Essays on community driven development in Indonesia
Under the CRC framework, I will mainly focus on the behavior of small farmers in Central Sulawesi concerning their socioeconomic activities and compare them with the national level data. Three particular research questions will be investigated. First, by analyzing the historical patterns of household migration within our survey area after the Poso conflict, and/or any horizontal conflict after that, I plan to determine how these patterns affected farmer household behavior in terms of their time preferences, trust and altruism. Hence, I will analyze how these behaviors influence farming decisions regarding crop choices, asset/land ownership, farming strategy and output. Second, I would also like to see what role the social network plays in adopting the cocoa cultivation strategy. Primarily information dealing with farmer location and social network will be used, controlling for any program intervention that had taken place before. For my third topic I will work with a larger data set consisting of national level data to identify the potential relationship between migration and land use change, and compare the results with the available micro studies.