SEP closed due to the Corona virus pandemic
Due to the spread of the corona virus, as of 16 March 2020, per orders of the president's office, all work at the University of Goettingen should be conducted from home. The only exception is for services essential to the basic functioning of the university, like IT infrastructure, etc.
Accordingly, the SEP (incl. the secretaries' offices etc.) has been closed, and our faculty's office hours will be held via e-mail.
The term papers for classes in the WiSe 20/21 have a new deadline, which has been set to 15 May 2021. Please contact your instructors for further details. All term papers submitted prior to the new deadline are to be handed in electronically (as both PDF and word-files).
The section of North American Studies wishes all of you good health and much patience in these difficult times!