Klein A-M, Kühn P, Liang Y, Li S, Michalski S, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmidt K, Scholten T, Schuldt A, Shi X, Tan M-Z, Tang Z, Trogisch S, Wang Z, Welk E, Wirth C, Wubet T, Xiang W, Yu M, Yu X-D, Zhang J, Zhang S, Zhang N, Zhou H-Z, Zhu C-D, Zhu L, Bruelheide H, Ma K, Niklaus PA, Schmid B Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science 362: 80–83
Schuldt A, Assmann T, Brezzi M, Buscot F, Eichenberg D, Gutknecht J, Härdtle W, He JS, Klein AM, Kühn P, Liu X, Ma K, Niklaus PA, Pietsch KA, Purahong W, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, Scholten T, Staab M, Tang Z, Trogisch S, Oheimb G von, Wirth C, Wubet T, Zhu CD, Bruelheide H (2018) iodiversity across trophic levels drives multifunctionality in highly diverse forests. Nature Communications 9:2989. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05421-z
Seibold, S.*, Hagge, J.*, Müller, J., Gruppe, A., Brandl, R., Bässler, C., & Thorn, S. (2018). Experiments with dead wood reveal the importance of dead branches in the canopy for saproxylic beetle conservation. Forest Ecology and Management, 409, 564–570.
* These authors contributed equally to this study.
Thorn, S., Müller, J., Hagge, J., & Becka, P. (2018). Drázkování – cesta k zachování druhové rozmanitosti.Šumava, Jaro, 10–11. ISSN: 0862-5166
Yang B, Li B, He Y, Zhang L, Bruelheide H, Schuldt A (2018) Tree diversity has contrasting effects on predation rates by birds and arthropods on three broadleaved, subtropical tree species. Ecological Research 33: 205-212
Brezzi M, Schmid B, Niklaus P, Schuldt A (2017) Tree diversity increases levels of herbivore damage in a subtropical forest canopy: evidence for dietary mixing by arthropods? Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 13-27
Gehlken, B. & Vollmuth, D. (2017): Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Cochlearia danica L. In der Umgebung von Göttingen. - Floristische Rundbriefe 51: 8-21. Bochum.
Gehlken, B. (2017): Zur synsystematischen Stellung der oberharzer Teichbodenvegetation (Isoëto-Nanojuncetea). - Hercynia 50: 1-30. Halle.
Gehlken, B. (2017): Von der Ohn-Macht zum Spektakel. Die Instrumentalisierung der Subsistenz im 'Urban Gardening'. - Notizbuch 90 'Über die Arbeit': 103-114. Kassel.
Gossner, M., Hagge, J., & Seibold, S. (2017). Lamprodema maura (FABRICIUS, 1803) – Erstnachweis für Deutschland aus dem Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald (Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae, Megalontini). Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen, 66, 93–97.
Nolte D, Schuldt A, Gossner MM, Ulrich W, Assmann T (2017) Functional traits drive ground beetle community structures in Central European forests: implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 213: 5-12
O’Brien MJ, Brezzi M, Schuldt A, Zhang J, Ma K, Schmid B, Niklaus PA (2017) Tree diversity drives diversity of arthropod herbivores but successional stage mediates detritivores. Ecology & Evolution 7: 8753–8760
Schuldt A, Fornoff F, Bruelheide H, Klein AM, Staab M (2017) Tree species richness attenuates the positive relationship between mutualistic ant-hemipteran interactions and leaf chewer herbivory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20171489. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1489
Schuldt A, Hönig L, Li Y, Fichtner A, Härdtle W, von Oheimb G, Welk E, Bruelheide H (2017) Herbivore and pathogen effects on tree growth are additive, but mediated by tree diversity and plant traits. Ecology & Evolution 7: 7462-7474
Schuldt A, Bruelheide H, Assmann T, Buscot F, Erfmeier A, Klein AM, Ma K, Scholten T, Staab M, Wirth C, Zhang J, Wubet T (2017) Belowground top-down and aboveground bottom-up effects structure multitrophic community relationships in a biodiverse forest. Scientific Reports 7: 4222. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04619-3
Trogisch S, Schuldt A, Bauhus J, Blum J, Both S, Buscot F, Castro-Izaguirre N, Chesters D, Durka W, Eichenberg D, Erfmeier A, Fischer M, Geißler C, Germany M, Goebes P, Gutknecht J, Hahn C, Haider S, Härdtle W, He JS, Hector A, Hönig L, Huang Y, Klein AM, Kühn P, Kunz M, Leppert K, Li Y, Liu X, Niklaus P, Pei Z, Pietsch K, Prinz R, Proß T, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmidt K, Scholten T, Seitz S, Song Z, Staab M, von Oheimb G, Weißbecker C, Welk E, Wirth C, Wubet T, Yang B, Zhu CD, Schmid B, Ma K, Bruelheide H: Towards a methodical framework for comprehensively assessing forest multifunctionality. Ecology & Evolution 7: 10652–10674
Zhang J, Bruelheide H, Chen X, Eichenberg D, Kröber W, Xu X, Xu L, Schuldt A (2017) Tree diversity promotes generalist herbivore community patterns in a young subtropical forest experiment. Oecologia 183: 455-467
Gehlken, B. (2016): Vegetationskundige Basteleien. - Notizbuch 87 'Vegetationskundliche 'Bastelarbeiten': 7-13. Kassel.
Gehlken, B., Greulich-Blaß, M., Heinzen, S., Hülbusch, K.H., Lorberg, F., Sauerwein, B., Schulz, M., Sohn, G., Volz, H. (2016): Oderreise. - Notizbuch 87 'Vegetationskundliche 'Bastelarbeiten': 14-126. Kassel.
Gehlken, B., Greulich-Blaß, M., Mölleken, H., Schröder, I. & Vollmuth, D. (2016): Turbo-Mais und Dauer-Wald. Eine Reise in den 'weichen' Fläming. - Notizbuch 87 'Vegetationskundliche 'Bastelarbeiten': 127-183. Kassel.
Gehlken, B., van Aken, T., Kluge, S.-L., Melzer. K. (2016): Die Vegetation der Feldwegränder in der Umgebung von Göttingen. - Notizbuch 87 Vegetationskundliche 'Bastelarbeiten': 217-253. Kassel.
Gehlken, B. (2016): Die soziologische Abgrenzung und Untergliederung des Diantho deltoides-Armerietum elongatae Krausch ex Pötsch1962 und verwandter staudischer Sandtrockenrasen des Verbandes Armerion elongatae. - Notizbuch 87 'Vegetationskundliche 'Bastelarbeiten': 193-216. Kassel.
Gehlken, B. & Sauerwein, B. (2016): Schlimmer geht immer. Kommentar zu Weiss (2015). Die rote Pest aus grüner Sicht. - Notizbuch 87 'Vegetationskundliche 'Bastelarbeiten': 254-255. Kassel.
Hagge, J. (2016). Atmung bei aquatischen Käfern: Lebensweise und morphologische Anpassungen bei Schilfkäfern Donacia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Naturkundliche Beiträge des DJN, 38, 1–3.
Schuldt A, Wubet T, Buscot F, Staab M, Assmann T, Böhnke-Kammerlander M, Both S, Erfmeier A, Klein AM, Ma K, Pietsch K, Schultze S, Wirth C, Zhang J, Zumstein P, Bruelheide H (2015) Multitrophic diversity in a biodiverse forest is highly nonlinear across spatial scales. Nature Communications 6: 10169. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10169
Schuldt A, Bruelheide H, Härdtle W, Assmann T, Li Y, Ma K, von Oheimb G, Zhang J (2015) Early positive effects of tree species richness on herbivory in a large-scale forest biodiversity experiment influence tree growth. Journal of Ecology 103: 563-571
Schuldt A, Staab M (2015) Tree species richness strengthens relationships between ants and the functional composition of spider assemblages in a highly diverse forest. Biotropica 47: 339-346
Seitz S, Goebes P, Zumstein P, Schuldt A, Assmann T, Kühn P, Niklaus P, Scholten T (2015) The influence of leaf litter diversity and soil fauna on initial soil erosion in subtropical forests. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40: 1439-1447
Assmann T, Drees C, Härdtle W, Klein A, Schuldt A, von Oheimb G (2014) Ökosystem und Biodiversität. In: Heinrichs H, Michelsen G (eds) Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg: 147-174
Bruelheide H, Assmann T, Bauhus J, Both S, Buscot F, Chen XY, Durka W, Erfmeier A, Gutknecht JLM, Guo D, Guo LD, Härdtle W, He JS, Klein AM, Kühn P, Michalski S, Nadrowski K, Niklaus P, Pei K, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Scholten T, Schuldt A, Seidler G, Trogisch S, von Oheimb G, Welk E, Wirth C, Wubet T, Yang X, Yu M, Zhang S, Zhou H, Fischer M, Ma K, Schmid B (2014) Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 74-89
Gehlken, B. (2014): Der ‚ideale Waldrand‘ – Vorbild, Leitbild oder Trugbild? Auf der Suche nach der Herkunft eines Phantoms. - Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitschrift (5/6): 128-140.
Gehlken, B. (2014): Ergänzungen der Grünlandbibliographie. - Notizbuch 84 'Buchstützen 2': 70-85. Kassel.
Gehlken, B. (2014): Erfahrungen mit der Heuernte im erweiterten Garten. - Notizbuch 81 'Symposien der AG Freiraum 2009-2012': 43-54. Kassel.
Gehlken, B. (2014): Freiräume der Vegetationskunde. - Notizbuch 81 'Symposien der AG Freiraum 2009-2012': 205-217. Kassel. Schuldt A, Baruffol M, Bruelheide H, Chen S, Chi X, Wall M, Assmann T (2014) Woody plant phylogenetic diversity mediates bottom-up control of arthropod biomass in species-rich forests. Oecologia 176: 171-182
Härdtle W, Niemeyer T, Fichtner A, Li Y, Ries C, Schuldt A, Walmsley D. von Oheimb G (2014) Climate imprints on tree-ring δ15N signatures of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) on soils with contrasting water availability. Ecological Indicators 45: 45-50
Homburg K, Homburg N, Schäfer F, Schuldt A, Assmann T (2014) – A dynamic online database of ground beetle species traits (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Insect Conservation and Diversity 7: 195-205
Schuldt A, Scherer-Lorenzen M (2014) Non-native tree species (Pseudotsuga menziesii) strongly decreases predator biomass and abundance in mixed-species plantations of a tree diversity experiment. Forest Ecology and Management 327: 10-17
Schuldt A, Assmann T Bruelheide H, Durka W, Eichenberg D, Härdtle W, Kröber W, Michalski SG, Purschke O (2014) Functional and phylogenetic diversity of woody plants drive herbivory in a highly diverse forest. New Phytologist 202: 864-873
Schuldt A, Bruelheide H, Durka W, Michalski SG, Purschke O, Assmann T (2014) Tree diversity promotes functional dissimilarity and maintains functional richness despite species loss in predator assemblages. Oecologia 174: 533-543
Staab M, Schuldt A, Assmann T, Bruelheide H, Klein AM (2014) Ant community structure during forest succession in a subtropical forest in South-East China. Acta Oecologica 61: 32-40
Staab M, Schuldt A, Assmann T, Klein AM (2014) Tree diversity promotes predator but not omnivore ants in a subtropical Chinese forest. Ecological Entomology 39: 637-647